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in Guardian

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


The reason guardian isn’t in meta right now is the one trick pony it is. It either one shots everything with its combo of traps, or just dies. I am tired of seeing one trick ponies. Could we please nerf Elite trap combo and compensate by adding some more sustained damage? True shot used to have it but it was too strong in WvW, due to it’s range and piercing ability.

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in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


So much of what you just said doesn’t make sense that it’s hard to even start. GL.

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in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

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in Guardian

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

I’ve seen 90% of diamond guardians run elite traps. They sit on a point and use traps, mostly avoid condi reapers and that’s it. Actually, the ones that use the meditation elite are usually the ones that are the easiest to kill, since they have very little counter-pressure to enemies, as the elite trap cc is one of the best thing trapper has to offer.

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in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Just because they have Diamond, doesn’t mean camping a point with traps makes them good, makes traps meta or that nerfing elite trap is a fix for whatever you have concluded is the problem. Lots of scrubs got Diamond too.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

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in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

I’ve seen 90% of diamond guardians run elite traps. They sit on a point and use traps, mostly avoid condi reapers and that’s it. Actually, the ones that use the meditation elite are usually the ones that are the easiest to kill, since they have very little counter-pressure to enemies, as the elite trap cc is one of the best thing trapper has to offer.

I’m sorry but this accusation of yours may be true in lower tier pvp but far from truth when it comes to competitive play.

Those Guardians grinded their way to Diamond, praying they’ll get a good team that can win over 1 or 2 nodes while they try “camping”.. something that Rangers do twice better in.

Necros don’t counter DH.. can out play us, sure, but definitely a 50/50 match for us. Those who can’t beat them are probably trap Guards.

Lastly, Trap Elite is not at all “counter pressure”. Counter pressure are instant burst skills like Smite Condition+ToF+Hydromancy, used immediately when some one pressures us. Maw has a cast time, making it very inefficient against 2 or more classes who focus burst+cc. Thieves alone can stun you from 100-0 health if you have no cds making Maw, again, an inefficient skill to use.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

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in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

I’ve seen 90% of diamond guardians run elite traps. They sit on a point and use traps, mostly avoid condi reapers and that’s it. Actually, the ones that use the meditation elite are usually the ones that are the easiest to kill, since they have very little counter-pressure to enemies, as the elite trap cc is one of the best thing trapper has to offer.

if at this point in the season, someone is still diamond, unless they’ve just haven’t been playing much (which would indicate they’re just casually playing pvp) , their skill is average to below average at best.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

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in Guardian

Posted by: holychampion.7386


Please do not take my next comment as a kitteny argument but the skill gap between divisions is real. I’ve done some pvp with friends who were in lower divisions and it’s true… most of them die to traps alone, have no memory of where they saw the dh put a trap and just simply can’t outmanuver a dh.
That’s the reason DH are unable to get proper balance (The thing that needs balance is guardian core, not the dh though). If you left traps to do higher damage, all unexperienced players will die to the trap combo as you said hence making trap elite (dragon’s maw) a good choice.
In higher pvp, that trap is lackluster, does not offer good CC, no good damage, and the 10 might stacks will get corrupted by an autoattack. That’s why meditation elite (Renwed focus) becomes the best choice.

Sry but I agree with Saiyan on this one.

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in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

I’ve seen 90% of diamond guardians run elite traps. They sit on a point and use traps, mostly avoid condi reapers and that’s it. Actually, the ones that use the meditation elite are usually the ones that are the easiest to kill, since they have very little counter-pressure to enemies, as the elite trap cc is one of the best thing trapper has to offer.

I’m sorry but this accusation of yours may be true in lower tier pvp but far from truth when it comes to competitive play.

Those Guardians grinded their way to Diamond, praying they’ll get a good team that can win over 1 or 2 nodes while they try “camping”.. something that Rangers do twice better in.

Necros don’t counter DH.. can out play us, sure, but definitely a 50/50 match for us. Those who can’t beat them are probably trap Guards.

Lastly, Trap Elite is not at all “counter pressure”. Counter pressure are instant burst skills like Smite Condition+ToF+Hydromancy, used immediately when some one pressures us. Maw has a cast time, making it very inefficient against 2 or more classes who focus burst+cc. Thieves alone can stun you from 100-0 health if you have no cds making Maw, again, an inefficient skill to use.

And Renewed Focus can’t be used when stunlocked by a Thief, so you’d still die in your scenario. Good job!

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in Guardian

Posted by: holychampion.7386


spoiler: literally every single decent/half good guardian do not use the elite trap.

I’ve seen 90% of diamond guardians run elite traps. They sit on a point and use traps, mostly avoid condi reapers and that’s it. Actually, the ones that use the meditation elite are usually the ones that are the easiest to kill, since they have very little counter-pressure to enemies, as the elite trap cc is one of the best thing trapper has to offer.

I’m sorry but this accusation of yours may be true in lower tier pvp but far from truth when it comes to competitive play.

Those Guardians grinded their way to Diamond, praying they’ll get a good team that can win over 1 or 2 nodes while they try “camping”.. something that Rangers do twice better in.

Necros don’t counter DH.. can out play us, sure, but definitely a 50/50 match for us. Those who can’t beat them are probably trap Guards.

Lastly, Trap Elite is not at all “counter pressure”. Counter pressure are instant burst skills like Smite Condition+ToF+Hydromancy, used immediately when some one pressures us. Maw has a cast time, making it very inefficient against 2 or more classes who focus burst+cc. Thieves alone can stun you from 100-0 health if you have no cds making Maw, again, an inefficient skill to use.

And Renewed Focus can’t be used when stunlocked by a Thief, so you’d still die in your scenario. Good job!

Sure thieves can stunlock you but if you think in advance you can anticipate their bursts and get away with it. If you happen to think what your enemies moves will be, Renewed Focus is still better than Dragon’s Maw