No, the damage is scaled with level and power, and it’s capped.
Retaliation – Reflect incoming damage back to its source; stacks duration.
Retaliation reflects damage based on level and scales with power, increasing damage by 1 for every 13.4 power. At level 80, base damage is 267.
The Wiki article does not mention anything about it being capped.
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
kaffaljidhma.1496No, the damage is scaled with level and power, and it’s crap.
Fixed it for you.
So in effect what we have here is yet another misleading tooltip right.
Retaliation is better suited for group buffs, because that damage is reflected back based on everyone who’s being hit. So if you have 5 in a group and drop retaliation, everyone is reflecting damage back onto the attacker if they’re getting hit.
If I would get hit for 2000 and Retaliation reflects back 400, I only receive 1600 damage and attacker takes 400.
20% damage reduction and X% damage per second increase. X in my case would be rather high as my own DPS sucks. How is this not awesome? Or did I miss a memo or something?
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
Retaliation – Reflect incoming damage back to its source; stacks duration.
Retaliation reflects damage based on level and scales with power, increasing damage by 1 for every 13.4 power. At level 80, base damage is 267.
The Wiki article does not mention anything about it being capped.
Wait so, for every 13.4 power of the person that has retaliation? Or for the power of the person hitting someone with retaliation..
If I would get hit for 2000 and Retaliation reflects back 400, I only receive 1600 damage and attacker takes 400.
20% damage reduction and X% damage per second increase. X in my case would be rather high as my own DPS sucks. How is this not awesome? Or did I miss a memo or something?
As my understandings go, retaliation doesnt reduce damage, only reflect it. You still take 2000.
Retaliation’s tooltip is misleading.
It doesn’t reduce or reflect any incoming damage,you still get hit for the full damage (before other midigations).
Retaliation should read: Retaliation is a boon which causes damage to attackers when hit. Retaliation bypasses armor completely and can proc from conditions on you.
As per the wiki,it scales with power, increasing damage by 1 for every 13.4 power. At level 80, base damage is 267.
Makes it deadly against classes that have fast hitting attacks and ones that apply a lot of conditions,especially stackable in intensity ones.
@Envy: I would imagine power of the person who has the Retaliation boon. Not the source (me) granting the boon, nor the attacker hitting.
@Emapudapus: Thanks for clearing that up.
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
its a DAMAGE SHIELD….. have any of you played an mmorpg before?
they only have this ability in ALL rpgs for the past 15 years…………
Heres a question about Retaliation i’d like an answer too.
Does Condition DoTs (bleeds, poision, etc etc..) cause Retaliation to proc?
As in Thief or Warlock stacks a crap ton of bleeds on you, is he hurting himself through his own DoT spell?
- Tzenjin
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
So if Retaliation does not reduce the incoming hit, i.e. you still take the full hit, it’s is not a defensive/protective/mitigation skill, it is a DPS skill.
It is misleading.
Ru says, “CHAZ!”
Simply Red tells you, “I am SO not recovering your body!”
A little rewording would go a long way.
Retaliation – Inflicts damage back to its source; stack duration.
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
@Wizardauz: In my experience Retaliation only procs off the initial spell/ability landing. Further ticks of a dot do not proc retaliation.
Thanks Kruunch!
Needed to know if Retaliation was a viable strategy/boon to us against Necro’s/Bleed Thieves. Doesnt look like it would hurt have, but its not serving its full effect then against condition dmg.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
It only procs on direct dmg hits, not condition tics.
Dmg does not scale with your Power, the dmg is different against different targets though, so either it scales with the Attacker’s Power or is just a flat amount and is reduced by Toughness.
Think of it like a super watered down D2 Thorns aura.