Rethinking my Guard

Rethinking my Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Oxxy.7068


Don’t push trait points in useless lines just to get the status bonus (zeal – aside from fiery wrath and symbolic exposure – and valor are horrible in PvE).
Don’t build tanky in PvE if you really want to be useful (aggro mechanics in this game are as random as it gets).
Take a look here –
Warrior has higher burst than guardians and better self-buffing habilities, but guardians are much stronger in a group and have more sustained dps.
Don’t ever, never, fall on the trap “if i’m using zerk gear i must forget about support”.

I think that’s all the advice i can provide. inb4 someones jumps in to say play how you want

Luminifera ~ Guardian – Trisha Blackhands ~ Thief – Hua Yue ~ Elementalist.

Rethinking my Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I play like you so I think I can help. I also do ALOT of solo stuff, mostly farming orr, etc.. (yeah I know boring stuff). If I read your thread correctly, it sounds like you want a single build for doing the Solo Orr stuff and the dungeons. I can’t stress how bad that would be. Don’t do that that. Pay the 3s50c to retrait whenever you need to.

For damage, it’s better to focus on getting your multipliers instead of dumping points into lines for stats. For example, when I do Orr solo, I’m playing around with 20/25/20/0/5 using GS and Sword/focus. I build 25 bloodlust stacks using S/F and then swap to GS with sigil of Force.

There are lots of ideas for the dungeon stuff so I won’t bother with covering that. Just to say you can do alot of damage and support the team while using Zerker if you are capable.

Oh yeah … play how you want.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Rethinking my Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Tithian.4915


I’m in exactly the same spot as you, mostly soloing and occasionally doing some group content. I’m running a S/F – Hammer build which I find is pretty versatile. Occasionally in dungeons I might swap out one weapon for a scepter. This what I’m running, bear in mind the gear is still pretty incomplete:

I’m sure a lot of people will argue that Knights armor is bad, but for me this is a sweet spot between survivability while running solo and damage dealing in a group. Since you already have a set of Berserkers armor, stick to that. I don’t go for Scholar runes because they cost an arm and a leg and besides with 14k health taking just 1 hit drops me below 90% health. And in open world events, with lag, fps drops and a clusterf#@! of spell effects, you WILL get hit.

While in groups I change Signet of Judgement to whatever else is needed, usually Wall of Reflection or Stand your Ground. Aslo if I have to go a little tankier, I usually change Empowering might with Writ of Persistance, for permanent Protection to the group. Practice your blinds/dodges while roaming Orr, especially against veterans/champions.

If you can time your blinds/Aegis applications/dodges well enough to be at 100% health at all times, then by all means go for full zerker (armor/trinkets) + scholar. I’m definitely not at that point, yet.