Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: sykozylot.7503


for straight up DPS, ruby orbs the best, or should we be switching to a set of runes?

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


Ruby orbs never were close to being the best. But now their crit damage has been slashed by more than 50 %, so they are even worse than before.

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Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Ruby Orbs were only a choice due to their cheapness. Scholar Runes will be better most of the time. Not sure about the new runes…)

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Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Noble.2670


There is quite a wide range of options viable now, I’m not sure about the top dps, but I run a mix of solider and zerker gear and have found wurm runes to be the best for me now

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Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: sykozylot.7503


thought ruby beat scholar unless you were >90% for 28% of the time. I could be mistaken though. anyone got any early suggestions from this patch for highest DPS?

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


^^ It’s something like this yes … Just like berzerker armor is still top DPS, ruby will stay near the top for the same reason. It’s definitely not top though.

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Matisse.9356


Pre-patch info:
In an ideal setup scholar runes were better than ruby orbs.
I think Nike from DnT did some calculation on that quite a while ago.
If you pug, I’d stay with ruby orbs unless you are very confident that you can keep your health above the threshold long enough.

Maybe someone will bother to do the math, but I’d be surprised if anything really changed.

Ruby orbs are an excellent choice since pre-release and they certainly still are.
And they are by far cheaper than some runes out there.

Note: Those statements are only valid for PvE of course.

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Gyler.8150


You probably want scholar. I would suggest strength but its sooo expensive, you’re better off with scholar

Ruby orbs still tops for DPS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Painbow.6059


Scholar since guardian’s have low might buffing and easy to maintain health with blinds/blocks/other stuff