Runes of the traveler = useful in WvW
Yep. 15charyyzzzz
In before “Guardian buff, warriors are fine”
Yea was wondering if its worth switching from 60% might rune setup to 6/6 travelers for PvE (knight armour/zerker trinkets)
For PVE? No, no point anyways since you can swap utilities based on what u are doing, and you don’t need the 6 point bonus in a dungeon anyways. For WvW however its another story because more often than not you want to either keep up with your zerg, or with whoever is running away from you. And sacrificing a weapon and a utility slot for that is no good IMO.
This made me contemplate the 2 water 2 monk 2 traveler runes. lots of boon duration. Pretty neat.
Always Loyal
I may have to go that route with my meditation guard in order to gain some mobility.
Edit: There goes 47 gold…
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
My face hurts when I see people actually having so much trouble with mobility that they have to run Retreat [e] or Traveler runes.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
I haven’t picked up Centaur or Traveler runes and I have a mesmer with almost zero out of combat mobility besides blink and swiftness, so it baffles me how people can justify shelling out all that gold just for a passive speed buff.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
My face hurts when I see people actually having so much trouble with mobility that they have to run Retreat [e] or Traveler runes.
If you have better ideas for guard mobility, you’re welcome to share them.
My face hurts when I see people actually having so much trouble with mobility that they have to run Retreat [e] or Traveler runes.
Not everyone is running healway
Nor do we want to be forced into staff as secondary weapon.
Meditation guards or any kind of balanced guard spec needs some kind of mobility boost, and right now these runes are the best option.
depends on what you’re willing to sacrifice. and what you seek to do when you step into WvW. i think you prefaced this quite well with it being a QoL change, and not for the min/maxers.
i personally have gotten used to it – the traveling speed, that is. can use retreat, but more often than not, if you’re caught in a fight and it’s on CD, no fun. if i have 2her what i do is quick swap staff, drop 3, run while switching back. then repeat when it’s off. it’s work, but it works for me. and this is only if i know i’m traveling far from A to B.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I might make a traveler set. The rune is pretty neat, although I’d rather just have some tier 1 or 2 trait like everyone else to get this.
My face hurts when I see people actually having so much trouble with mobility that they have to run Retreat [e] or Traveler runes.
Not everyone is running healway
Nor do we want to be forced into staff as secondary weapon.Meditation guards or any kind of balanced guard spec needs some kind of mobility boost, and right now these runes are the best option.
Exactly. Staff is one of the worst weapon choices for meditation guards. So having the traveler runes freed up a weapon slot and/or utility slot for meditation guards.
The downside of course is slightly less dps but the run speed and boon duration more than makes up for it.
The mobility is very helpful for roaming builds.
Min maxers should look elsewhere.
pretty sure min/maxing doesn’t really have a place in wvw last time I looked
is it significant , 25% MS VS 33% from swiftness?
is it significant , 25% MS VS 33% from swiftness?
It’s the same as having the speed signet for necro, ranger, or ele.
Guardian really need realiable Swiftness access, without sacrificing a whole weapon slot or 2 utilities for it.
The whole “b-but attrition c-class” logic stopped making sense when even Necros got permaswift/25%speed with just one utility.
My Guard is taking the dust until this happens.
I’m currently running these on my guardian and it definitely feels like the pro’s outweigh the cons. I decided to drop judges intervention for smite condition because it feels like the speed boost allows me to stay on target easier. Removing judges intervention also feels like one of the best moves I’ve done for her.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
This made me contemplate the 2 water 2 monk 2 traveler runes.
lots of boon duration. Pretty neat.
I use that setup for a PvE might stacking build (previously AH + might stacking) and works quite well. you can achieve up to 75% boon duration if spec’d on virtues for those support builds
I think guard YES need more mobility buff but not that runes. There are far better runes for guardians.
Guardians need a mobility buff, as a melee fighter, like warrior have. In sPvP is not a problem because the mechanic, but in roaming wvw is a big problem if you dont run pure mobility build.
When i roaming i go for healway build, with GS/sword-focus. With SyS only as utility speed. My mobility is great but i agree i need to run this specific build to have this mobility.
There is far better runes for guardian, if any good in this runes is because guardian have a bad mobility option. That is not fixed by bad runes choice, that would be fixed by some mobility buff in owns guardians skills, no through runes.
I spent about 47 gold yesterday getting the full 7 and it works very well.
There’s a small drop in dps from the ruby orbs I used to have but that’s offset by the boon duration increase and the mobility.
I roam in a Knight’s/Cleric’s mix with GS and Sword/Focus with Eagle runes. The only boon dura I get is from the Virtues tree, which means no permanent Swiftness. I get around the map by hard swapping Staff and GS for leaps and intermittent Swiftness. I engage with S/F and GS. My only “combat mobility” tools are a leap, a teleport, and 13s of Swiftness every 48s. All I do is solo roam and run havoc groups of 10-15 on guild nights. I’ve never felt that I was particularly “slow.” If a player is having problems with mobility, they’re either running Meditations (which you shouldn’t expect great mobility from anyway — it’s a far better style in sPvP than in WvW; why are you running medis in WvW anyway?) or they’re giving themselves their problems by running anything except at least one of GS, Sword, or Staff. And that’s fine, but even Hammer and Scepter at least have immobs and CC on them to help. Shouts get swiftness, Medis get teleports, Scepter, and Torch (generally).
25% movement speed won’t save you from chilled, immob, or cripple, and you give up too much potential damage or sustain from other, more practical runes. You think you’re helping yourself by giving up Soldier runes or Eagle runes (or double boon duration sets, even) for 25% movement speed and 15% boon duration? We shouldn’t have to get our mobility from runes, and it isn’t even that bad in combat to begin with. Is it moving around the map that annoys people?
There are better ways.
People put themselves into their mobility ruts by refusing to compromise on any part of their build to add some to it, and then they complain that every build doesn’t have perma Swiftness or something similar.. The Six forbid someone might need to run Staff on a shout build. As far as medis go, it’s always been my opinion that you should expect poor mobility when you try to play a build that relies on teleports for mobility and its ranged options to keep damage on targets in an arena as large as WvW. Medis are practically meant for s/tPvP, where the arenas are much smaller.
As a profession, our mobility is sub par, especially compared to many others. It could be worse though. We could be Necros. And we have a ridiculous amount of defensive capability (even on glassier builds) to make up for it. Trade-offs.
TL;DR, the only place a Guardian should be having mobility issues is in combat, since we have a lot of options for moving across maps OOC. If you’re having enough trouble with certain builds and professions killing you “because of your run speed” that you need to consider running these runes instead of more practical sets that offer more to your overall build, then that +25% base speed isn’t going to be enough to stop you from continuing to be killed by those builds and professions.
Just my opinion, though.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
I spent about 47 gold yesterday getting the full 7 and it works very well.
There’s a small drop in dps from the ruby orbs I used to have but that’s offset by the boon duration increase and the mobility.
lol what i thought travler runes were only around 1-2g last time i check ( which was like a week or more ago)
[url=https://] [/url]
I spent about 47 gold yesterday getting the full 7 and it works very well.
There’s a small drop in dps from the ruby orbs I used to have but that’s offset by the boon duration increase and the mobility.
lol what i thought travler runes were only around 1-2g last time i check ( which was like a week or more ago)
It went up to a little over 6 gold. This is mostly probably due to the fact that the 2nd bonus is +15% boon duration and is the new staple in x2x2×2 boon builds plus the fact that it helps mobility for certain builds like meditation.
TL;DR, the only place a Guardian should be having mobility issues is in combat, since we have a lot of options for moving across maps OOC. If you’re having enough trouble with certain builds and professions killing you “because of your run speed” that you need to consider running these runes instead of more practical sets that offer more to your overall build, then that +25% base speed isn’t going to be enough to stop you from continuing to be killed by those builds and professions.
Just my opinion, though.
I am not sure what else you are worried about besides combat.
Staff gimps you in combat. Guardian is designed like an AP toon in LOL. AP toons rely on getting off a combo of abilities in a particular order. When that happens they win fights. When it doesn’t they lose. In LOL people can’t dodge. What this means is that if part of your chain of abilities is dodged, you lose. When you can equip another weapon its like you get a second chance, when you equip a staff you lose out on a second chain.
In your healway build you are kinda like Taric and try and make the enemy waste their abilities on you while you whittle them down.
Its very effective but not the playstyle most blokes want to play. The runes allow them to play to their style.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
holy kittenes 7g!?
dam flippers!
My face hurts when I see people actually having so much trouble with mobility that they have to run Retreat [e] or Traveler runes.
Basically you feel you are better than others and condemn their gear choice just because it doesn’t fit “your” playstyle. How messed up is that man?
Not everyone runs the same build as you and not everyone wants to. While I do not have any problem with you personally or your guardian playstyle. However what you said here is quite a narrow perspective and quite condescending to others who might want to find a playstyle suited to their own needs.
Surely there are more builds that consist of healway and using a staff to buff swiftness.
Windows 10
For meditation builds this Rune set is pretty good, and for my Zerker meditation guard this rune set is everything i could want in it the most I lost was 50 power and 2-4% crit damage, and i’m still well over 2k power. I tossed in Torch for the nuke and extra DPS (burning, and increased damage on burning foes), and my blinds and burns last longer. The only people i really lose to are face roll Condi Terrormancers.
Though Chris! I understand your view point, though when using healway mindset isn’t about killing things it’s about outlasting and doing a slow stream of damage through block burns, power, and retal. I think this Rune set is more for people who want to get up in other’s faces and keep up with runners using movement signet.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I finally decided to get a set. I just put it on my zerker set, and replaced the ruby orbs. I notice the difference definitely. I mean I never really had problems sticking to targets in combat, but this does help. Not going to lie.
Don’t think it’s worth the 40g, but it does help if you have some gold to spare.
Heavens Rage
Mobility is an issue but it’s one you’ll have to sit there and accept because let’s be honest no one is going to catch up to a greatsword warrior and to be honest if you try to you’re doing it wrong. If the guy legs it then consider it your win and move onto something else or do what I do and pick the squishy guy and drop him within 1 second so he doesn’t get the chance to run.
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
Mobility is an issue but it’s one you’ll have to sit there and accept because let’s be honest no one is going to catch up to a greatsword warrior and to be honest if you try to you’re doing it wrong. If the guy legs it then consider it your win and move onto something else or do what I do and pick the squishy guy and drop him within 1 second so he doesn’t get the chance to run.
The squishy guy being what exactly? Staff ele? cuz that’s the only thing that times to mind which is squishy and won’t outrun you when pressured…or simply own you
Mobility is an issue but it’s one you’ll have to sit there and accept because let’s be honest no one is going to catch up to a greatsword warrior and to be honest if you try to you’re doing it wrong. If the guy legs it then consider it your win and move onto something else or do what I do and pick the squishy guy and drop him within 1 second so he doesn’t get the chance to run.
The squishy guy being what exactly? Staff ele? cuz that’s the only thing that times to mind which is squishy and won’t outrun you when pressured…or simply own you
D/D thief, Rangers for the most part, ele’s, Mesmers and on the rare occasion a necromancer is what I would consider squishy. However I don’t really have any problems fighting any of the classes though I would label Mesmers, Engineers and Necros the most annoying because of all the clones, CC and conditions flying around but that’s one of those things you learn to deal with.
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
I may have to go that route with my meditation guard in order to gain some mobility.
Edit: There goes 47 gold…
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald