Save Yourselves! Change Request

Save Yourselves! Change Request

in Guardian

Posted by: dani.4398


Instead of the flat 1.75 seconds could we get half a second of resistance per condition pulled?

Save Yourselves! Change Request

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


No guardians cant have nice things, i actually think that it needs nerf to 1 sec resistance.

Save Yourselves! Change Request

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


the mantra of lore alone looks like a traited shout with trooper runes guard 2+2 condi removals on 20sec CD if traited…

Anet doubtfully will tweak or buff shouts so players must get the new gimicks, that is the vertical… woops, i ment horizontal progression as they call.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Save Yourselves! Change Request

in Guardian

Posted by: StanleyJohny.8047


I cannot imagine a world in which I would run Save Yourselves! without Contemplation of Purity. Add to this traits like Pure of Voice and Monk’s Focus and this combo is just too good to pass on while having 50%+ boon duration.
I know it is unpopular build between WvW players but using this can really save my entire party life while being under heavy condition bombs.