Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Hi guys, I’ve just returned from a long hiatus and am in need of some pointers from medi guards.
While always a tough matchup, i never really had any real struggles vsing medi guards, but since i’ve come back I’ve been dominated by any decent one and need to know what i’m doing wrong.
The worst are the GS ones, but isn’t exclusive to them at all. Need pointers on what to dodge, how to predict when the JI burst is coming in, and the best opportunities to get my clone produting out as there getting cleaved far too easily atm.
Any advice is much appreciated

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Thing about medi guard is that we’ve got many ways to dominate other zerk classes with ease. My advice would be to draw out their focus shield. Once their focus shield is down, as soon as you go in for a daze>shatter combo, they’ll usually stunbreak with CoP and then either dodge roll out or block with virtues and then invuln through your next series of DPS. Our only actual weakness is our inability to disengage or stop people from disengaging. If you can survive the initial burst and escape, come back in about fifteen seconds and then kite because JI has a 36 second CD(traited).

As for avoiding our burst, I usually open with scepter and pew pew for a bit before whipping out the great sword. The mark of a good guard is that they usually start off with their non GS set and then swap into GS when the time is right. If you’re having trouble with people who open with their GS, there really isn’t much I could say. Maybe try distorting through their whirl and just locking them down while kiting?

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Thank you this is great advice!
As for the GS, it’s not those who camp it, I can still beat terrible players ofc :P
Perhaps my biggest issue was my failing to recognize when to disengage, especially seeing I know drawn out staff clones are able to wear down a guards defenses while I’m resetting. Thanks for the great advice man

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Medi guard counters shatter mesmer quite hard in a straight up fight. The easily take out your clones while maintaining aegis and applying blind.

Against scepter, you can strafe left and right to avoid. Try to avoid the immob be prepared for the teleport burst. Against GS whirling you can actually interrupt quite easily with your F3 and get a chance to burst.

Overall, you need to kite quite hard and use terrain to your advantage. Stay in range and wait for your chance to burst.

It’s indeed a hard fight on point and don’t feel bad if you have to retreat.

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Zodin.6517


Don’t waste your blink, try to save it for when the medi guard has uesed his JI, cuz most guards rely on landing JI + Whirl, or binding blade, and if you dont have invuln or a means of escape you’re pretty much done. You have shorter CD on Blink then we have on Judges so use it at the sametime to escape the burst.

Stay at max range as much as you can and try to kite as best you can – remember that you have superior range, use it! I would stick with GS for the most part agasint guard. You can win against good guardians if you play correctly imo! Good luck

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.3952


1. use sword/gs
2. use blurred frenzy DEFENSIVELY
3. run double energy, it works much better
4. use full distortions (3clone) if possible
5. save blink for JI as mentioned
6. ileap + mirrorblade shatter after baiting dodges with CoF’s and blurred frenzys is a really good idea
7. if you do land it or know you will land burst, use diversion preemptively so that they cant shelter (cant shelter with daze unless they burn a stunbreak and a lot of inexperienced guards wont recognize the diversion quickly enough_
8. live live live, the longer you live the better you are, especially if you keep your HP above 50% and keep the invigoration trait ready when you need it

words of advice from my many duels vs zeromis who i consider the best shatter v guard dueler ive ever met

and btw dont do that disengage BS, at worst use a MI to gain ground and then just GS wail til he gets to you but its still not a good idea imo

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay

(edited by Booms.3952)

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


Or more simply put, use Moa and then you have 10 seconds to do as you please.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


You don’t disengage and reset the fight at your leisure, you eat 3k autos. Good plan.

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Shatter Mesmer, like Medi Guard is an ambush predator. Both are able to burst a lightly defended opponent in a moment while also being vulnerable to the same. It’s very common for bad Mesmers to announce themselves with greatsword autoattacks.. It kind of ruins the ambush.

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.3952


You don’t disengage and reset the fight at your leisure, you eat 3k autos. Good plan.

step 1 disengage and use los so guardian cant attack
step 2 the guardian is better than a pve dungeon hero and SoW + mightyblow + SC + JI + GH + leeching and you insta die because you couldnt see the burst

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay

Shatter mes vs Medi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


You don’t disengage and reset the fight at your leisure, you eat 3k autos. Good plan.

step 1 disengage and use los so guardian cant attack
step 2 the guardian is better than a pve dungeon hero and SoW + mightyblow + SC + JI + GH + leeching and you insta die because you couldnt see the burst

You see the SoW and him leaping and you DON’T dodge? ulagginm8?