Shattered Aegis: Its Monday Again
Dude give it up, as ussual they baited us to see how we responded. And once again we feel in the developer trap. They do not care at all about Guardians anymore, even less so about the players that choice to play Guardian.
I am starting to belive that Anet has sold the Guardian class to some sort of experiment where they give a singel class the worst options avaliable and then see how many players keep playing them, even though they buff everything else.
Well as long as they dont do something like The Third Wave, it should be fine. Infact il probaly keep playing the game even if they did something like that, when one think about it. Maybe they allready did something like that, but instead off calling it of they keep it going since no one is noticing it.
When i think about it, i do have a inborn hatred for the Azura……
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?
This week is the holidays.
All in due time though.
At this point, I think we get what we get .. it’s less than 2 weeks to patch. There isn’t any reasonable discussion that is going to happen so close to patching, unless the discussion is: “Hey, this is what you are getting”. Frankly, I think we are rather lucky there was ANY discussion … if Y’all didn’t figure it out from between the lines, Anet is pretty happy with where the profession is in terms of balance.
My only hope is that they don’t kill DPS build diversity by adding 5% more DPS to sword.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I bet the Anet team is happy where Guardians currently are, especialy considering the best representative for the Guardian stream couldnt even bother to show all the uppdates, or have problem finding the correct utility skills that they did change.
So yeah, in that aspect i am sure Anet team is happy where Guardians are currently. Since so many are playing them.
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?
Well, the clues were there for a long time … most of our updates are very superficial and rather shallow. Compared to other classes, we aren’t getting the volume or consideration of game changing fixes they do. That’s not a complaint either. That’s just recognizing that Guardian is in a place they want it, even if players don’t agree with how it’s done or question the level of attention it’s done with.
The end is near! Woe unto the guardian! Save yourselves!… Sorry, I didn’t mean to elicit so much doom and tears. I just wanted some numbers to satiate my curiosity.
If shattered aegis hits like fire blast for around 1k, you could potentialy drop up to 25k worth of aoe per application (max 5k per target if you endow aegis to 4 allies plus youself and all of them shatter aegis in range of target of course, with up to 5 possible targets). That could be interesting
At this point, I think we get what we get .. it’s less than 2 weeks to patch. There isn’t any reasonable discussion that is going to happen so close to patching, unless the discussion is: “Hey, this is what you are getting”. Frankly, I think we are rather lucky there was ANY discussion … if Y’all didn’t figure it out from between the lines, Anet is pretty happy with where the profession is in terms of balance.
My only hope is that they don’t kill DPS build diversity by adding 5% more DPS to sword.
Haha, “discussion.” It was more like this is what we’re doing, kthxbai.
And I don’t see a problem with that if they are already happy with where Guardian sits in the grand scheme.
The message is pretty simple: We aren’t going to force Anet into a discussion they aren’t ready to have, no matter how badly we paint ourselves as the ignored victim. This is a big balance patch, they like the balance they see with Guardians. Therefore the discussion is at a minimum.
Monday…now a second reason to hate them. Thanks Obama!….I mean Jon! >;)
Monday…now a second reason to hate them. Thanks Obama!….I mean Jon! >;)
Infracted. Account suspended 14 days, not allowed to PM people and they take your sig away! Oh my!
Monday…now a second reason to hate them. Thanks Obama!….I mean Jon! >;)
Infracted. Account suspended 14 days, not allowed to PM people and they take your sig away! Oh my!
Actually I was talking about John Phillips, the singer for the Mamas and the Papas; I just forgot the ‘H’. Their song Monday Monday which gets stuck in my head and makes me mad! What are you talking about Amins?!
Guardians are in a nice spot. Be thankful we’re not Rangers.
Guardians are in a nice spot. Be thankful we’re not Rangers.
You my good sir, is high. High as a kite.
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?
i think with this issue at least, is that they said info would be given out by a specific date. and then that day has come and passed.
although, i don’t recall, was a specific monday specified? XDDD
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall