Shattered Aegis

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Dear Anet,

Can you revert this skill, even though I never used it. Looking at the damage to new one makes me emo. And it makes me see how much better the old one was lol.

Makes me wonder what were they thinking with this change? How can 300 dmg be beneficial for anything?

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


It would be alright if it scaled 1:1 power akin to what Shield #4 does, but just by pure speculation, I wouldn’t guess that’s the case.


Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: mistsim.2748


this trait is hopelessly useless, like most other things in the zeal tree.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


Makes me wonder what were they thinking with this change?

Nothing at all, probably. Just random tossing around of numbers, hoping they might produce something useful.

Warning! This post may contain traces of irony, sarcasm and peanuts.

There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Blackarps.1974


The whole zeal line needs revamping.

Maguuma Guardian

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Periclitor.1892


Anet Guardian logic. Notice no one is using a trait, resolve by changing mechanics, worried Guard would acctualy get something usefull, lower base damage and scaling down bellow even staff AA, remove burning capability cause god forgive synergy.

And profit!!!

A newer used skill got nerfed to the ground cause it was clearly what the trait needed to bait people to pick it. Nothing to see here but Anet logic move along.

Periclltor – Guardian
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I hope Anet didn’t waste too much time on pointless changes like this and the trashy new heal.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


I hope Anet didn’t waste too much time on pointless changes like this and the trashy new heal.

I wish someone could provide some mathematical numbers, to show how bad shattered aegis is.

300 dmg every 40secs if you don’t use virtue of courage.
300 dmg every 90secs if you use virtue of courage. But then you can use renewed focus again to recharge it.
300 dmg every 60 secs when you run retreat.

I dunno, aegis seems hard to track. But either way, to get the most out of it you would have to somehow chain aegis, which is impossible. I don’t understand why they didn’t give shattered aegis high base damage with a 30sec cd. Even then, it still wouldn’t be better than fiery wrath.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Morelia.6835


Speaking from a WvW perspective, ideally this trait gives (for each application of Retreat or Virtue of Courage):
300 damage * 5 (Retreat/VoC apply Aegis to 5 allies) = 1500 damage applied to 5 targets (7500 total). This is around the same as three Staff autoattacks, assuming this damage can crit.

I don’t think it’s that bad, but I feel like I can’t really justify spending the points on it compared to the other options.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Mightymealworm.8409


Speaking from a WvW perspective, ideally this trait gives (for each application of Retreat or Virtue of Courage):
300 damage * 5 (Retreat/VoC apply Aegis to 5 allies) = 1500 damage applied to 5 targets (7500 total). This is around the same as three Staff autoattacks, assuming this damage can crit.

I don’t think it’s that bad, but I feel like I can’t really justify spending the points on it compared to the other options.

It used to have the same mechanics, only it would burn for 400 a tick for 2 ticks. Even if you crit with it now its a heavy nerf in damage, especially considering toughness and protection now effect the damage.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


I wouldn’t characterize it as an outright nerf. It’s not susceptible to -condition duration food anymore either. If a user had any at all, it would reduce it to one tick instead of two due to the requirement that the burn last a full second before applying damage. It’s also incurable.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

What I find interesting is when you compare pure of heart and shattered aegis. They are basically polar opposites. What I noticed is that when it comes to damage, anet is very modest in their approach. However with healing, they seem to be much more generous. Pure of Heart has been buffed twice, both times increasing the healing ability on the trait.

I’m sure people will not agree with it, I know I don’t agree with it but I feel Anet wants guardian to use healing power and be a totally defensive power house. In pve this of archetype really isn’t needed.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

What I find interesting is when you compare pure of heart and shattered aegis. They are basically polar opposites. What I noticed is that when it comes to damage, anet is very modest in their approach. However with healing, they seem to be much more generous. Pure of Heart has been buffed twice, both times increasing the healing ability on the trait.

I’m sure people will not agree with it, I know I don’t agree with it but I feel Anet wants guardian to use healing power and be a totally defensive power house. In pve this of archetype really isn’t needed.

1000 – 1200 heal on aegis block vs 200 – 400 damage on aegis block…its completely stupid. You have certain classes that can literally do everything, and in some cases better than Guardian. And yet we’re still pigeonholed into what we are because of nerfs that were done by people who didn’t understand the game at beta. Its an extremely poor approach to a development cycle when MASSIVE changes are done like that. But they are completely fine with buffing warriors for 6 months straight…it’d be a funny joke if I hadn’t had invested this much time into Guardian.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

What I find interesting is when you compare pure of heart and shattered aegis. They are basically polar opposites. What I noticed is that when it comes to damage, anet is very modest in their approach. However with healing, they seem to be much more generous. Pure of Heart has been buffed twice, both times increasing the healing ability on the trait.

I’m sure people will not agree with it, I know I don’t agree with it but I feel Anet wants guardian to use healing power and be a totally defensive power house. In pve this of archetype really isn’t needed.

1000 – 1200 heal on aegis block vs 200 – 400 damage on aegis block…its completely stupid. You have certain classes that can literally do everything, and in some cases better than Guardian. And yet we’re still pigeonholed into what we are because of nerfs that were done by people who didn’t understand the game at beta. Its an extremely poor approach to a development cycle when MASSIVE changes are done like that. But they are completely fine with buffing warriors for 6 months straight…it’d be a funny joke if I hadn’t had invested this much time into Guardian.

Guardian players are definitely being pigeonholed, no doubt. Maybe they want healing power to be the primary stat for guardian, but fail to wonder why its not? I’m just guessing.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: jportell.2197


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

Don’t say that then they are gonna nerf the 10% damage trait.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Hurtappl.6405


Idk but when I tried shattered aegis it hit for almost 1k!
I thought it was reasonable and when you think that you can give 5 people aegis from 1 guardian then..
1000 X # of people who have your aegis on them X number of enemies it hits

It could be a max AoE group burst of 25k if 5 people jumped on 5 other people who all had shattered aegis on them

but maybe that is just my aegis .. I run full zerker so not sure if that makes a difference

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Idk but when I tried shattered aegis it hit for almost 1k!
I thought it was reasonable and when you think that you can give 5 people aegis from 1 guardian then..
1000 X # of people who have your aegis on them X number of enemies it hits

It could be a max AoE group burst of 25k if 5 people jumped on 5 other people who all had shattered aegis on them

but maybe that is just my aegis .. I run full zerker so not sure if that makes a difference

Maybe a 1k crit???

With 5 people I suppose its not that bad, however gw2 doesn’t have that type of team coordination most of the time. In gw1 I could definitely imagine something like that being useful for spikes.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


The only time you are going to run into enough people clumped together close enough to get that type of hit on it is going to be a hammer train, which honestly, you aren’t going to want your group that clumped up for anyways -.- also, keep in mind, that at max 5k damage per person hit, assuming that your all hitting the same 5 people, otherwise it could easily be spread out among many more than that, making it very easy to mitigate. Also 1k crits will most likely only be available to zerker, as messing around in the mists with stats close to what I run for group play was only getting me around 600, and that’s on targets without protection.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


The damage doesn’t justify the EXTREMELY long cooldowns.

10% more dmg on burning targets will always trump this trait: ALWAYS.

Don’t say that then they are gonna nerf the 10% damage trait.

/smacks forehead. DUH! You’re so right.

Plz delete thread!

On a serious note – It should have been EQUAL to Smite Condition in Damage… at minimum.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

(edited by Amins.3710)

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


I honestly think it should have been kept the way it was. From an spvp perspective, it was one of the few options Guardians had to make a condition damage build.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Should have changed it to Aegis breaks cause bleed stacks, would have made sense, since your breaking a magical shield, and maybe pieces of it would go flying and cut you… but yeah, would have opened up some more possibility for condition builds, instead of giving a “buff” to a talent that was rarely used, and will most likely never be used now.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Their whole design philosophy with Guards since beta has been “lets buff them a little, but not too much…we don’t want them to get out of hand like they were in beta.” This mentality has crippled the Guard, and comparing what the warrior can do currently with what the Guardian was in beta is just hilarious.

Shattered Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Ludus Rex.1562

Ludus Rex.1562

The old Shattered Aegis was only good in a very specific burn/retaliation build, but at least it was good for SOMETHING. New Shattered Aegis doesn’t do anything for anyone.

I was actually kind of missing this trait when messing around with the builder today, as I was thinking about re-visiting the block/burn/retaliation build. Imagine, conditions on Guardians just got worse than they were a minute ago. Insane, right?