Shield suggestion
This (sorta) used to be the case. Before it was fixed, there was a bug that when you casted the Absorb and quickly moved after, the shield was still around you within that area and you could still perform actions. This was literally the only reason I used Shield. Ever since that fix, I couldn’t be bothered with it.
Also, the suggestions to add an Aegis on the #4 are terrible. I still wouldn’t touch it with a 10ft pole. The nerf to protection from 5-3 seconds seemed unnecessary as well as the fix to the bubble itself(I mentioned above). Throwing shield a bone by reducing the cd did absolutely nothing to help. Functionality changes are needed.
i sugested while ago a 1sec prot every 2 second for inside allies on SW SoA on shield SoA could be aplyed to, i think 1 aegis is a but to much since played with comunal defense build with several guards thay can become a bit to much .
could the shield dome be in action while key is being pressed? like max time 4-5seconds, i imagine is a bit risky for the guard give absortion to range auto atacks mostly and being “rooted” while dome is active with proc a 1 sec protection every 2-3sec, and when guardian decided to end dome that would explode and mantaining the actual heal.
on the 4th(1st shield skill) anything could be better than the actual 3 sec prot lol…
Yeah, I only used shield back when you could keep the bubble without having to channel it, and even then it was used sparingly. It needs a decent block and a removal of the channel requirement for the bubble to be of any worth to me.
This is quite the coincidence! I was just about to make a post about improving the Guardian’s Shield, and lookie here haha..
A few suggestions
Shield 4 should knock back enemies 150-300 units. Make this weapon a designated CC-oriented weapon. Keep the protection, maybe even let the skill apply Weakness to enemies hit.
Combine the chain skill of Shield 5 into one. Nothing is worse than a channeling ability that doesn’t deal damage. Once you use this, you generate a shield, you are immobilized (technically), and you can destroy the shield for a sub-par heal. It’d be much better if you can generate the shield after 3/4 secs, and it heals, knocks back, and deploys for 4 seconds all in one. Compare the current skill to Swirling Winds. The amount of heal generated is so miniscule.
i sugested while ago a 1sec prot every 2 second for inside allies on SW SoA on shield SoA could be aplyed to, i think 1 aegis is a but to much since played with comunal defense build with several guards thay can become a bit to much
Unless i’m mistaken, Communal Defense CD is also triggered on other Guardians around you. If they receive an Aegis from Communal Defense from another Guardian, then their Communal Defense would also trigger except no Aegis would be given.
I read that in an older thread but I have no idea if its been confirmed.
Shield needs to give out an Aegis… I mean it’s our “iconic” weapon for crying out loud. I’d like to block with it one way or another.
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i sugested while ago a 1sec prot every 2 second for inside allies on SW SoA on shield SoA could be aplyed to, i think 1 aegis is a but to much since played with comunal defense build with several guards thay can become a bit to much
Unless i’m mistaken, Communal Defense CD is also triggered on other Guardians around you. If they receive an Aegis from Communal Defense from another Guardian, then their Communal Defense would also trigger except no Aegis would be given.
I read that in an older thread but I have no idea if its been confirmed.
Shield needs to give out an Aegis… I mean it’s our “iconic” weapon for crying out loud. I’d like to block with it one way or another.
well i tough it would not proc the other guardians “aegis on block”, in that case another aegis would be fine.
Shield 4 should also cause 5s of Weakness on the enemies it hits.
Shield 5 should use the new tech to create a bubble that follows the Guardian if not popped for the heal.
Shield 4 should also cause 5s of Weakness on the enemies it hits.
Shield 5 should use the new tech to create a bubble that follows the Guardian if not popped for the heal.
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