Shouts misbehaving?

Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: alcor.2635


Has anyone else noticed that, in dungeons for example, people standing right next to you don’t receive any boons from your shouts?

I regularly do dungeons together with some friends, including a Mesmer and a Necromancer, so my best guess is that there is a target limitation on all shouts (even if it doesn’t say so in the tooltip) but no prioritisation, so some of those five charges get used up by minions/clones.

I’ve wondered for a while now if I’m just missing something, if I overestimate the range or if there could be LoS issues, but by now I am fairly sure that that is not the case.
Recently I had a case where one guy in a dungeon was standing maybe 2m away from me in an open field, he had no boons on him, I used ‘Hold the Line’, and he still had nothing on (others who were further away did receive the boons though). I can’t think of any other reason than minions/clones/NPCs eating up charges (last time I checked all of those were able to receive boons from my shouts).
It is also fairly annoying when using the ‘Pure of Voice’ trait to remove a condition with a shout, since it can make you (or others) have to waste multiple abilities for condition removal when it could simply be done with one shout.

If the issue is indeed the charges being wasted on non-players, then this definitely either needs a priority system that prioritizes PCs over everything else, or non-players should not be able to be affected by abilities that can only affect a limited number of targets.

I had already posted a thread about this in the Bug Report forum a few days ago, however it didn’t get a lot of attention, so I’m trying again here and hope that I’m not just crazy/overlooked something simple in my observations.

Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: Razor.9132


I’ve been experiencing this problem as well. My team mates standing next to me and not receiving the boons. It’s not only shouts tho, it’s boons in general I think, because boons I apply through virtue activation (Inspired Virtue trait) don’t get applied either.

Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Lots of my powers don’t work. Like the heal allies when you dodge. Broken. Does nothing. My heal takes ages to fire off, then it’s on some weird random 2 second global timer. Game needs more fixing, but it’s not the most borked I’ve ever seen.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: Imdak.7695


I got the trait that converts conditions into boons, and it is not working anymore. When I do a shout I still got the condition on me(dont know about the people around me). So making a grandmaster trait worthless…

Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I’ve heard other classes complain about borked stuff also.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.