Sigils and weapon change

Sigils and weapon change

in Guardian

Posted by: harris.7964



Well,this is a more general question for most of the classes,but,as my main is a guardian,i decided to make this post here.So:

If I collect 25 charges of a sigil (perception,luck etc.) and then change to the other weapon,will this bonus still work or the charges work only for the weapon they are equiped on?

Sigils and weapon change

in Guardian

Posted by: Heinel.6548


This is not a topic for the guardian forum, but the answer (plus answers to questions you don’t know to ask yet) can be found here:

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Sigils and weapon change

in Guardian

Posted by: crimsonbro.3126


this bonus still work

They will still work until you zone out as far as I know. Above post linked to wiki, that is probably your goto for info. I’ve always assumed that yes, they still work. At least until you zone.

Edit: from the wiki I had to go check myself ^^

On-kill stacking effects remain even after you swap or unequip weapons; the stacks only end on being downed, death, or zoning.

Sigils and weapon change

in Guardian

Posted by: Kozai.8269


Yes, I use this myself on my Engineer, the stacks last until you zone (including entering an instance like a story mission or dungeon), or are downed or die. You can even change weapons from inventory, the stacking sigil weapon doesn’t need to stay in your “active” swappable pair.

Note that if you only have a stacking sigil on one one-handed weapon, say a torch, and some other sigil on the other weapon, you don’t get the full 25 stacks, you only get half (not sure if it rounds up or down). Also if you stack from one type of sigil, then change to another weapon with a different type of stacking sigil, the new one replaces the old, you can’t get two stacks of different bonuses.

Sigils and weapon change

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


hmm from my experiences, unless if this was changed, whatever sigil you had on that you get a stack from first will keep stacking and no other stacking sigil can overwrite it, unless if you lose all stacks and start restackign with the new sigil.

also, you can achieve full 25 stacks even if it’s just one sigil on your offhand. and this next point, i’m unsure of since haven’t tested myself, but read that if you have it on both mainhand and offhand, it’ll stack twice as fast. i.e. 2 stacks per kill.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
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