Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide
Regarding the Scepter:
The Scepter does not seem like the most powerful weapon but its talents are not as visible as, for example, the Hammer’s Banish. You can clearly see yourself knock the enemy off the point or deny a stomp, you can see any range of different things.
This is where the misconception lies. The scepter is the most powerful weapon on the bunker, not because of the numbers that pop up on your screen but the outcomes you force to occur.
Clear examples are:
- Immobilizing an enemy for your ally to burst
Your ally can now land their entire burst, which can quite often lead to a kill. - Immobilizing your enemy using a charge ability
You enemy wastes their cooldowns, and possibly can be setup for counter burst, while you or your ally escapes.
You have to imagine the situation that would have occurred with if you didn’t use Chains of Light at that point.
Outcome 1: Your thief comes for a burst on the enemy Bunker, you have a Staff and Empower. He gains 425 power but half his burst is dodged. 425 power doesn’t make up for the 50% of the damage dodged.
Outcome 2: Your theif comes for a burst on the enemy Bunker, you have a Scepter and Chains of Light. The theif lands the entire combo because the Guardian cannot dodge OR the Guardian uses cooldowns. Either way you end up ahead.
Ideally you would want to be running both Scepter and Staff but normally teams are not co-ordinated enough to deal enough damage with only one snare.
Regarding Meditation Build:
For now most teams will be running a Guardian (of course some do not but almost all do), which means there will always be one player who will often target you and cause burning. Now the other important thing to note is that Ele’s and Rangers will have it on you constantly, there really is no shortage of burning to go around in this meta. So you will pretty much get the fury on cooldown.
Regarding the video:
I was playing Symbol DPS with a staff, it’s in the original post of this thread. I’m going to be making video guides soon.
I’m sorry I can’t be writing up too much, I am trying my best to get to the top of the GW2 scene and I practice LOADDDS every single day so I don’t have too much time =( But the second I get a chance I sure will!
Quick tips on it:
- Stagnate your symbols to give a more consistent amount of healing and damage.
- Use your symbols and cooldowns quickly to try and burst down enemy players.
- Dodge important skills.
- Play defensive until you have the advantage then power hard.
- Fight on points and with allies for the best effect.
Sorry for the late reply the SOAC tournament ate up a lot of time along with being jetlagged and sick made it hard to reply.
New updates to the builds coming soon, surprisingly some small ones!
Check out my newer vid (another test), more coming soon.
I now have twitter as of today =) follow me and I’ll say stuff I don’t really know!
I never thought of the scepter like that but it makes sense to set up a burst/focus fire. Now I only need to communicate that with my teammates…sometimes that huge target mark isn’t enough.
I also have to consider that if I take the scepter, I could also take the shield which would offer an additional knockback. It may be hard to give up my staff though since I’ve come to enjoy some of the other benefits it brings to the team.
It is good to be thinking about these things to improve my game. =)
Silven I agree with you 100% about the scepter being the most powerful bunker weapon. Been using it plus shield for a few months now mainly for Chains of Light and also being the only weapon with ranged attacks.
only time that scepter comes outta your hand is on Khylo, too stronk
Most of the builds I just gave minor changes, Big changes to Full Burst which is now designed as a Hard Counter to Phantasm Mesmers and BM rangers. You just have to dodge correctly.
Defensive —
Control Bunker —
Currently, the bunker meta Guardian is the Control Bunker. It’s a great combination of Support, Control and Bunker abilities. Your strengths revolve around controling your enemy off a point to capture it and giving large amounts of condition wipes to your allies. A very important part of your build is snaring enemies to set up spikes, it doesn’t look like much damage but it’s the difference between your ally doing 2k damage and 14k damage.
Mighty Blow actually puts out a lot of damage, don’t forget to cancel your skills to fake out dodges/stability!
- Large AoE condition removal
- High Armour/Health/Heals
- Loads of dodge rolls
- Unrivaled Support
- High Control
- Great Bunker
- Weak to sustained DPS (45s+)
- Can be bursted if you don’t pay attention
- Low DPS but can hit high with MB
Control Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/d7gjp3c
The reason I run Hammer mostly now is due to the control aspect and the ability to set up other players’ burst with it. It also gives you the option to quickly neutralize a point off almost any player and decent damage.Khylo Control (Hm / Sw-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/ckmxb5p
The ultimate test of a Guardian’s skill, you will be against another Guardian 1v1 many times on this map. Your main focus is the mid point, once you have the point you can swap with an ele and help out team fights. Getting a Banish off can (and often does) mean a win for your team, your job is to not get controlled off by the enemy Guard. If your enemy doesn’t run Hammer / Sword-Shield, you will eventually control them off the point.Spirit Watch Control (Hm / St) – http://tinyurl.com/cd6nvj7
All Bunker Guards will love this map, you are a god. With Sanctuary you can get an easy cap (also if your ally brings timewarp) when they’ve run out of AoE. The staff hits through things like sanctuary, soa, etc. You have so much survivability and control that you’re unlikely to die when you have an aura share ele supporting you. Your control can delay an orb for around 30seconds if done properly. This is the only map you can hard carry as a Bunker Guard.Binding Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/dxmrj2c
This bunker build uses Binding Jeopardy to set up spikes with large amounts of vulnerability for easy kills. In co-ordinated teams this will give you quicker kills and in less co-ordinated teams it gives you more of a chance of landing a kill.AAB (Spirit Bunker) (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/c6ezz7k
Makes use of the spirit shield to reduce incoming damage of enemy engineers/ranger/etc. I often run this if there are two or more engineers on the other team as it gives you a very strong team fight defence. Sometimes you can even bring Wall of Reflection too if you’re desperate.Link to my youtube uploads:
http://www.youtube.com/user/RoknnOut/videos?view=0&flow=gridLink to my Stream:
http://www.twitch.tv/jaxsilvenPvE/WvW Build
I know a lot of people on this section are PvE based so here’s what I use. I use judges intervention, will update this link soon! <3As always thanks for reading!! ^^
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Defensive —
Control Bunker —
Currently, the bunker meta Guardian is the Control Bunker. It’s a great combination of Support, Control and Bunker abilities. Your strengths revolve around controling your enemy off a point to capture it and giving large amounts of condition wipes to your allies. A very important part of your build is snaring enemies to set up spikes, it doesn’t look like much damage but it’s the difference between your ally doing 2k damage and 14k damage.
Mighty Blow actually puts out a lot of damage, don’t forget to cancel your skills to fake out dodges/stability!
- Large AoE condition removal
- High Armour/Health/Heals
- Loads of dodge rolls
- Unrivaled Support
- High Control
- Great Bunker
- Weak to sustained DPS (45s+)
- Can be bursted if you don’t pay attention
- Low DPS but can hit high with MB
Control Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/d7gjp3c
The reason I run Hammer mostly now is due to the control aspect and the ability to set up other players’ burst with it. It also gives you the option to quickly neutralize a point off almost any player and decent damage.Khylo Control (Hm / Sw-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/ckmxb5p
The ultimate test of a Guardian’s skill, you will be against another Guardian 1v1 many times on this map. Your main focus is the mid point, once you have the point you can swap with an ele and help out team fights. Getting a Banish off can (and often does) mean a win for your team, your job is to not get controlled off by the enemy Guard. If your enemy doesn’t run Hammer / Sword-Shield, you will eventually control them off the point.Spirit Watch Control (Hm / St) – http://tinyurl.com/cd6nvj7
All Bunker Guards will love this map, you are a god. With Sanctuary you can get an easy cap (also if your ally brings timewarp) when they’ve run out of AoE. The staff hits through things like sanctuary, soa, etc. You have so much survivability and control that you’re unlikely to die when you have an aura share ele supporting you. Your control can delay an orb for around 30seconds if done properly. This is the only map you can hard carry as a Bunker Guard.Binding Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/dxmrj2c
This bunker build uses Binding Jeopardy to set up spikes with large amounts of vulnerability for easy kills. In co-ordinated teams this will give you quicker kills and in less co-ordinated teams it gives you more of a chance of landing a kill.AAB (Spirit Bunker) (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/c6ezz7k
Makes use of the spirit shield to reduce incoming damage of enemy engineers/ranger/etc. I often run this if there are two or more engineers on the other team as it gives you a very strong team fight defence. Sometimes you can even bring Wall of Reflection too if you’re desperate.Link to my youtube uploads:
http://www.youtube.com/user/RoknnOut/videos?view=0&flow=gridLink to my Stream:
http://www.twitch.tv/jaxsilvenPvE/WvW Build
I know a lot of people on this section are PvE based so here’s what I use. I use judges intervention, will update this link soon! <3As always thanks for reading!! ^^
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Couple of things:
- This build is slightly outdated.
- WvW is not my main gametype and thus the build was for those purely interested in what I run.
- I assume my enemy is the best player in the game and I build accordingly. This way I am not disadvantaged when I come up against a strong enemy.
- I normally run with my friend who is a shatter or phantasm (or sometimes Hybrid) Mesmer.
The reason I rarely run GS is because of how it’s so ridiculously easy it is to completely dodge all of its damage. When playing a Symbol Roamer in tPvP you can use it on enemy res’s with Judges Intervention and you’ll force a lot of damage, this doesn’t work in WvW (to an extent).
In WvW I’ve never played against somebody who could dodge correctly and thus the GS would be super effective against them. Unfortunately, if I build myself towards this level of play, when I do play against a good player who can dodge correctly I’m going to lose badly. So the hammer will do more damage against good players while the GS will do more against less experienced players.
To answer your second question: the build is slightly outdated from the one I’m using now. I have Scepter/Focus as my second set and Judge’s Intervention.
Defensive —
Control Bunker —
Currently, the bunker meta Guardian is the Control Bunker. It’s a great combination of Support, Control and Bunker abilities. Your strengths revolve around controling your enemy off a point to capture it and giving large amounts of condition wipes to your allies. A very important part of your build is snaring enemies to set up spikes, it doesn’t look like much damage but it’s the difference between your ally doing 2k damage and 14k damage.
Mighty Blow actually puts out a lot of damage, don’t forget to cancel your skills to fake out dodges/stability!
- Large AoE condition removal
- High Armour/Health/Heals
- Loads of dodge rolls
- Unrivaled Support
- High Control
- Great Bunker
- Weak to sustained DPS (45s+)
- Can be bursted if you don’t pay attention
- Low DPS but can hit high with MB
Control Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/d7gjp3c
The reason I run Hammer mostly now is due to the control aspect and the ability to set up other players’ burst with it. It also gives you the option to quickly neutralize a point off almost any player and decent damage.Khylo Control (Hm / Sw-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/ckmxb5p
The ultimate test of a Guardian’s skill, you will be against another Guardian 1v1 many times on this map. Your main focus is the mid point, once you have the point you can swap with an ele and help out team fights. Getting a Banish off can (and often does) mean a win for your team, your job is to not get controlled off by the enemy Guard. If your enemy doesn’t run Hammer / Sword-Shield, you will eventually control them off the point.Spirit Watch Control (Hm / St) – http://tinyurl.com/cd6nvj7
All Bunker Guards will love this map, you are a god. With Sanctuary you can get an easy cap (also if your ally brings timewarp) when they’ve run out of AoE. The staff hits through things like sanctuary, soa, etc. You have so much survivability and control that you’re unlikely to die when you have an aura share ele supporting you. Your control can delay an orb for around 30seconds if done properly. This is the only map you can hard carry as a Bunker Guard.Binding Bunker (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/dxmrj2c
This bunker build uses Binding Jeopardy to set up spikes with large amounts of vulnerability for easy kills. In co-ordinated teams this will give you quicker kills and in less co-ordinated teams it gives you more of a chance of landing a kill.AAB (Spirit Bunker) (Hm / Sc-Sh) – http://tinyurl.com/c6ezz7k
Makes use of the spirit shield to reduce incoming damage of enemy engineers/ranger/etc. I often run this if there are two or more engineers on the other team as it gives you a very strong team fight defence. Sometimes you can even bring Wall of Reflection too if you’re desperate.Link to my youtube uploads:
http://www.youtube.com/user/RoknnOut/videos?view=0&flow=gridLink to my Stream:
http://www.twitch.tv/jaxsilvenPvE/WvW Build
I know a lot of people on this section are PvE based so here’s what I use. I use judges intervention, will update this link soon! <3As always thanks for reading!! ^^
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Couple of things:
- This build is slightly outdated.
- WvW is not my main gametype and thus the build was for those purely interested in what I run.
- I assume my enemy is the best player in the game and I build accordingly. This way I am not disadvantaged when I come up against a strong enemy.
- I normally run with my friend who is a shatter or phantasm (or sometimes Hybrid) Mesmer.
The reason I rarely run GS is because of how it’s so ridiculously easy it is to completely dodge all of its damage. When playing a Symbol Roamer in tPvP you can use it on enemy res’s with Judges Intervention and you’ll force a lot of damage, this doesn’t work in WvW (to an extent).
In WvW I’ve never played against somebody who could dodge correctly and thus the GS would be super effective against them. Unfortunately, if I build myself towards this level of play, when I do play against a good player who can dodge correctly I’m going to lose badly. So the hammer will do more damage against good players while the GS will do more against less experienced players.To answer your second question: the build is slightly outdated from the one I’m using now. I have Scepter/Focus as my second set and Judge’s Intervention.
OK that makes sense, thanks So if against solid players the proper way to use GS -and do tell me if it is effective at all- is to pull them first then use the spin attack? I assume you meant people dodging the spin was so easy?
(edited by Cempa.5619)
Original Post
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Couple of things:
- This build is slightly outdated.
- WvW is not my main gametype and thus the build was for those purely interested in what I run.
- I assume my enemy is the best player in the game and I build accordingly. This way I am not disadvantaged when I come up against a strong enemy.
- I normally run with my friend who is a shatter or phantasm (or sometimes Hybrid) Mesmer.
The reason I rarely run GS is because of how it’s so ridiculously easy it is to completely dodge all of its damage. When playing a Symbol Roamer in tPvP you can use it on enemy res’s with Judges Intervention and you’ll force a lot of damage, this doesn’t work in WvW (to an extent).
In WvW I’ve never played against somebody who could dodge correctly and thus the GS would be super effective against them. Unfortunately, if I build myself towards this level of play, when I do play against a good player who can dodge correctly I’m going to lose badly. So the hammer will do more damage against good players while the GS will do more against less experienced players.To answer your second question: the build is slightly outdated from the one I’m using now. I have Scepter/Focus as my second set and Judge’s Intervention.
OK that makes sense, thanks
So if against solid players the proper way to use GS -and do tell me if it is effective at all- is to pull them first then use the spin attack? I assume you meant people dodging the spin was so easy?
Hit Rates
- By Itself – 0%
- With Judges – 25% – 100%
- With Pull – 25% – 50%
- With allied snare – 100%
- With Chains of Light – 33%
- With Sig of Wrath – 100%
- With Bane Signet – 75%
- With Hammer of Wisdom – 100%
- With Swiftness – 0-60%
I posted this previously in this thread. This is the % of damage you’ll do with WW against a good enemy if they use 0 utility skills.
So generally running with another player is the most effective way to get 100% of your WW damage, but with Hammer your Mighty Blow will hit majority of the time (and has 3/4s cast time not 1s).
I also referred to all skills on the GS. The leap, pull and WW are extremely easy to dodge. Also dodging while you pull will make it so you are not pulled to the foe which means they have 2 chances to dodge it.
Original Post
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Couple of things:
- This build is slightly outdated.
- WvW is not my main gametype and thus the build was for those purely interested in what I run.
- I assume my enemy is the best player in the game and I build accordingly. This way I am not disadvantaged when I come up against a strong enemy.
- I normally run with my friend who is a shatter or phantasm (or sometimes Hybrid) Mesmer.
The reason I rarely run GS is because of how it’s so ridiculously easy it is to completely dodge all of its damage. When playing a Symbol Roamer in tPvP you can use it on enemy res’s with Judges Intervention and you’ll force a lot of damage, this doesn’t work in WvW (to an extent).
In WvW I’ve never played against somebody who could dodge correctly and thus the GS would be super effective against them. Unfortunately, if I build myself towards this level of play, when I do play against a good player who can dodge correctly I’m going to lose badly. So the hammer will do more damage against good players while the GS will do more against less experienced players.To answer your second question: the build is slightly outdated from the one I’m using now. I have Scepter/Focus as my second set and Judge’s Intervention.
OK that makes sense, thanks
So if against solid players the proper way to use GS -and do tell me if it is effective at all- is to pull them first then use the spin attack? I assume you meant people dodging the spin was so easy?
Hit Rates
- By Itself – 0%
- With Judges – 25% – 100%
- With Pull – 25% – 50%
- With allied snare – 100%
- With Chains of Light – 33%
- With Sig of Wrath – 100%
- With Bane Signet – 75%
- With Hammer of Wisdom – 100%
- With Swiftness – 0-60%
I posted this previously in this thread. This is the % of damage you’ll do with WW against a good enemy if they use 0 utility skills.
So generally running with another player is the most effective way to get 100% of your WW damage, but with Hammer your Mighty Blow will hit majority of the time (and has 3/4s cast time not 1s).I also referred to all skills on the GS. The leap, pull and WW are extremely easy to dodge. Also dodging while you pull will make it so you are not pulled to the foe which means they have 2 chances to dodge it.
Got it thanks again, I will go back and learn how to use hammer. You may not know this but you actually helped me put together my current WvW GS build a short while after GW2 started on a different site:
Thinking about what you said now I recall how some players dodge GS key abilities.
Original Post
Could you please talk a bit more on the WvW build? Why Hammer over GS and why Staff? With Shouts you have Swiftness up all the time.
Couple of things:
- This build is slightly outdated.
- WvW is not my main gametype and thus the build was for those purely interested in what I run.
- I assume my enemy is the best player in the game and I build accordingly. This way I am not disadvantaged when I come up against a strong enemy.
- I normally run with my friend who is a shatter or phantasm (or sometimes Hybrid) Mesmer.
The reason I rarely run GS is because of how it’s so ridiculously easy it is to completely dodge all of its damage. When playing a Symbol Roamer in tPvP you can use it on enemy res’s with Judges Intervention and you’ll force a lot of damage, this doesn’t work in WvW (to an extent).
In WvW I’ve never played against somebody who could dodge correctly and thus the GS would be super effective against them. Unfortunately, if I build myself towards this level of play, when I do play against a good player who can dodge correctly I’m going to lose badly. So the hammer will do more damage against good players while the GS will do more against less experienced players.To answer your second question: the build is slightly outdated from the one I’m using now. I have Scepter/Focus as my second set and Judge’s Intervention.
OK that makes sense, thanks
So if against solid players the proper way to use GS -and do tell me if it is effective at all- is to pull them first then use the spin attack? I assume you meant people dodging the spin was so easy?
Hit Rates
- By Itself – 0%
- With Judges – 25% – 100%
- With Pull – 25% – 50%
- With allied snare – 100%
- With Chains of Light – 33%
- With Sig of Wrath – 100%
- With Bane Signet – 75%
- With Hammer of Wisdom – 100%
- With Swiftness – 0-60%
I posted this previously in this thread. This is the % of damage you’ll do with WW against a good enemy if they use 0 utility skills.
So generally running with another player is the most effective way to get 100% of your WW damage, but with Hammer your Mighty Blow will hit majority of the time (and has 3/4s cast time not 1s).I also referred to all skills on the GS. The leap, pull and WW are extremely easy to dodge. Also dodging while you pull will make it so you are not pulled to the foe which means they have 2 chances to dodge it.
Got it thanks again, I will go back and learn how to use hammer. You may not know this but you actually helped me put together my current WvW GS build a short while after GW2 started on a different site:
Thinking about what you said now I recall how some players dodge GS key abilities.
Haha, a lot has changed since release though! Even more since the beta (especially burning)
I attempted to interpret your damage build (S+F / S+T) into WvW:
I went back and played around with hammer and now recalled why I don’t use it, its just not fun for me :/
And holy crap, I just thought of this and it’s amazing.
Compact and more damage, harder to pull off but way harder to dodge. 6.8k prot strike is crazy.
And holy crap, I just thought of this and it’s amazing.
Compact and more damage, harder to pull off but way harder to dodge. 6.8k prot strike is crazy.
Yup, and opening with focus 5 + JI followed by zealots fire and protectors strike is a crazy amount of front loaded damage. I usually try and work unscathed contender and/or fiery wrath into builds like that though as you want the fights as brief as possible
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
You can’t in tournaments, which is what this build listing is about.
Ah, I forgot the original thread topic ;-)
Yup, I certainly wouldn’t want to sacrifice vigor or any of the other traits in that scenario
I love using the mace as a DPS weapon, I think it surprises a lot of people.
Been playing mostly Necro in PvP since launch. I have finally given up until it gets fixed properly and decided that my Guardian would be the best fit for how I like to play. Just dinking around in Hot Joins it already feels like playing in easy mode. I can dodge and block EVERYTHING, and I am still bad akitten . With the stuff here I think I will have it ready for tourney play in no time.
Thanks for all the info in here Silven. Awesome stuff. Really awesome.
No worries!
Updated the meditations to include the Mace build I posted above. It’s insanely powerful and I think will just simply replace the other builds ^^.
That mace burst build is incredibly fun. People seem pretty shocked to hit a guardian with a mace and get hit back for half their health!
love the new updates, Silven! and fancy running into you in-game at times. ; )) can’t help but try to gun for you when on opposite teams. :PP
haha, glad you came up with the mace burst build! been trying to find a decent mace DPS build apart from symbol, which were really strong already! your points taken regarding pairing up scepter with focus. and then sword (now mace) with torch. and especially if playing with mace, so i’ll have to try it out.
[added: and just so i’m following, the burst with this build would be..
- Shield of Wrath (time it)
- Chains of Light + Judge’s Intervention
- Smite, switch to mc/tc, then Zealot’s Flame + Fire + Protector’s Strike?
i guess the only bit i am still trying to wrap my head around is protector’s strike is your burst then becomes dependent on your enemy hitting you. though most of the time i’ve used prot strike is rarely lasts the full duration]
and yes in tPvP, 5 pts each in the last two trait lines make a lot of sense. never thought of it that way.
[added: just noticed you still have Powerful Blades (Radiance X) in your Mace Burst build ; )). i assume a good alternative would be quicker recharge on torch skills?]
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
I Don’t know if this is just me but since you updated some of the builds Silven I cannot access the links to the defensive bunker builds specific to certain maps.
That’s the Khylo one, I have no idea why the link was broken 0o.
Yes, I did forget to take out Rad X on the build I posted and I do use Radiant Fire. Thanks for picking that up ^^
There are a few ways to burst:
Full burst (all damage hits at the same time for about 19k but easily avoidable):
- Shield of Wrath (wait 1 second)
- Chains of Light
- Virtue of Justice + Double tap Zealot’s Flame
- Protector’s Strike + Judge’s + Smite
Quicker Burst (Slower Damage but harder to dodge):
- Shield of Wrath (wait 3 seconds)
- Virtue of Justice + Protector’s Strike + Judge’s + Smite + Zealot’s Flame
- Zealot’s Fire
No reaction Burst (They have no time to react but not the full damage):
- Zealot’s Flame
- Zealot’s Fire + Judge’s + Smite + Virtue of Justice
- Protector’s Strike + Judge’s + Smite + Virtue of Justice + Zealot’s Flame
- Zealot’s Fire
Sorry I’m not sure how to use different headers, that’s the title for the next 4 builds, they’re all Symbol Nuke but specialize slightly differently into different areas.
So it’s quite a bit after you posted if but if you wanted to update the op you can make the header bold and underlined by doing the following without the spaces:
+ * header * +
Thanks for a great spvp build guide!
(edited by Keirion.9105)
Sorry I’m not sure how to use different headers, that’s the title for the next 4 builds, they’re all Symbol Nuke but specialize slightly differently into different areas.
So it’s quite a bit after you posted if but if you wanted to update the op you can make the header bold and underlined by doing the following without the spaces:
+ * header * +
Thanks for a great spvp build guide!
Thanks man!
Is there anyway to make a bigger header? or centre the text?
Thanks man!
Is there anyway to make a bigger header? or centre the text?
So for bigger text you can use:
% {font-size:18pt}yourheaderhere %
to make it look like:
Or you can add astricks to make it bold, so:
*% {font-size:18pt}yourheaderhere % *
turns out as:
without the spaces and adjusting the font size to whatever’s comfortable.
There’s a textile command for headers specifically but those seem to be set to the same size as normal text and the textile command for indentation also seems to be blocked and I haven’t figured out a way to do it though I suspect there is one.
(edited by Keirion.9105)
very cool, thanks, Silven! practicing the mace / torch combo and it’s fun. heh.
recently, been going back to a GS and Hammer DPS build as well. and experimentnig with Bane Signet. am quite liking the near instant knockdown! and having extra power when it’s passive helps as well.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Thanks man!
Is there anyway to make a bigger header? or centre the text?So for bigger text you can use:
% {font-size:18pt}yourheaderhere %
to make it look like:
Or you can add astricks to make it bold, so:
*% {font-size:18pt}yourheaderhere % *
turns out as:
without the spaces and adjusting the font size to whatever’s comfortable.
There’s a textile command for headers specifically but those seem to be set to the same size as normal text and the textile command for indentation also seems to be blocked and I haven’t figured out a way to do it though I suspect there is one.
Absolute legend!
very cool, thanks, Silven! practicing the mace / torch combo and it’s fun. heh.
recently, been going back to a GS and Hammer DPS build as well. and experimentnig with Bane Signet. am quite liking the near instant knockdown! and having extra power when it’s passive helps as well.
Yeah mace has so much utility as well as massive burst. I really like the combo’s with the S/D ele.
- Shield of Wrath (don’t usually have time for this)
- RtL + Updraft + Chains of Light + Lightning Strike + Blinding Flash
- Vo Justice + Zealot’s Fire → Zealot’s Flame + Judge’s + Smite + Dragon’s Tooth
- Ring of Fire + Fire Grab + Protector’s Strike (if you have the chance)
Is pretty much an instant kill if you can pull it off, puts the enemy under extreme pressure even if they have protection and heal.
The problem with Bane Signet is taking off a utility, I know a player who uses that exact build (GS/Hammer with Bane) and it has such little success compared to the other meditation builds unfortunately.
haha, now i just need to find someone i can play with regularly to setup bursts like that! ; )) really loving the mace more heh.
agreed it’s taking one slot and i’m still tweaking with it. though i ran it with some success last night! though of course, will have to test it more and see how it goes in the long run. so i was running BS, SC and JI. usually i’ll have either SYG or CoP in that first slot. so i am giving up stability / stun break or heal / condi convert / stun break for it. now that i put it that way lol… i did feel quite comfortable running it though! will let you know how things go ; ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Special new guide coming tonight
Or tomorrow for some of you, also new update coming soon.
This thread was an interesting read! Can’t wait to try some of these out, also looking forward to the new guide.
Thanks Silven!
Sigh it has around 20hrs left on its upload.
Silly ISP =(
Playing around with a slight variant of the roaming pressure GS + mace/fc build:
In the current meta, I found that Pure of Voice without soldier runes just wasn’t cutting it. Absolute Resolution does a much better job against condi spam and has better passive healing too. That allowed me to drop the second shout and I replaced it with Purging Flames (faster-casting ground-target with traits) for group condition removal and a bit more burst damage and area denial. Also, if you go back and forth across the edge of Purging Flames it keeps removing conditions.
I like shield over focus for the knockback, though I do lose some damage. The off-hand is not integral to the setup though. Runeset and amulet I’m not 100% sure. Depending on how well I can use Purging Flames, it may allow me to change even more things.
Silven, while we wait for the guide to be uploaded.. (20 hrs??? heh, based on your post time, it should be about now!), just wanted to drop in here and add that i am LOVING the mace torch scepter focus RHS build. i’ve always preferred the mace >> sword. absolutely loving it. : )) the shield AoE crits are to die for.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Nah I found out today that my ISP’s totally kittened up my internet and it is being fixed tomorrow. This is why I’ve been having severe lag on my streams, to the point where I can’t dodge banish or Treb shots.
It’s extremely frustrating and hopefully I will have an update by tomorrow.
And the video I was uploading stopped 1/4 of the way through while I was sleeping and I have no clue why, so unfortunately you’ll have to wait.
And yes the mace is crazy awesome
: ((( nothing like lag in a competitive gaming settnig. here’s to your interwebz getting fixed sooner than later buddy.
got all the time in the world. woot for new vid!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I just streamed the video I made because there was no way to upload it normally >>
I have a burst guide coming out very soon, I don’t wish to stream that one if at all possible XD
I picked up a variant of one of your DPS builds(Sw/Fo,Sc/To) and it is a blast. Running it 10/30/0/30/0.
The burst is big enough AoE to just roast the hell out of a team fight on node or cleave the bejeezus out of rezzers and for some reason you seem to be able to catch people sleeping on the blink from sword 2 alot.
I love your Elementalist impression (9:34)
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
You always show how you can do a lot of burst, but these builds have to be super squishy. What do you do if your burst fails or is on cooldown and how do you survive or escape?
I love your Elementalist impression (9:34)
Why thank you!
You always show how you can do a lot of burst, but these builds have to be super squishy. What do you do if your burst fails or is on cooldown and how do you survive or escape?
The 5 points into Valor gives me permanent vigor, so knowing what abilities to dodge roll usually means I live while a lot of other people would die in the same situation. Of course you have less survivability than DPS and Bunker builds which are designed to have a lot of sustain. But the vigor/blocks/blind/teleports should keep you alive the entire game.
finally!!!!D lol
dying to watch this video but it’s loading so slow for me at the office. :// i don’t think it’s on mobile either? ; ))
well, patience it is.
great video! really simple and to the point. i’ve since dropped focused mind for a while now but i like how you use it to add to your burst. it’s simple, does good dmg and i do like the fact that all skills on your bar are now instant.
i especially liked what you said about rotations in this game, especially in PvP. you can have your combos in mind to initiate and without anything off CD. but that’s the thing, you won’t come into each encounter with your opponent 1v1-ing someone else, you won’t have all your skills fresh to use, and you’re definitely not gonna wait around so your CDs come back. this build can be very proactive, and reactive, which is what i like about a lot of the Guardian builds out there. dynamic stuff.
so, @Exedore – adding on to what Silven said, i’ve played this build for a while now and the vigor/blinds/blocks and ports you get really are enough to help you survive or even get away if you need to. in the video, we can see how devastating the shields can be used for bursting. at the same time, of course they can be used for blocking as well.
though of course, if you get focused, i want to say you wouldn’t last that much longer as a bunker Guard anyways. if you play your mitigation correctly with this build, i find it to be quite strong even in outnumbered fights. : )) good luck! it’s really. fun. to play.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
Updated to deal with the newest patch.
Few changes to most of the builds as a result.
Although I do not play much anymore I will continue to update this build as long as I feel my skills are at a high level of play.
hey silven, was wondering what you thought of this build
have been messing around with it in hotjoin, but well, we all know hotjoin isn’t the real decider between if a build is viable or not. Keep in mind the build doesn’t add the 150 toughness from strength in numbers.
(edited by Bash.7291)
Is the amulet supposed to be carrion?
Yes, it actually is. I was running knights, but with inner fire, and the fact that burning is spammed so hard now between necros/warriors/eles/well almost everything, I can pretty much keep fury up almost all the time, Also with 1k condition damage our burns do almost 600 damage on top of the dps we have.
Edited the build just as a note. GS leap through purging flames is way too much fun…
(edited by Bash.7291)
All builds completely updated for 24/7.
I am now messing around with Merciful but it doesn’t seem useful =(
Burning on the Guardian is too easily removed to be useful unfortunately =(
You didn’t get RHS with 30 in Rad, that means you miss out on a massive ~400 precision on one handed weapons.
You could be running Lyssa or Soldier’s runes to better deal with conditions or damage ones to increase your damage output. Going with Scepter means you get a ton of one-handed dps instead of the GS and the snare + high uptimes of vigor with Vigorous Precision AND you get force on your torch set for the big hits.
I do like your idea with the fire aura from leap + Purging, but you don’t give yourself enough survivability unfortunately.
hey Silven, do you reckon there’d be a need for a specific spec for the new Skyhammer map? thuogh really, as long as you maximize your stability uptime, use CC and stunbreaks accordingly, you should be alright. was thinking maybe having traited hallowed ground would be good for fights at the laser playform.
also, one neat trick with the GS: while capping either of the side points, a Guard from the opposite team came around the corner, and used binding blade with the disappearing platforms between the point and himself, then just as the platform disappears, he pulls 3 of us down. and then i assume he capped the point. :///
i started doing it to others and works really well. same can be done across the map. although, i guess getting the timing off is the hard bit. haven’t played the map enuogh yet – are they just timed? i know theyy seem to spaz out a bit before they disappear.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall