Soldiers or Clerics? Need advice
I play an AHEM guardian (Empowering Might and Altuistic healing)
So, I use a greatsword since it gives me a lot of fast attacks that, with my full knight’s gear, crits a LOT.
I recently talked my girlfriend into trying out guardian, and it turns out she really loves it. However, since she fell in love with Hammer, I had to figure out a good way to make a build for hammer that would work.
If you’re up to trying meditations, full soldiers gear with this build is even tanky-er than my AHEM build.
I play an AHEM guardian (Empowering Might and Altuistic healing)
So, I use a greatsword since it gives me a lot of fast attacks that, with my full knight’s gear, crits a LOT.
I recently talked my girlfriend into trying out guardian, and it turns out she really loves it. However, since she fell in love with Hammer, I had to figure out a good way to make a build for hammer that would work.
If you’re up to trying meditations, full soldiers gear with this build is even tanky-er than my AHEM build.
That actually looks like a good build, my goal here is to be really tanky, i might try it out, never tried meditation build but i think ill stick to sword focus
AH I would go Soldier over Clerics, As I asked this recently too and clerics aren’t that good with AH. I’m running Healway atm to make the best use out of my cleric gear.
But if what you are really looking for is too be as much tanky as you can I think AH with Knight and Soldiers might be the best option
Cleric is not good with AH at all, as AH doesn’t increase much with healing power.
Healing power does have a significant effect on dodge heals and mace so if you want to consider specializing in that area, you may try investing in clerics, otherwise you’re better off with taking the power from soldier.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Cleric is not good with AH at all, as AH doesn’t increase much with healing power.
Healing power does have a significant effect on dodge heals and mace so if you want to consider specializing in that area, you may try investing in clerics, otherwise you’re better off with taking the power from soldier.
Basically this.
Bunker/Healway -> Clerics, allows more sustain through dodge rolls, virtues, and weapon sets.
AH -> Soldiers/Knights + Valk, because AH scales poorly with healing power and the extra Vit allows you to combat Conditions better. (I have no interest in playing AH, though there are builds that allow you to self sustain.)
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
Soldiers is not good with AH too.
Cleric´s > longer fights, and support
Soldier > short fights, less support, only usefull if u need + LP to survive the fight.
Usually more then Soldiers armor is wasted on a guardian.
AH is selfish and (most times) not needed. Play “Healway” (a few parts soldier to get ~ 17k LP) for support. Or Knights/soldier/Zerk with non AH Traits.
(edited by Norjena.5172)
AH is selfish, but you NEED some kind of sustain in large fights. Either you get it through healway, or something else. As a frontliner and a part of the melee train, you will most likely be going down the AH route as your sustain. That’s why the 0/5/30/30/5 and 0/0/30/30/10 is the meta build for the frontline guard.
Don’t forget that healing power and vitality are pretty poorly scaled on a guardian. Healing power is generally too weak on all classes. If you want maximum survivability go for equipment with toughness as main stat, toughness is best on guardian.
I got 0/10/30/30/0 Traits and altruistic healing (of course). Gear is half sentinel, since I still need a little vitality, and half knight. Trinkets are knight rings + soldier accessory, amulet and backpiece. Im pretty much always one of the last people standing but still have decent damage, in relation to being so tanky, and can use crit related sigils since I have 30% crit damage and 44% crit chance. In wvw I use omnomberry bread and master maintenance oil. Always include buffood as part of your build and not just as a nice little extra.
If you do run in cleric, make sure to put Superior Stamina Sigil on your weapon.
I personally run Giver’s stats on armor and all cleric on weapons and accessories.
With 0-0-20-30-20. I pop 2,300 hp when I dodge flip and my endurance refreshes whenever i tag on a kill.
The result is an endless flurry of dodge flips, evading 90% of the damage and healing everyone i pass through for the same amount (2,300).
The downside is I have low damage and about 13k max HP – but I think lost HP is lost even if you have 30k HP, if you don’t have a lot of ways to recover it or avoid damage.
With this build i live longer, sharing my Resolve and dropping Hallowed ground in the front lines where most of the support is needed.
Why choose something when you can have everything?
#Celestial with a little flavor of Cleric’s
Soldier seems overrated to be honest. At least on a guardian.
Gotta watch your positioning more strictly with Clerics because of your low hp…
(edited by Kraljevo.2801)