Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Guardian weapons are mostly solid, but they do have some minor fundamental issues that could be improved upon to improve their synergy with traits and increase their depth.


The Mace is awesome, but I would suggest one minor, but significant change:

Protector’s Strike
Added secondary activation to end the channel early and trigger 3 seconds of AoE protection with a whirl finisher.


Now constitutes a Symbol. Renamed to Symbol of Punishment. Damages foes and grants very brief might to allies in the symbol (1 stack for 1 second with each pulse).


Zealot’s Defense
Now constitutes a Symbol. Renamed to Symbol of Defense.
Stand in place, sending out magical projectiles while channeling a Symbol that damages foes and grants pulsing Aegis to allies inside. Cooldown increased to 20 seconds.


Shield of Wrath
Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 45.

Focused Mastery (Trait)
In addition to the 20% cooldown reduction for focus skills, this now grants 90 Power while using a Focus.

Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


ah, zealots defense doesnt need a symbol. its fine as is…plus aegis granted on pulse seems a tad bit op…considering it affects allies. :P

And I wouldnt add a symbol to smite at all. If anything I might, however, add a 1sec knockdown to the last hit, if i was able to.

Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Stice.5204


Zealot’s Defense is not fine as it is. It deals less DPS than the autoattack, only protects against projectiles and you can’t move while using it. One of those restrictions should be lifted because as-is it’s very limited.

As for the scepter, Chains of Light should have a shorter cooldown and Smite should be improved in some way. Maybe it should cripple for 1 second with each hit?

Both shield skills should have their cooldowns reduced.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Xhean.3452


I would love a symbol on Zealot’s Defense. Though instead of pulsing aegis to allies I’d love for it to give either a short immobilize or chill to make you actually hit the targets

Some tweaks I would give to the weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Stice.5204


Also, let’s do something about the torch. It’s specialized to the point that almost nobody uses it right now.

Cleansing Flame’s effect of removing conditions from nearby allies but not yourself is really underwhelming. It should either effect the guardian too or be changed to a different effect. If it transferred conditions from the guardian to targets it hit I think you’d see a lot more torch use, even if they had to raise the cooldown to keep it balanced.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP