Spirit Weapon idea

Spirit Weapon idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

Spirit weapon builds aren’t what they once were since the weapons got health bars. The reasoning for the absence health in the first place was because the weapons had short durations. Most other classes in the game have some sort of pet avaliable to them and they are permanent once summoned. What I would like to suggest is that the duration times be taken away since the weapons now have health. I wouldnt be opposed if the weapons didn’t have out of combat regen since the weapon abilities are quite strong. Thoughts?

Spirit Weapon idea

in Guardian

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


I haven’t played with them much, but whenever I do I notice they are pretty tough on their own. Yes, they have health bars, but they last longer than most mesmer clones and some necro minions. Plus, you can just command them into oblivion anytime, so their health is really just a buffer so you can time your command. They were never meant to be a long-term 2nd auto attack.

I think they are alright as they are. Just stagger them with recharges and you’ll always have one out.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)