Spirit Weapons?
They’re awful at 80. Sword is okay for leveling up. Hammer is generally miserable to use because it pushes enemies further away from you, which is precisely what you don’t want to have happen in PvP. Shield is semi useful in certain dungeons and frackles, but outclassed dramatically by Wall of Reflection. Bow is worthless. Basically nothing Spirit Weapons can do can’t be done better by another ability. Want more raw damage? Signet. Want condition clearing? Purging Flames. Want projectile defense? Wall of Reflection. Want CC? Bring your own hammer.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
There was an awesome build guide around here (Spiritual Burning Druid), but ANet considered the spirit weapons to bad to be advertised and thus deleted the guide
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
There was an awesome build guide around here (Spiritual Burning Druid), but ANet considered the spirit weapons to bad to be advertised and thus deleted the guide
There was an awesome build guide around here (Spiritual Burning Druid), but ANet considered the spirit weapons to bad to be advertised and thus deleted the guide
Or maybe it was because the poster of said build was using it as an attempt to troll the community rather than post meaningful discussion.
Also, I’m pretty sure both of these posts are against rules….. I’m just saying.
I used spirit weapons while leveling up my Sylvari Guardian, and really never had a whole lot of fun playing him. I thought it was cuz Sylvari was my least favorite class, and I shelved him. Recently I dug him back out and changed his build to shouts and consecrations (wall of reflection). I’m having A LOT more fun with him now and actually enjoy playing as a guardian again.
Anet has sadly given up the idea of spirit weapons to ever be viable towards anything that can move or attack. Or atleast that is what i think they have done. Since they wont post or create a topic asking or posting ideas how to fix them.
And on top of that, they also have a tendancy to delete spirit weapon posts from the forum. It has now come to the time to realise that spirit weapons are currently place holders until they add something slightly more thought through and tested.
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?
Even when the SW were invulnerable they were at best a bad choice. Back in the days in order to be effective a SW build need to spent so much skill slots and trait slots to enhance the SW performance that at the end they role as support class went compromised. Even worse, some of those SW (hammer) were counter-productive for the task that was intended (to get more dps). If they were almost useless in the past currently they are entirely obsolete, not only due they neither can compete in support or dps roles against other well known builds but also due can be nuked down instantly with a well placed AoE attack. A SW Guardian build is less useful (at any task in the game) than a Thief healer if you known what I mean.
They should make spirit weapons like guild wars 1 or better yet make heavy armor Ritualist profession with gw1 style spirit weapons as profession mechanic.
I honestly hope they stay the way they are. I personally can’t stand AI driven builds. Spirit Rangers and MM Necros are already powerful, for such a simple and brain dead builds. Last thing I want is another petting zoo running around.
Heavens Rage
I’m still waiting for a Spirit Weapon Heal and Elite skill so I can run with a mesmer, ranger, necro, and engi using full AI mini zergs.