Spirit Weapons in HoT
They didn’t say, but the 50% bonus damage trait really only helps the hammer and sword command skills. Everything else is better off with the burning on hit trait. 50% bonus damage is a fixed amount and very low. Burning on hit is something you can boost with condi-damage and burn-duration.
- Hammer of Wisdom untraited chain: 192 + 192 + 291 = 675 damage (hits 3 targets)
- Hammer of Wisdom chain traited for 50% more damage: 288 + 288 + 437 = 1013 damage (hits 3 targets)
- Hammer of Wisdom traited for heavy, heavy burning on hit: 192 + 1862 + 192 + 1862 + 291 + 1862 = up to 6261 damage (hits 3 targets)
Honestly spirit weapons were better when they were immortal.
sword & hammer did crap for damage but at least they never died.
I wish they would just redesign them to be a mix between banner & ranger spirit.
In that I mean invulnerable stat boosts for allies in a given area & can be commanded to give the guardian a special effect.
Sword could give + precision & command to bleed on next X attacks.
Hammer could give + power and knock down on next attack
Shield could give + vitality and command to create a barrier
Bow could give + toughness and remove a condition on next X attacks for you and nearby allies.
It’s true that spirit weapons lose that 50%, but the guardian himself gain a lot through other traits that they otherwise wouldn’t have access too by taking all the spirit weapon traits.
sword+torch and scepter+focus
Here’s what I was looking at for a spirit weapons build. The only real issue with spirit weapons, is that there isn’t a good weapon to get a symbol from that works well with spirit weapons unless you use double melee.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
(edited by striker.3704)
I’d be thinking something more like
This would be a very hybrid style build with Longbow and Mace/Torch, but you could easily get quite a few damage modifiers going while having all that burn.
Not sure about the spirit weapons. We have better burn application methods.
The hammer might find some Gameplay with DH knock back/down control builds.