Stability: No More G in GWEN?

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


So, will the new stability change mean that it’s more optimal to bring another class to WvW?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


they said they rework the skills applying stability, so that skills apply more stacks of stability i guess

just my ytb channel


Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Shanks.2907


My guess is that SYG will give allies 5 to 6 stacks of stability. I think that there will be a lot more guardians though with Rings/Lines of Warding as each pass over it takes a stack. I don’t think the guardian meta will change in the slightest.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: witcher.3197


My guess is that SYG will give allies 5 to 6 stacks of stability. I think that there will be a lot more guardians though with Rings/Lines of Warding as each pass over it takes a stack. I don’t think the guardian meta will change in the slightest.

Karl said:

  • Dolyak signet will give 8 stacks – this skill is on 60 sec CD and only affects the warrior.
  • Toss Elixir B will have 3 stacks – AoE stability, 30 sec CD, affects 5 players.

SYG is on a 30 sec CD and affects 5 players, I’d say it’ll give 2 or 3 stacks which might be the final nail in the bunker guards’ coffin, sadly.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


theyll probably give SYG 6 stacks tbh. which is a serious nerf.


Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Shanks.2907


If Toss Elixer B on Engineers is 3 stacks, all the more reason why SYG will be 5-6. It’s the staple skill to bunker guardians in both PvP and WvW and not so much for Engineers. I don’t think they devs would be so reckless to just destroy the foundation of support guardians.

I think the stacks are roughly going to translate from how many seconds there were to how many stacks there will be. Balanced Stance is an 8 second stability, so that’s 8 stacks. Throw Elixer B is 4 seconds so 3 stacks is close, slightly toned down. I don’t think SYG will be any less than 4 stacks, with 5 being most likely.

2 stacks would be a slap in the face though, and certainly a nail in the coffin.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


If Toss Elixer B on Engineers is 3 stacks, all the more reason why SYG will be 5-6. It’s the staple skill to bunker guardians in both PvP and WvW and not so much for Engineers. I don’t think they devs would be so reckless to just destroy the foundation of support guardians.

I think the stacks are roughly going to translate from how many seconds there were to how many stacks there will be. Balanced Stance is an 8 second stability, so that’s 8 stacks. Throw Elixer B is 4 seconds so 3 stacks is close, slightly toned down. I don’t think SYG will be any less than 4 stacks, with 5 being most likely.

2 stacks would be a slap in the face though, and certainly a nail in the coffin.

Staple shmaple. It’s AoE stab, so it will be much lower than single target stab. Expect 2-3 stacks.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


If Toss Elixer B on Engineers is 3 stacks, all the more reason why SYG will be 5-6. It’s the staple skill to bunker guardians in both PvP and WvW and not so much for Engineers. I don’t think they devs would be so reckless to just destroy the foundation of support guardians.

I think the stacks are roughly going to translate from how many seconds there were to how many stacks there will be. Balanced Stance is an 8 second stability, so that’s 8 stacks. Throw Elixer B is 4 seconds so 3 stacks is close, slightly toned down. I don’t think SYG will be any less than 4 stacks, with 5 being most likely.

2 stacks would be a slap in the face though, and certainly a nail in the coffin.

Staple shmaple. It’s AoE stab, so it will be much lower than single target stab. Expect 2-3 stacks.

Throw Elixir B is a secondary F option for the utility, not the main skill use.
Not comparable.

5 stacks on Stand Your Ground, any less would be daft.

2-3 stacks on traited Indomitable Courage.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


They could buff other things to compensate.

Hahahahahahaha…. :/

Toss Elixir B AND SYG should be 5-6 at least. Toss B is a pretty terrible skill due to the delay and I guess it’s worse now because it doesn’t even prioritize yourself at times.

Unfortunately, given their competence, I guess it’s time to drag out my old scepter build at this rate.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Yeah, guardian is kittened.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


There’s no doubt the meta will change but I doubt guardians will fall out of it; even without stability they have phenomenal group support. We’ll probably see stability used reactively instead of proactively, emphasis on ranged pressure combined with ranged CC and lots of zerk staff eles.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


In one hand this change will make the stuns from warriors more usefull. Earthshaker +staggering blow removing 2 stab stacks. Making warriors better.

In the other hand stability becomes rarer to have. So we might have people running even more guardians to counter that. Line of warding and biding blades also getting better.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lytalm.5673


Guardian have Line of Warding, Ring of Warding which will see a big buff, so I don’t think it’s the end of the G in GWEN.

Les Pirates du Styx [xQcx]
Fort Aspenwood

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jerus.4350


In one hand this change will make the stuns from warriors more usefull. Earthshaker +staggering blow removing 2 stab stacks. Making warriors better.

In the other hand stability becomes rarer to have. So we might have people running even more guardians to counter that. Line of warding and biding blades also getting better.

That’s exactly my thought on it. 3 guard groups now the new meta? Stack up groups with guards, everyone else will just range /shrug. Really doesn’t sound like a fun change for WvW.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Mr Pin.6728

Mr Pin.6728

Well, considering how many sources of stability the guardian has I’d say no. Hallowed ground (? it been a while since I’ve slotted that skill) pulse stability and can be traited to be ground targeted. Maybe a rolling rotating group of guards tossing hallowed ground and staking out kill zones. Tomes can be traited to have stability. Could tomes make a comeback? I kind of doubt it but anything is possible. Stability on virtue probably will fall out of favor and maybe stand your ground is less appealing then other sources of stability but ultimately I don’t see much of a change in the 0 0 6 4 4 guard from this change. Guardians will still be part of the group comp with a possible tweak to traits, slotted skills and rotations. If anything all the walls and rings will make them more valuable in controlling enemy frontline and hammer trains.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Well, considering how many sources of stability the guardian has I’d say no. Hallowed ground (? it been a while since I’ve slotted that skill) pulse stability and can be traited to be ground targeted. Maybe a rolling rotating group of guards tossing hallowed ground and staking out kill zones. Tomes can be traited to have stability. Could tomes make a comeback? I kind of doubt it but anything is possible. Stability on virtue probably will fall out of favor and maybe stand your ground is less appealing then other sources of stability but ultimately I don’t see much of a change in the 0 0 6 4 4 guard from this change. Guardians will still be part of the group comp with a possible tweak to traits, slotted skills and rotations. If anything all the walls and rings will make them more valuable in controlling enemy frontline and hammer trains.

I can tell you right now as a guy who plays necro a lot, if I saw people throwing an AE ahead of the melee train and them consistently running to it… well… thanks for the marker for where I should drop my wells.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


Yeah the stab change will hurt badly… Really guards will only be useful for stab boosting other classes and the hammer/staff combo. Immob MIGHT (resistance boon) still be useful, the wards will definitely be valuable and nothing beats that enpower.

More people will take up eles, necros and warriors for sure though.

Devona’s Rest

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Guardian have Line of Warding, Ring of Warding which will see a big buff, so I don’t think it’s the end of the G in GWEN.

Sanctuary too.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


If its only 2 or 3 stacks Guardians are finished in spvp as contenders for a competitve group slot barring some major upgrades elsewhere with the expansion. Really Guardians have gotten very little in the way of upgrades since this game launched. People would always point to how solid they were in certain areas as an excuse but that has gotten chipped away slowly over time. Meanwhile classes like Engineer and Elementalist are constantly buffed.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


In one hand this change will make the stuns from warriors more usefull. Earthshaker +staggering blow removing 2 stab stacks. Making warriors better.

In the other hand stability becomes rarer to have. So we might have people running even more guardians to counter that. Line of warding and biding blades also getting better.

That’s exactly my thought on it. 3 guard groups now the new meta? Stack up groups with guards, everyone else will just range /shrug. Really doesn’t sound like a fun change for WvW.

No it will not be a fun change. WvW is pretty much dead. I see combat shifting to be more like Rift, where you have a blob of people simply ranging the other side. After a week people will get sick of it. Necro will be the new king of WvW. GWEN will just be NNEN.

SPVP will likely be pretty much the same as it is now. Revnant like a new LOL characer will likely be OP and be all that people run.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


they said they rework the skills applying stability, so that skills apply more stacks of stability i guess

No matter how many stacks it applies it no longer stacks in duration and so is by definition worse than the old system where your stability negates all cc and can be stacked in duration.

Stability: No More G in GWEN?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


they said they rework the skills applying stability, so that skills apply more stacks of stability i guess

No matter how many stacks it applies it no longer stacks in duration and so is by definition worse than the old system where your stability negates all cc and can be stacked in duration.

It won’t matter how many stacks you get. Trying to force a choke will now be next to impossible without siege creep. The new stability stacks will be stripped so fast it won’t even be funny. Stack elementalists and necros and flood the choke with every CC you have will be the new game mode.

Blobs of ranged whaling away on whatever melee happens to feel like bashing their head against the wall it looks like to me.