

in Guardian

Posted by: Kaelum.4237


So, out of curiosity while playing with my friend (A mesmer) we compared all our stats. His gear is a little better, mesmers are more damage dealers than guardians, so I wasnt surprised to find his power, and condition damage higher than mine. What I was surprised by was…. I have 100 more vitality than he does, we are the same level. He has 1k MORE HP than I do. Also, him wearing light armor, had more toughness than I do, wearing heavy. Something doesnt seem right about this, and I’d like to hear everyones thoughts…. Maybe Armor means nothing except looks….. I guess any class can be front line, not just warriors and guardians.


in Guardian

Posted by: Arenthas.1385


Your armour may not be up to date, are you both 80?

Usually a typical cond dmg guardian has stats that include Pwr, Toughness and Cond

Arenthas – Tarnished Coast –


in Guardian

Posted by: Dookies.2718


Guardians have really low base hp


in Guardian

Posted by: Qelris.6901


1 vit = 10 hp, so that’S where that 1k hp is from. Guardians have 10k ish base HP at 80, while Warriors have 16k or 18k, forgot exact numbers.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.


in Guardian

Posted by: Bobnintendo.1256


Guardians, along with Thiefs and Elementalists, have the lowest base Hitpoints in the game.


in Guardian

Posted by: Kaelum.4237


Your armour may not be up to date, are you both 80?

Usually a typical cond dmg guardian has stats that include Pwr, Toughness and Cond

We’re both level 55, I have all blue-green gear level 49-50. He has green-gold level 45-50. But again, he has light, I have heavy. His gold level 45 chest piece was equal to my green level 50 chest piece. as far as defense given.

1 vit = 10 hp, so that’S where that 1k hp is from. Guardians have 10k ish base HP at 80, while Warriors have 16k or 18k, forgot exact numbers.

I have 100 more vitality, he has 1k more hp.

Guardians, along with Thiefs and Elementalists, have the lowest base Hitpoints in the game.

Thanks for the info, although I dont understand why it is this way it does explain why.


in Guardian

Posted by: Disastersaurus.3146


It’s because we’re incredibly tough and higher health would make us broken. In BWE1, we had about 20k health and were unstoppable.

Between all our self-buffs, our frequent aegis/blocking, and mobility/healing tools, our low health is how the game balances out all of our defenses.


in Guardian

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


So, out of curiosity while playing with my friend (A mesmer) we compared all our stats. His gear is a little better, mesmers are more damage dealers than guardians, so I wasnt surprised to find his power, and condition damage higher than mine. What I was surprised by was…. I have 100 more vitality than he does, we are the same level. He has 1k MORE HP than I do. Also, him wearing light armor, had more toughness than I do, wearing heavy. Something doesnt seem right about this, and I’d like to hear everyones thoughts…. Maybe Armor means nothing except looks….. I guess any class can be front line, not just warriors and guardians.

So ill break this down to make it easier to read.
1: The hp difference would be hes a mesmer.
2: Does he have more Toughness or Armor? If its toughness hes pribally stacked heavy into it and might have traits boosting it like i do on my guardian. I currently have +200 toughness at 80 from traits. It maxes at 300 which is around 6 pieces of 80 gear worth of toughness.

Ill go on to add armor type in this game doesent mean a while lot. Anyone can build to be defensive. And thats kinda the point. So dont really let it get to you. Worry more about are you having fun. If so then just keep doing what your doing.