Stats while leveling
I’d go for offensive stats (Power, Crit Chance, Crit Damage) until you find yourself dying too easy, and then take a bit more defensive stats (Vitality and Toughness).
As for traits, it’s hard to go wrong, so just try out things until you find what works for you. Retraiting doesn’t cost a lot.
If you’re unsure on how to trait: Start with the weapons and utilities you like, and build around them.
Alright, what about power vs condition damage? I replaced a lot of my old power/precision gear with precision/condition damage gear (cultural tier 1 armor)
I’m planning on going zeal+radiance (I’ll have to figure out the 3rd talent and so on), so should I go back to the old armor stats, or continue with condition >power?
I don’t really enjoy damage-builds, but I prefer power/precision over condition damage, since we only have one condition.