Strong offensive guardian 1v1 build?;TgAqsMZJyymlLLZWrPGWA
I use this build in wvw with full berseker, i know that i have only 10800 hp but is estreme fun doing mighty blo +10k on guys under 80 lvl..and around 6-8k damage on full exotic 80 player
I will start to explain the utility: Safe your self
Judge intervation the most op skill for me: istant teleport..the op thing that that for example i can target a enemy start to cast ring of warding use immediatly JI and sbam i stay on target istant and it will remain block of my RoW..and i can now generate all my dps example with MB+ 1# chain skill .
This rotation is estreme op in 1vs1 but also on more target for take all together.
“i hope that with my english, i had explain well the rotation”
After this i increase my damage against burning enemy: fiery wrath and against enemy under condition : radiance power..also increase 20% my damage under 40% damage if i start the figth..if i jump on with JI apply buring after this use justice..that increase my stack of migth, doing blind and apply vulnerability and i can do all my dps
MB with 40% damage is a big kick in the kitten img src="/include/images/smilies/colondee.png" />
Inner fire is really important because ..there are to many guardian .. but also other class as ranger-engineer and warrior apply this condition:
This build work really really well in 1vs1..but also 1vs3 you can do really well…
Example…you run and see 3 target defence to arrow cat…you go near preload ring of warning and JI..all remain inside the ring..use stand your ground for become immune cc and take retalation..use virtu of justice for aoe blind/vulnerability aoe..and MB and you will see a big number..after this is good doing all 1°# chain..after this swic in gw and doing whirlwind..if you will to be fast can do it.
Some times i had do this action and i was very happy to see 3 enemy in downed mode…and kill two of this during ..because the third usually run away
I hope that my english is understable
Have nice day mate
unscathed contender: +20% damage under aegis
I forgot to write this
Bad link on build !!!!
One of my favorites that I got from the guru forums:
Full info here:
And the next person who says bad link gets a kick in the shin. Copy/paste! The board puts an extra carriage return in long links for some reason. This gets brought up so often, I wish it were a sticky. Not that anyone ever reads stickies…
Bad link on build !!!!
Use copy+paste.
The problem I have with Aegis, is you’re only getting the extra damage, until you receive damage for the first time, right? Once someone has hit you, those traits don’t really do anything.
I’d look for extra damage elsewhere.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Well it may work quite well with scepter. If you can kite well you can keep it on almost 100% of the time. If not you csn always trait for more aegis.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Are we talking WvW, sPvP, or regular PvE here? For PvE you are pretty much traiting for raw damage output. I recommend going full Berserker and 10/0/30/30/0 on the stat spread with boon duration runes, which is probably the best tradeoff in terms of offense and defense. You’re getting 5% from the zeal stats, +10% from Fiery Wrath, +5% from traited Save Yourselves (fury), +10% from Empowering Might, +5% from Two-Handed Mastery, +3% from Retributive Armor, and +10% from Elusive Power. With that many boosts to damage you can almost catch up to warrior damage and be fifty times tankier. If you want even more DPS you can toss in Sword of Justice (150 damage/sec) and traited Smite Condition (+100 damage/sec).
Your other options are to take points out of Valor (although you’ll lose Retributive Armor, so I don’t recommend it) and put it in either Zeal for Greatsword Power (+5%) or Virtues for the consecration boost. It doesn’t really matter that much though. Just use whatever you’re comfortable with so long as you don’t sacrifice too much damage-wise.
I’m talking about purely TPvP.