Stuff escapes me

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Fortus.6175


My biggest issue currently, in WvW everything and anything (even an elementalist..) will outrun me 8/10 times before I get a chance to do much more. sPvP is less of an issue since if i make them run I win the point, but it is not fun watch the kills walk away.

help please?

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


My biggest issue currently, in WvW everything and anything (even an elementalist..) will outrun me 8/10 times before I get a chance to do much more. sPvP is less of an issue since if i make them run I win the point, but it is not fun watch the kills walk away.

help please?

runes of the traveler.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


Simply roll any other profession….

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Let the cowards flee!

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


like DeathPanel brought up, runes of the traveler seem to be a new favorite amongst some Guardians. that might be worth looking into and definitely helps overall mobility / getting across maps faster.

what weapon sets / build are you usually using? as Guardians, there are a few tricks we have up our sleeves. though to be fair, against certain classes/specs, it’d be tough for anyone to catch them if they don’t mean to be caught.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Neko.9021


This is the fundamental weakness of the Guardian, and honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. Be happy that you can hold down an area so well that all others must flee. The fact that you can’t catch up is a small price to pay. The inability to catch people is, as far as I can tell, an intentionally designed weakness for the Guardian, to balance out its other abilities.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


L2 Judge’s Intervention and Flashing Blade.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


Kill him before he realises he should probably run This is one of the biggest bonus’ to being a burst guardian.

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Antares.2586


Hi Fortus,

Here is what I use :

Weapons : GS / Scepter & Torch.

Traits : Two hand mastery, to maximise GS Leap usage, and dps via Whirling Wrath.

Skills : Retreat & SY

Runes : of the Pack

Use GS Leaps and shouts, with runes of the Pack to get near perma swiftness.

When foe starts to run, immo with scepter 3, then use 4 to start burning when near him.
He runs again, throw Zealot’s Fire, leap to 600, Binding Blade to 600 then pull, and finish him.

Also Retreat is often overlooked, but another on-demand Aegis is VERY useful, when you time it well.

(edited by Antares.2586)

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


Another good burst is

Focus 5 → swap to greatsword and wait 3 seconds → start binding blade animation and teleport onto target with Judges Intervention → activate secondary of binding blade and use whirling wrath to finish the job.

If it all works out the burst will hit somewhere between 10-17K and for the most part the attack isn’t something avoidable unless you have the luck or reaction speed of a gaming god.

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


I play with mesmer in wvw and when i fight with guardian that dont want to die after 5 min fight i just walk away, its a waste of time.

Not good at english ^^

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


I play with mesmer in wvw and when i fight with guardian that dont want to die after 5 min fight i just walk away, its a waste of time.

This is the reason I stopped playing Bunker Guardian because the fights just drag out and everyone gives up.

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743


The problem is not the speed. Traveler will not fix it.

With some builds you have perma swiftness, even with GS/sword you have a LOT of mobility, more if you run JI. I can chase a LOT, i always catch my target (excluding dagger ele and GS/sword-horn warriors)

The problem is not the speed or gap closer, the problem is the lack of cripple/chill, soft CC to keep them closer when you catch him. Because when you catch him they can jump far again or cripple/immobilize/chill you. And this is the second problem, the lack of “auto” remove or reduction of softCC, we havent, we are very vulnerable to soft CC, we need to be like warriors, they have a lot of “anti soft CC traits” we are more melees than warriors and we have nothing like that.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Pecar.1236


we need speed trait like warrior 25% while have melee weapons wtf we have this shhhhhiiiitttt Unscathed Contender Deal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis. this is one of the idioticc trait in this game dont know why every class have signet with speed or trait and guards have nothing guardian really need rework (spririt weapons suck /consencrations suck) 30% of his trait is useless and his shield skills vs other class suck badly right now is warrior vs guardian op like hell warrior ( big hp/s regen without having more in healing power/ better traits with weapons / cc on every weapon / more escape skills tank warrior vs tank guard lol warrior with same gear like guardian have more hp/armor/ better regen/ and can do 2x-3x more dps guardian is only good to spvp and wvw like support healer in normal pvp he can be kitten with every class

(edited by Pecar.1236)

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


we need speed trait like warrior 25% while have melee weapons wtf we have this shhhhhiiiitttt Unscathed Contender Deal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis. this is one of the idioticc trait in this game dont know why every class have signet with speed or trait and guards have nothing guardian really need rework (spririt weapons suck /consencrations suck) 30% of his trait is useless and his shield skills vs other class suck badly right now is warrior vs guardian op like hell warrior ( big hp/s regen without having more in healing power/ better traits with weapons / cc on every weapon / more escape skills tank warrior vs tank guard lol warrior with same gear like guardian have more hp/armor/ better regen/ and can do 2x-3x more dps guardian is only good to spvp and wvw like support healer in normal pvp he can be kitten with every class

Pretty much this

Crazy Leg

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


On my roaming meditation build, I have hydromancy sigils on both weapon sets: Greatsword and Sword with a shield + JI and Bane signet…. all to stop the little feckers from running away

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743


we need speed trait like warrior 25% while have melee weapons wtf we have this shhhhhiiiitttt Unscathed Contender Deal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis. this is one of the idioticc trait in this game dont know why every class have signet with speed or trait and guards have nothing guardian really need rework (spririt weapons suck /consencrations suck) 30% of his trait is useless and his shield skills vs other class suck badly right now is warrior vs guardian op like hell warrior ( big hp/s regen without having more in healing power/ better traits with weapons / cc on every weapon / more escape skills tank warrior vs tank guard lol warrior with same gear like guardian have more hp/armor/ better regen/ and can do 2x-3x more dps guardian is only good to spvp and wvw like support healer in normal pvp he can be kitten with every class

I had guardian as my only main class but is exactly for that i created a warrior.

Now, with my warrior in level 80, with full exotic tanky dps build i agree a lot with you, right now warrior is almost “all in one” profession, i have a lot of build to try, compared with my limited guardian.

Guardian is a melee class without tools to keep in melee. No condition damage, no decent range, and as you said, a lot of useless and bad organized traits and utilities (spirit weapons is maybe the worst utility type in game)

Guardian dont need only a buff in certain areas, need a rework and reorganize of a lot of traits. Guards only excel in bunker (idk how far right now), and core support for zergs and some duo roamers.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


My biggest issue currently, in WvW everything and anything (even an elementalist..) will outrun me 8/10 times before I get a chance to do much more. sPvP is less of an issue since if i make them run I win the point, but it is not fun watch the kills walk away.

help please?

Superior runes of the traveler.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Pecar.1236


we need speed trait like warrior 25% while have melee weapons wtf we have this shhhhhiiiitttt Unscathed Contender Deal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis. this is one of the idioticc trait in this game dont know why every class have signet with speed or trait and guards have nothing guardian really need rework (spririt weapons suck /consencrations suck) 30% of his trait is useless and his shield skills vs other class suck badly right now is warrior vs guardian op like hell warrior ( big hp/s regen without having more in healing power/ better traits with weapons / cc on every weapon / more escape skills tank warrior vs tank guard lol warrior with same gear like guardian have more hp/armor/ better regen/ and can do 2x-3x more dps guardian is only good to spvp and wvw like support healer in normal pvp he can be kitten with every class

I had guardian as my only main class but is exactly for that i created a warrior.

Now, with my warrior in level 80, with full exotic tanky dps build i agree a lot with you, right now warrior is almost “all in one” profession, i have a lot of build to try, compared with my limited guardian.

Guardian is a melee class without tools to keep in melee. No condition damage, no decent range, and as you said, a lot of useless and bad organized traits and utilities (spirit weapons is maybe the worst utility type in game)

Guardian dont need only a buff in certain areas, need a rework and reorganize of a lot of traits. Guards only excel in bunker (idk how far right now), and core support for zergs and some duo roamers.

i have more that 1150hour as guardian and i must say its right now its sucker class in this game anet nerf him to state where he can only go ah+em (only for group) and Meditation for solo his weapons like (shield suck- hammer slow- scepter lol range 1200 but after range 650 to 1200 you miss 90% projectiles for people who only running around you in circle- ) dont know why guard cannot have off-hand weapon or why is guardian design to melee if he dont have cc/speed ( if want speed you can use staff or 60s cd shout or pay 42g for traveler rune) we have low hp poll so we must sacrafice our dps gear for some vit/armor/hp or we very quick die . we cannot catching people like other class and dont have escape cappacite. we have suck trait : list of our uselees trait

Binding Jeopardy- Immobilizing a foe also applies vulnerability to them. lol we have immobilize only on hammer with 15s cd and scepter 20s cd
Zealous Blade Attacks with your greatsword deal an extra 5% damage and heal you +5%dmg and 25hp is low why they cannot scale this trait with hp.
Kindled Zeal 10% of your power is converted into condition damage rolf why invest 30 points to zeal if you from 2400 power have +240 condition damage and this buff my burning damage for 60 omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!§
Shimmering Defense Burn nearby foes when your health reaches 25% (60-second cooldown).
Inner Fire When you are set on fire, you gain fury. this trai is only vs guard/ele/eng ve other class is useless
Powerful Blades Sword and spear damage is increased by 5%. small dmg buff and no cd for sword
Glacial Heart Critical hits with a hammer have a 100% chance to chill your target for 5 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds. lol i can buy sigil what chill for 2s every 9s or on weapon swap this trai need change to on critical hit have 33% chance to chill targer for 3-5s every 10s
Unscathed Contender Deal 20% more damage while under the effects of aegis. rofl after 1 hit its useless what cannot change to +% dmg on every condition on you or complete change it for +20-25% speed while have melee weapons like have warrior
Trait XII.png Shielded Mind Activating Virtue of Courage also breaks stun for any ally affected by the ability. very low buff for grandmaster trait right now is guardian good only for pve but in pvp its broken class

(edited by Pecar.1236)

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Well, you’d better go catch it!

Sorry. My real advice is to play shouts in WvW, with at least “SY!” on the bar. Playing with at least Greatsword or Sword will help as well, if you really don’t like Staff.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


When I first levelled a guard, I was dissapointed in the lack of mobility compared to my warrior. There are some nice leaps/teleports, but guardian is probably on par with necro and mesmer when it comes to being “slow” with regards to catching certain other professions.

I’ve come to accept that this is just the design philosophy of the class. Guardians are woderful front line zerg units, and point defenders, but are not meant to be that mobile.

I dont think anet will make this any different soon, but I do wish they worked on the top two trait-lines and brought them in line with the last three so that there could be more of a choice with regards to builds.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


^^ This post warms my heart. It should be framed, guilded with gold and carried on the shoulders of cherubim.

It’s refreshing to see someone recognize that the mobility ‘problem’ is part of the defining characteristic of the Guardian profession itself. I’m of the belief that any attempt by the devs to change that will compromise the structure of the class and dumb down it’s play value.

I don’t advise people boost a weakness to get mediocrity. Anecdotal experience over playing many MMO’s is enough to tell us all that the most success will come from doing what the profession is designed to do. Play to your Strengths.

Specifically to this thread (and this won’t be a popular opinion) … if your issue is that you can’t run anyone down, you should stop chasing people. The class simply isn’t made to do that. I feel an attempt to make up for that with something like Traveler’s runes will be a net loss by making your intended toolset less effective.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Stuff escapes me

in Guardian

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


Yah, totally agree, I got an ambient white rabid got away from me once.

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.