Weapon Skills
1-handed weapons are really lacking in Fields or Finishers. Sword, Scepter, Torch have no Fields, no Finishers.
Sword#2 should be a Leap.
Greatsword#3 does almost the same thing. Actually does much more damage and it is a Leap. How would making Sword#2 a Leap break the game when Leap of Faith is better already? Increase recharge to 12-15 if you think it will really be too broken.
Scepter#2 should be a Light Field
Just a Light Field, not a Symbol. Smite is ground targeted on foes for damage. Light Fields do not add much in terms of damage, be it Projectile/Whirl/Leap/Blast, therefore not increasing Scepter DPS in any way, but giving it an actual option for a little Support.
Healing/Utility/Elite Skills
Healing Breeze cone needs to go
Nobody uses that skill, not even people who want to be pure healers/support. The reason is the cone. It should simply create a healing aura around you for 3 seconds. Reduce the range to 300(around you) instead of 600(cone in front).
Hammer of Wisdom should apply 1 second Chill on hit
Guardians have very little soft control skills. We only get low duration Immobilize, and dont even get a 25% Increased Movement Speed Signet. It is already unlikely for a Guardian to chase any other class(even Mesmer) if they decide to run away. Just look at the skill, it does 1/10th the damage of Bane Signet per hit, has double the activation, does not provide a passive effect and has 5 seconds more recharge. Even if the Spirit Hammer manages to live and hit a foe 10 times, it still does not even break par with Bane Signet. This skill needs a unique effect to be viable.
Bow of Truth should use Volley Condition Removal
Bow of Truth is mediocre to remove conditions even on yourself. Compare to Contemplation of Purity which shares the same recharge, or Purging Flames. Even if you look at removing conditions from allies, it is still mediocre. Purging Flames can remove conditions from every ally around you with a much lower recharge. Absolute Resolution also does that, even at 1200 range. Bow of Truth should shoot Volley and remove 1 condition from you and allies it hits every time it shoots to even be viable.
Signet of Wrath passive should be change to Improved Critical Chance
Condition Damage has almost no use on Guardians. Make it become +5% Critical Chance passive, just like Signet of Judgment has -10% Incoming Damage.
Tomes should only replace 1-5 Weapon skills
It should act like an Item in your hands just like Banners or Conjures. The reason for this is because whenever you use a Tome, you are giving up on everything else. You cannot activate your Virtues, you cannot activate Healing/Utility skills. You even lose your Passive Virtues and Signet effects. Before a certain patch, you could not even move while using a Tome. So unless you are in a safe spot where nothing can aggro or hit you(which is extremely unlikely for frontline Guardians), Tomes are extremely situational to use compared to Renewed Focus. If Tomes were similar to an item like Fiery Greatsword, they would actually see a lot more use.
Focus Mastery and Scepter Power should change trait lines
Why are the improvement traits for two weapons that have absolutely no Symbol have to figure in the trait line that specializes in Symbols? Hammer and Mace actually have Symbols and would synergize greatly with the Zeal line. Swap the traits with Glacial Heart and Mace of Justice, they are all Master Major traits.
Kindled Zeal
New trait proposal: Gains 1 stack of Might for 5 seconds every time the Guardian applies a condition to a Burning foe. This is basically the condition version requirement of Empowering Might. The catch is a condition on a “Burning” foe.
New trait proposal: Whenever the Guardian inflicts a condition to a foe, that foe also suffers from 1 second of Burning. If you insist on a condition Guardian, improving Condition Duration is already what Zeal line does.
Strength of the Fallen
New trait proposal: Whenever you are struck by a foe while in downed state, you inflict Retaliation damage to that foe. This will make foes think twice before trying to finish you off with plain damage instead of a finisher.
Retaliatory Subconcious
New trait proposal: Lose one condition whenever you are dazed, stunned, knocked down, knocked back, or feared. Cooldown 30s. The potential here is it can remove Fear once immediately when Fear is applied.