Suggestion: Make aegis stack

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


Plz do, even if its only up to 7 it would Rlly help us out, just make it so the passive doesnt virtue doesnt stack it, reason is cause aegis as of now is easy to counter just by pressing auto and doesnt do enough to make us wanted. If it was like up to 8 stacks we’d have a role in pvp cause nobody else brings aegis to the table.

(edited by Coolguy.8702)

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Might actually work

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Not a chance in hell it’s going to happen IMO but if you’re not going to say why, that pretty much guarantees it won’t happen.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


Not a chance in hell it’s going to happen IMO but if you’re not going to say why, that pretty much guarantees it won’t happen.

Just edited it

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Indure.5410


I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

There’s plenty of counter-measures they could add to eliminate abuse. For example a stack limit of 3-5 and/or a time limit so that after the first application each additional stack can only last ~10s. That being said, I don’t think adding stacks is a good answer to aegis since it just compounds the absurdly varying amounts of damage reduction aegis can give. Obtena’s approach is better IMO because it starts making aegis damage mitigation more reliable.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


i’d be fine with stack limit of 2

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


i’d be fine with stack limit of 2

Perhaps something like this. But what about if aegis had two parts:
First one soaks in any damage that hits be it auto attack, direct skill or AoE
Then aegis “shatters” and second barrier stays up to soak in first critical hit before dispersion.
That could work as guardian only capability to aegis.

I had a thought of a certain skill mechanic for guardian if there will be any new elite specializations.
A special kind of aegis that soaks in all damage for a few seconds before blowing out in an AoE attack which deals the same ammount of damage that was held on that barrier or is divided among targets (up to 5).

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

This could work.

The question is

1: What stats would it scale off of

2: How well would it scale & would there be traits to boost it.

3: Would it just effect physical damage or would conditions also be effected.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

Yeah, that hits the spot.
An Aegis that absorbs damage instead of getting popped by a random AA.
But the question indeed remains:
What kind of damage, both power and condi ?

If it comes to scaling I guess it might scale off of the highest stat so that every guardian could get absorption.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I don’t think the kind of damage matters does it? I don’t want to take either kind, though I can see some argument that if you are taking both kinds at the same time, there should be a priority perhaps? I think the real question is if the damage is reduced before or after damage reduction modifiers.

Scaling? Probably toughness as my first thought. Can’t pretend to have thought alot about the idea and how it would scale. I just think preventing a certain amount of damage is better than a single hit. I will let the excel gamers argue that one.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I don’t think the kind of damage matters does it? I don’t want to take either kind, though I can see some argument that if you are taking both kinds at the same time, there should be a priority perhaps? I think the real question is if the damage is reduced before or after damage reduction modifiers.

Scaling? Probably toughness as my first thought. Can’t pretend to have thought alot about the idea and how it would scale. I just think preventing a certain amount of damage is better than a single hit. I will let the excel gamers argue that one.

Scaling off toughness would be fine for tanks but less then desirable for any other spec.

Frankly I’d say make it scale off of power (which pretty much every spec and gear type a guardian would want uses) then put a modifier or two deep in virtues, honor & valor that add some scaling from or change scaling to work off of toughness, vitality & healing power.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Aegis can get taken off so easily by a feable attack. How about we get a trait that increases this break threshold to 2k+ damages only? I think it should be an honor grand trait imo.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Daniele Rebecchi.1746

Daniele Rebecchi.1746

Hem…fractals level 41-50 says hi x)

Please no,those fractals are so long to clear right now,with perma protacion regen and stability on mobs,if we add a perma aegis they will basically never ends T_T

Ps. Dont tell something like:" make them stack only in pvp",we know arena doesent differenciate pvp patch from pve sadly

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

Yeah, that hits the spot.
An Aegis that absorbs damage instead of getting popped by a random AA.
But the question indeed remains:
What kind of damage, both power and condi ?

If it comes to scaling I guess it might scale off of the highest stat so that every guardian could get absorption.

Pure of Heart already exists, which is almost the same as damage absorption. The heal is just kinda really weak.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I would prefer if there was a ‘smart’ way to apply Aegis but i don’t think stacking it is the answer; it’s way too easily abused that way.

Personally, I would like to see changed to absorb a certain amount of damage instead of a single hit. That way it’s not so easily wiped away by clever players.

Yeah, that hits the spot.
An Aegis that absorbs damage instead of getting popped by a random AA.
But the question indeed remains:
What kind of damage, both power and condi ?

If it comes to scaling I guess it might scale off of the highest stat so that every guardian could get absorption.

Pure of Heart already exists, which is almost the same as damage absorption. The heal is just kinda really weak.

healing does not = damage negation.

And as anyone with a working brain in this game knows damage avoided is far better then damage healed due to things like poison and burst damage.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Askadia.4395


Just reduce the Virtue #3 active CD. 60ish seconds are too much for just a 1 single damage negation, given that aegis already triggers every now and then with the Virtue #3 passive effect.
Other classes can dodge (thives/daredevils), be dmg immune (mesmers/chronos), heal themselves while been hit (revenants) a lot easier. Or they even have a secondary HP pool (necros/reapers). Guardians have a poor access to vigor (and swiftness) and the only valid alternatives are shelter (healing skill) and the med elite. If those two are in CD, you’re a dead guardian.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

might work if you gave aegis to everyone, but right now guard has a monopoly on aegis making this change broken as hoot.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


whut am i reading?

Would be better to have a tweaked version of Aegis from gw1(pve version of it before got splited to pvp) and trait eefect would be when a block happens or at the end of the boon, aegis stacking would be weird and to forgivable.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Eh personally I love the idea of just making it absorb a set amount of damage then vanish.

With the addendum that there would be a few traits to make it scale better off of different stats.

That would be much easier to balance and make it more useful for a variety of game modes.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: cranos.5913


Eh personally I love the idea of just making it absorb a set amount of damage then vanish.

With the addendum that there would be a few traits to make it scale better off of different stats.

That would be much easier to balance and make it more useful for a variety of game modes.

This would be a decent solution. In pvp it’s ridiculously easy to strip aegis, in wvw it’s prob gone before the melee trains even start fighting and now even in PvE it’s become quite useless since they went the road of sustained dmg over OHKOs. I’m not rly a fan of the fact that it’d just be dmg, considering now it blocks everything including for example CCs, but it’s a small price to pay when it means actually having a meaningful boon again.

Suggestion: Make aegis stack

in Guardian

Posted by: Nash.2681


Core problem: different game modes, different needs.
Though I totally see the usefullness of a stacking/absorbing kind of Aegis in PvP/WvW, I also see the power of the current “negate that one super-heavy-instakill-hit on demand” Aegis in PvE. So best would be to split this skill in a PvE and a PvP/WvW version. But as Daniele Rebecchi.1746 already said- that probably won’t happen.
So I think Askadia.4395 is on the right track. First, drastically lower the recharge of F3, second give it somekind of usefull extra passive or somekind of extra effect on activation.
Maybe something like:
- (Passive) Grants aegis every 30 seconds and +25% movement speed/ cleansed 2 conditions every 10-15 seconds (Active) just like it is now
- (Passive) Grants aegis every 30 seconds (Active) Grants aegis to you and allies in range and anyone affected gets cleansed 3 conditions/ gets 3sec superspeed/ gets healed for XY
Just some ideas, ofc some trait adjustments would have to follow accordingly.

XMG U716 (i7 6700, 16GB DDR4@2133Mhz, GTX980m, Samsung 850Evo 250 GB, Seagate SSHD 500GB)

Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.