Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Could we please have this changed so that male characters are animated in the same way as females?
Empower with the character levitating and radiating might to its allies just looks so much more commanding and sexxeh than crouching down in a weird pose that looks like my character is suffering a mild seizure…
Any thoughts, is it a big change to implement?
Meh, I agree that the male animation is kinda bad, but I also don’t use the Staff enough to care about it
Yeah male’s Empower animation is pretty terrible. Renewed Focus is bad too, looks like they are having a migraine
I have to agree with OP on this one, I also think the shield needs a rework.
1st Guardian World Problems.
^^ mPascoal; it has its uses in PvP and WvW.
RF at least mimics the skill icon; that guy’s face looks clenched in a contorted grin
I have to agree with OP on this one, I also think the shield needs a rework.
1st Guardian World Problems.
Yea, purely cosmetic issues
Ofc, having the bunker meta’s dps increased would be nice, but not going to ask for miracles… so maybe just giving male guardians a cool animation isn’t that difficult!
^^ mPascoal; it has its uses in PvP and WvW.
RF at least mimics the skill icon; that guy’s face looks clenched in a contorted grin
I know it has, but in PvP I play Medi Guard and in WvW, the little I do, is roaming so Meditations again
instead of sit on dead enemy, guardians can always empower on enemies corpses….
Sorry for you guys that picked male guradians, doomed to look like pooping a giant load after a Taco Bell and heavy drinking night while using empower. Love it comes in 3 blasts like super diarreah BAM-BAM-BAM. Prehaps changing skill name instead of the animation? EMPOOPWER and add a flushing sound after you’re done craping casting.
Honestly, I like the male norn and human animation. For some it may look like that person is taking a dump but I never had problems with the animation.
Now also on reddit (just picked up on someone’s question today)
i agree: animation is terrible
i also encourage everyone to comment if you agree. pretty sure that it is not a great deal to change it so lets make anet see that a lot of peole care.
for lazy people copy & paste
Squats are good for your glutes, though.
I would like the female animation too please, the male animation is just weird.
Male animation sucks OP is right change it.
Agreed. The crouching animations on empower and renewed focus are dumb. It looks like I’m trying to hold my kittens together while dieing, instead of doing something useful. As an actual argument, the crouching feels more like containing the energy within me instead of channeling it to the surrounding area. Every time I empower I feel like my character gets angry that other people get might stacks too. He’s trying to hold all the might in his arms but there’s just too much and his allies keep taking it from him :\
Every day I debate making him a female…poor guy.
Funny, I thought about this just the other day when I saw a female character use Empower. I actually paused and thought, “Hmm… that’s cool”, then continued to thrash her.
I never had issues with my male Norn with staff… then again, I hardly ever use the staff weapon.
I’ll now forever think my Norn is pooping so thanks for the thought.
Hahaha, you are right. My male sylvari guardian has to agree on that! It’s almost like if he want to lie on the floor.
yea man, empowering for males should be he strips off his clothes and yell YOLO
renewed focus is when he puts back his clothes…
I am in support of an animation change.
If not the same as human female, do it He-Man transformation style
one hand holding staff high in the air, other hand a clenched fist at your side.
I have the POWAAAAAAAA!!!
Yeah i was thinking just like OP! Female characters have an awesome animation like “I weild the light of salvation!” and males… well. They seem to have stomach pain sr something D. .
Supporting the animation change too!
Even though i don´t know if a male norn would float that easily…
I think an animation change would be nice. The male empower and renewed focus just looks weird.
The Guardian male animations have been rather lacklustre since day one, sadly.
It’s a shame too, because the descriptor ANet gave of the Guardian as a heavy armor fighter who generates massive amounts of magical energy and sort of just throws them around (rather than using them with finesse like other casters do) gives a really nice ideal to how a Guardian would fight, and is very similiar to the He-Man style Zatoichi suggested.
They did used to have one cool animation (and as far as I know, the only place in the game it was actually used), which was for Staff 5 (Line of Warding). The Guardian used to do a little twirl, levitating a bit, then slam his staff into the ground and shout “You Shall Not Pass!” all hard-core Gandalf style – but when they altered the skill to be usable on the move, they replaced it with the boring simple silent hand-wave animation you see for Staff 5 today and it doesn’t feel powerful or threatening at all.
Perhaps though, while it doesn’t exactly fit, this would be a good candidate as a replacement Empower animation, rather than having unused assets in-the game (especially as cool as this one was). They could slow down the twirl and the levitate and use it as the first stages of might channeling, with the final channel and heal coming on just as the Guardian slammed the staff into the ground. Naturally, you’d have to replace the voice line (as the current one wouldn’t make much sense for the skill), but it’d definetly be an improvement.
I’d settle for the female animations if that’s all we were allowed to get though. Was a big fan of Paragons in GW1 anway, so anything remotely similar to their epic combat stylisings is a win for me. They always felt so majestic and powerful, and I really miss that golden wing animation!
Then, as far more far-fetched suggestion, maybe we could get Dragon Age 2/3 style Staff animations for the Guardian autoattack, which would finally give the staff more of an awesome feel rather than the dull lowly simple constipated style of the weapon today.
(edited by KotCR.6024)
I have to say I made a Char guardian after playing my Norn for…well since day one, because I finally couldn’t take poopy-pose empower anymore. I feel like it makes him look like he was aiming a squirt at the guy next to him or something. I went hammer/GS for a long time to avoid seeing it, but alas my guild favors staff/GS guards.
Just give Norns the Char empower, and all would be well with my Norn.
Can we please have a dev acknowledge if this is at all achieveable?
To me, maining a male guardian since launch, it would be such a QoL improvement, there’s few words… having Empower and Renewed Focus look empowering (sic) rather than as I’m having irritated bowel syndrome.
Think Paragons for a good animation for male guardians, if you don’t copy the female animation to the male. Commanding pose with outstretched arms, practically yelling “Here; take this might!!!”
(btw; in no way a request for white wings like the black wings, that’s just co-incidence… Seriously; don’t want that)
Gonna throw in with an /agree here.
Empower and RF animations aren’t game breaking but please throw a bone.
I always thought it was a cool nod to Monk poses… Hmph.
The Guardian male animations have been rather lacklustre since day one, sadly.
It’s a shame too, because the descriptor ANet gave of the Guardian as a heavy armor fighter who generates massive amounts of magical energy and sort of just throws them around (rather than using them with finesse like other casters do) gives a really nice ideal to how a Guardian would fight, and is very similiar to the He-Man style Zatoichi suggested.They did used to have one cool animation (and as far as I know, the only place in the game it was actually used), which was for Staff 5 (Line of Warding). The Guardian used to do a little twirl, levitating a bit, then slam his staff into the ground and shout “You Shall Not Pass!” all hard-core Gandalf style – but when they altered the skill to be usable on the move, they replaced it with the boring simple silent hand-wave animation you see for Staff 5 today and it doesn’t feel powerful or threatening at all.
Perhaps though, while it doesn’t exactly fit, this would be a good candidate as a replacement Empower animation, rather than having unused assets in-the game (especially as cool as this one was). They could slow down the twirl and the levitate and use it as the first stages of might channeling, with the final channel and heal coming on just as the Guardian slammed the staff into the ground. Naturally, you’d have to replace the voice line (as the current one wouldn’t make much sense for the skill), but it’d definetly be an improvement.
I’d settle for the female animations if that’s all we were allowed to get though. Was a big fan of Paragons in GW1 anway, so anything remotely similar to their epic combat stylisings is a win for me. They always felt so majestic and powerful, and I really miss that golden wing animation!
Then, as far more far-fetched suggestion, maybe we could get Dragon Age 2/3 style Staff animations for the Guardian autoattack, which would finally give the staff more of an awesome feel rather than the dull lowly simple constipated style of the weapon today.
Hey they could use these trown up animations again. Or create new ones for HOT .
I’ve heard people complain about the female animation too. They’re just thrusting their chest out in the air for no reason. Though I too prefer it to the male animation.
Honestly, I’d rather have the charr animation. They stand up straight with their staff in front of them while they channel empower. Then it ends with a bit of a flourish.
Or maybe they could give humans/norn/sylvari the asura’s pole dance animation…
A tiny bump and plea that an Anet dev sees this little request!
Keep the animation. Whenever I spot it I know to kick from party
I agree. I hate when he does that, looks like he is trying hard from constipation.
this needs more bump
Look… when you gotta go, you gotta go.
I agree that it needs more bumps.
That is a problem from a long ago raised by the community and they did nothing. The diarrhea will continue!
Yup I agree. I really like the human female or the Charr animations. They just look so powerful. I feel… like I’m trying to do a half split while going to the bathroom when I use Renewed Focus or Empower.
I’ll dare bump it again seeing as majority so far has agreed
Easy solution. Have them slam their staff into the ground and have it do all the light pulsing and the noise.
About 365 Days Later…
Esp. since I saw this on Reddit (and posted there too so now I’ve caused an infinite loop for those obsessed with clicking links, sorry)
I think yellow hair should slowly form then on the last might stack, there’s an animated shock wave around the Guardian with full yellow hair that lasts until the Might wears out.
It’s a long shot but I think the community would really enjoy it.
I think yellow hair should slowly form then on the last might stack, there’s an animated shock wave around the Guardian with full yellow hair that lasts until the Might wears out.
It’s a long shot but I think the community would really enjoy it.
The animation should be increased to at least 10 hours as well and screaming audio effect added. All enemies on the map should be dazed and immobilized for the duration as well, waiting for the Guardian to finish casting.
I think yellow hair should slowly form then on the last might stack, there’s an animated shock wave around the Guardian with full yellow hair that lasts until the Might wears out.
It’s a long shot but I think the community would really enjoy it.
The animation should be increased to at least 10 hours as well and screaming audio effect added. All enemies on the map should be dazed and immobilized for the duration as well, waiting for the Guardian to finish casting.
Nah, I don’t need to look more impressive and imposing than this…
It’s an animation, we don’t need to sex’eh it up.
It doesn’t need to look bad either, though.
Its the only way I get in leg day though!
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