[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


My main is a guardian, and like many other players I feel like they need a new ranged weapon to really round them out. As I was thinking about it, though, I realized there was another area where Guardians are a bit weak: condition damage builds. And as I thought about existing weapons, nothing really fit the style of the Guardian, so the best I could come up with was to suggest a new weapon: the short-spear.

DISCLAIMER: I did not (intentionally) steal any of this idea from anyone else. I’ve yet to read anyone come up with something like this, but I don’t doubt that someone may have already mentioned it. If you have, I apologize if I seemingly ripped off your idea, I didn’t do it knowingly. If you have come up with this before, let me know and I’ll certainly love to give you credit.

The focus of my thought was getting the idea out there, so you’ll not see mention of real damage number, condition stacks or actual cooldown values. My thought is those details will get ironed out during the balancing phase. Right now I’m just trying to generate an idea and circulate it.

I feel like the short-spear should be a one-handed weapon, and for the Guardian it should be a 900 ranged weapon. With other classes it could easily be a melee weapon, since most of them already have the ranged weapons covered.

Anyways, here’s my thoughts on how this would work for a Guardian, let me know your thoughts/improvements.

For Guardian, the short-spear focuses on mid-ranged condition damage with one or two CC effects thrown in; All skills have 900 range

Skill 1 – Chain
- Rapid Throw – no wind-up; medium damage
- Leg Shot – low wind-up; inflict bleeding (enough duration to stack during auto-attacks) and cripple (short duration, no need to stack it during auto-attacks)
- Power Throw – medium-to-high wind-up; high damage; inflict weakness (short duration, no stacking with auto-attacks)

Skill 2 – Symbol – Holy Retribution – low-to-medium wind-up; Create a symbol by marking ground with multiple spears; AoE/Targetable; Pulse damage and bleeding throughout course of symbol; unblockable (maybe, not sure about the unblockable, could make it too OP)
- Can be traited with existing traits for larger radius/longer duration/heal allies
- Important note: that this symbol does nothing for player or allies without traiting for it

Skill 3 – CC – [Need a good name] – Throw spear with such force the spear is embedded in the enemy and knocks them down; low-to-medium dmg; Knockdown effect
- If attack hits (and after a short cooldown), skill changes to a new skill for a few secs (like #2 on Guardian Staff); Retreive the embedded spear pulling the enemy toward you; This will increase the cooldown on the #3 skill (again, similar to Staff #2 skill); deals no damage, but applies pull effect
- Can be traited so that if the Throw is blocked (not evaded or missed due to blindness, ONLY blocked) the skill will inflict Torment condition; no damage will be dealt and the second skill in the chain will still not trigger

TL;DR – I think a short-spear would make a cool one-handed, 900 range weapon for Guardians that would fit their style and make condi builds viable for the class. Thoughts?

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kilandros.2098


I guess I don’t really see the point in mid-ranged weapons for Guards/Warriors. They can stand toe-to-toe with most stuff, so if I’m not at 1200 range, I’m at 0 range. If you want a condition weapon I’d prefer they gave it to us in a melee weapon (hello, axe?).

That being said, I would absolutely LOVE for Guardians to get a 1200 ranged 2 hander. I think it’s time for Longbows shooting beams of light.

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Enigma.7384


If they ever decide to implement new weapon types I would enjoy having a spear for the Guardian. I think it would fit them quite well, especially since they are the spiritual successors to the Paragons from GW1. The scepter just doesnt really do it for me to be honest. It feels like im playing tennis with the enemy and overall just feels flat. I like this idea, and I hope Anet decides to add more weapons later down the road.

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kilandros.2098


If they ever decide to implement new weapon types I would enjoy having a spear for the Guardian. I think it would fit them quite well, especially since they are the spiritual successors to the Paragons from GW1. The scepter just doesnt really do it for me to be honest. It feels like im playing tennis with the enemy and overall just feels flat. I like this idea, and I hope Anet decides to add more weapons later down the road.

Yeah, I like the idea of the Scepter, but I dislike the feel of its implementation

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


If they ever decide to implement new weapon types I would enjoy having a spear for the Guardian. I think it would fit them quite well, especially since they are the spiritual successors to the Paragons from GW1. The scepter just doesnt really do it for me to be honest. It feels like im playing tennis with the enemy and overall just feels flat. I like this idea, and I hope Anet decides to add more weapons later down the road.

This was my thought, and why I didn’t choose to submit the idea with an existing weapon set. The axe does kinda fit the Guardian style, but we already have a condi damage focused, mid-ranged weapon in the axe on the Ranger. I don’t want to see a re-hash of that on the guardian.

My other point was to give us a weapon that has a 900 range. All the other classes (I’m pretty sure) have at least one weapon that’s melee, one that long range (1200 range) and one that’s 900 range. We have melee, 1200 and 600 (which is practically melee in many cases).

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Hard CC on a Guard weapon? Nope.jpg

It was stolen from us by thieves and if you want it back you’ll have to roll a warrior or something.

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I could go for Javelin being put in for Guards.