[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


Any chance the activation time could be dropped by a 1/4 sec down to 3.5?
This way it at least matches the time to stomp and makes it somewhat viable in PvP. As it stands now there’s little no incentive to activate…

I know the stomp can be interrupted/miss, but so can the GT res so it matches there. With the added downside of CD removing the passive, and the small range, I see almost no reason to activate.

Exception, guild lords, ish…


[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: Mightymealworm.8409


They should just change it to drop a symbol of judgement with a 3/4 sec cast time and reduce recharge a touch. Boom, viable.

[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I think the passive is pretty lackluster too, in my opinion. If it gave out % outgoing healing over base healing power, I’d definitely consider it.

They should just change it to drop a symbol of judgement with a 3/4 sec cast time and reduce recharge a touch. Boom, viable.

That’s a pretty good idea actually. It’d have synergy with symbol builds as well as support builds.

[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: Mikau.6920


I was wandering if they lower the cast time of all revive skills to 2 seconds they would be viable. But then I realized that no, they would still garbage because always would be a better utility to use. Even if they reduce the cooldown with the cast time reduction, would be still bad.

Now the only revive skills that work are warrior banner and ranger spirit.

They should replace all of utility revive skills. These skills are only limiting the build variety.

Sorry for my english.

[Suggestion] Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

The banner and other such revive skills work precisely because their cast times are so low.