Kastigir 80 Guardian
Ascalon’s Requiem [END] – Blackgate
(edited by Stanholo.5394)
Everyone else has a catchy build name, so here we go – I was wondering if anyone has tried something like this before:
The build is primarily for PVE (so far) and leverages the lifetap effect of Omnomberry Pies to which I’ve recently become addicted.
Gear is full PVT with Soldier Runes, Knight weapons, and Berzerker jewelry. With pies, Maintenance Oil, Sigils of Perception (on one sword/torch set) and then Sigils of Accuracy and Blood when I have 25 stacks.
This gives me around 70% chance to crit. The trick to all this is fact that food procs have no cooldown and can proc on each target hit. The Omnomberry Pie hp proc heals 348 and does not appear to be modified by your heal rating. So that’s a 66% chance to heal for 348 on every crit on every target.
Now, if we look at the sword/torch combo: #1 autoattack hits 5 times in 3 swings. #3 hits 8 times, and #5 hits 10 times in a cone. Now for a little theorycrafting – single target, you #2 to close, #3 for 8 hits, #5 for 10 hits, #1 for 5 hits – that’s 24 hits for your opening. If we have 70% crit, that’s 17 crits. And if we assume that 66% proc a lifetap, that’s 11 × 348 damage and heal – 3800 on one target plus the damage of the attacks themselves in around 7 seconds.
It works incredibly well in open world PVE and normal dungeons. But I haven’t tried it in fractal dungeons or PvP yet. I’m loving it so far.
(edited by Stanholo.5394)
I like your build, but I have a suggestion. I would go 30 into Valor instead of Honor and get Altruistic Healing, and take the 10 out of Zeal, and put 5 into Honor and 5 into Virtues. This will further increase your health gain per crit because of AH and Vigorous Precision. Not to mention the Crit Damage you get from going into Valor and the increase in Precision from Retributive Armor.
Something like this http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-7Fk3d;0JF-40E3JG-90;9;5TT44;156A45A;4JJ-44;1ZF18ZF185Ba
(edited by Link.4039)
Just my opinion, I think you should move 10 from Zeal into Valor. Fiery Wrath sounds nice but with your critical rate you’re going to benefit more from having +10% more Critical Damage at all times instead of a flat +10% if something was simply Burning. You’ll probably see this most during Boss fights where your ability to recharge Virture of Justice is limited. In addition is Retributive Armor combined with your equipment would grant about 66 more precision which means 3% higher critical chance. When you’re relying on Critical Damage so much, 100 more or less Power is negligible but higher Toughness, Precision, and Critical Damage is much less so.
(edited by GoZero.9708)
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll give both builds a try. Losing 300 Vitality makes me a little tentative, since the build only has me around 20k hps as it is, but maybe the extra toughness AH will compensate.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll give both builds a try. Losing 300 Vitality makes me a little tentative, since the build only has me around 20k hps as it is, but maybe the extra toughness AH will compensate.
Man I have 16,000 health, 3000 armor and AH gets me along just fine without Omnomberry. I have a feeling you’d be well on your way to unkillable if you combine this Omnomberry build with AH.
I hope the Devs have noticed we can’t even have a discussion about a build until that build has AH…
I hope the Devs have noticed we can’t even have a discussion about a build until that build has AH…
Its very difficult to not use such a great tool when it comes with 300 toughness and 30% crit damage. I am toying with a few builds that are using high crit chance with omnom pies but then I think man how crazy would it be with AH AND omnom pies.
I suspect we will see some changes on both these fronts in the time to come.
Back on topic: I will try this out later tonight and try and give you some feed back
I hope the Devs have noticed we can’t even have a discussion about a build until that build has AH…
It’s a bit like Warrior’s Hundred Blades, Mesmer’s Shatter, and the Engineer’s Grenade Kit (pre-nerf). They’re just go useful that builds tend to gravitate around them because they offer so much. It’s not bad per say, because unlike HB, Shatter and Grenade Kit, AH just opens up more options for Guardian rather than limiting them. And Grazingcattle said, the +300 toughness and +30% critical damage is a big help.
I hope the response is to increase the effectiveness of other build possibilities rather than to decrease the effectiveness of AH.
This is a cool idea, Stanholo. I’m gonna goof around with a glassier version though – Knight’s weapons, Berserker everything else and 0/30/30/10/0 with shouts and meditations (MF rather than AH for WvW roaming) and see if I can keep from dying horribly. It’ll be entertaining in any event.
I hope the response is to increase the effectiveness of other build possibilities rather than to decrease the effectiveness of AH.
This is a cool idea, Stanholo. I’m gonna goof around with a glassier version though – Knight’s weapons, Berserker everything else and 0/30/30/10/0 with shouts and meditations (MF rather than AH for WvW roaming) and see if I can keep from dying horribly. It’ll be entertaining in any event.
Hmm, a MF build could be interesting, and maybe even better than AH since we’re really not going to be throwing around a steady stream of boons like we would be with hammer/mace/staff. To make AH work with this, I think we’d need a 0/20/30/20/0 build for Empowering Might in Honor. But that means giving up Right Hand Strength in Radiance, which is the equivalent of losing 415 precision. But if crit chance can be maintained at 70%+ somehow, this could be a winner.
I run a similar build to the one proposed by Link, but I focus on meditations. With Master Maintenance Oil, Omnom ghost/pie, RHS and sigil of accuracy I’m at 71% crit chance.
omnom ghost/pie is insanely good, but basing a whole build on it is a bit too unsafe for my taste. That’s why I think you should either include AH or MF. I run MF since I usually play solo or with a friend – not that many boons get thrown around.
I run: P/T/V armor + 6/6 runes of the wurm, knights trinkets with beryl orbs, berserkerĀ“s GS (51% crit chance) and berserker sword/scepter with P/T/V torch/focus (71% crit chance). In the end I get:
2.9 attack (GS), 2.8 with 1h/offhand
3k defence
16k hp (GS), 16.5k (1h/offhand)
51% crit chance (GS), 71% with 1h/offhand
63% crit dmg (GS), 59% 1h/offhand
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