Sword/Torch viable for leveling a guardian?
torch 5 damage is not worth it, low damage.
Guardians don’t stack condition.
I do just as much damage with Torch 5 as i do with Whirling Wrath on the GS. Torch 5’s purpose is to augment your main hand weapon which doesn’t have as much in the way of AOE.
Torch 5 doesn’t give burning but removes conditions on allies it passes over. It basically has piercing and can hit targets in a line and the cone in front of the caster is much wider than the actual flames. You can actually move around while casting 5 so you can sweep an area tag multiple mobs in events fairly easy.
Torch 4 causes burning to foes you are next to but when you press it again and launch the fire it has 1200 range and hits hard and burns. This is great for pulling or burst damage. I use it almost exclusively like this.
Radiance 7 is the only trait that augments the torch, but it also counts for all out going burning which is the main source of condition damage that guardians have. This is great if you pair it with Zeal II. If you’re working on a burning/condi build then I would consider this however you’d be giving up Radiance X which is powerful blades for sword. Either way you choose to go Spending 30 points in Radiance for right hand strength XI, will help you out in the damage department.
Sword and torch is a good combo, but so is sword and focus because of blind stacking and Vulnerability stacking using Radiance 6. Also focus 5 is a great burst if the 3 blocks are not used up. Paring Sword and torch with say scepter or mace and focus is a way to get use out of both.
Lastly most of your damage in a sword and what ever build will be coming from your sword’s auto attack so that’s what you mostly need to focus on. The torch in this case is your AOE option if you don’t want to run staff, hammer or GS, but it is a very good option.
(edited by MastaNeenja.1537)
I leveled exclusively with Sword/Torch and Scepter/Focus.
When I ran around (about a year ago), I was filling out Radiance and Virtues for crits and burning. I had no problems leveling up and getting stuff done. For large aoe events, just run around tagging things, setting them on fire etc etc. Sword auto-attack is going to be your main source of damage, so feel free to just sit there with auto. Radiance 15 and Virtues 5 is very nice, as whenever something you tagged dies, you can refresh Virtue of Justice, which makes it a spammable source of blind, vulnerability (with trait), and Might.
For things like vets, you can run a small rotation of Torch #4 and Sword #2 teleport. Immediately use Sword #3 and throw Torch #4 right after to stack a bit of burning and deal quite a bit of damage. Usually Vets and lower will die before the burning is finished which is ideal.
Torch #5 and if you take it, Permeating Wrath help your aoe along with sword Auto, which cleaves 3 total targets for the first 2 hits, and 3 projectiles on the third. Its no whiling wrath, but its usually enough if you can just run through packs of mobs tagging everything.
Especially for leveling, its fun to use and gives you a different feel of Guardian than the very common AH users, or very support oriented ones.
Sword/Torch viable for leveling a Guardian?
Yes. You can level a Guardian with any weapon and they are “ALL” viable. In fact, it is highly recommended to level all of them anyway to unlock all skills that way they are available for use when you find something that fits your play style.
Some cases you may want burst, others CC, and yet again others to collect has many has you can and kill them slowly…
Vet tip here: You will more than likely carry all of the weapons in your bag anyway.
Might as well get used to the weight you will carry now
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)