"Symbol of Blades" has changed?

"Symbol of Blades" has changed?

in Guardian

Posted by: blade eyes.2034

blade eyes.2034

Hello, I have been playing Guardian since day one and recently I have noticed that the “Symbol of Blades” doesn’t work as it used to. I usually don’t read the patches that go into the game, so instead I ask my Guildies. My Guildies said that the “Symbol of Blades” still works the same as it has always been, but I’m not convinced, and that’s why I am here. I remember that you could use “Symbol of Blades” to Teleport close to an enemy even if they are far, but it seems like there are times where it doesn’t work if you aren’t in the range where your Teleportation will allow you to be on the top of the enemy. Did they change the range? If they did, I don’t quite remember the original Range number. I have noticed this, especially in sPVP, any thoughts?

Thank you

"Symbol of Blades" has changed?

in Guardian

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


If you use JI and then SoB it will fail to go off. However if you cast SoB and then just after hit JI it will carry the full 1800 range and lay down the symbol. As for the change symbol of blades didn’t exist until a recent skill revamp. It can occasionally fail if you change targets and use it while still facing your old target, or if you lose lock.

"Symbol of Blades" has changed?

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8926


Hello, I have been playing Guardian since day one and recently I have noticed that the “Symbol of Blades” doesn’t work as it used to. I usually don’t read the patches that go into the game, so instead I ask my Guildies. My Guildies said that the “Symbol of Blades” still works the same as it has always been, but I’m not convinced, and that’s why I am here. I remember that you could use “Symbol of Blades” to Teleport close to an enemy even if they are far, but it seems like there are times where it doesn’t work if you aren’t in the range where your Teleportation will allow you to be on the top of the enemy. Did they change the range? If they did, I don’t quite remember the original Range number. I have noticed this, especially in sPVP, any thoughts?

Thank you

If your completely unsure you can check the Guild Wars 2 Wiki since they usually keep a change log history of what they do to skills.