Symbolic Avenger

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Vallun.2071


So apparently this guardian trait scales with other guardians using the trait allowing a zerg of 20 guardians to auto attack a gate with hammer for around 1k dmg. Siege is slower. The programming on this needs to be how many of YOUR symbols are under the enemy, not how many symbols are under the enemy.

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


pics or it didn’t happen

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’ve seen a post about this elsewhere too. not sure if the devs have caught wind of it, but on the other post someone said they tested and managed to get like a 50k auto attack or something ridiculous like that.

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


This is very widely known by players AND ANET. Symbolic avenger trait causes guardians to get stackable +10% bonuses so as the OP said , get 10 guards to drop symbols (all traited with symbolic avenger) and all 10 guards will have 100% damage boost.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon since its obviously a bug,

Also i believe damage multipliers are Multiplicative not additive so 10 symbols is not 100% boost but actually 159% boost. 1.1^10

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

(edited by Spartacus.3192)

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: savacli.8172


Yep, it’s very real. You can practically YOLO Guard practically any content with 5 hammers. The overall stacking of boons and heals wasn’t so much the problem, but the fact that that team comp can out-DPS anything else is way unbalanced. I think the comment about unbinding our dodge key was mentioned.

The damage buff should only be a flat one time x% boost if the enemy is standing on one of your own symbol regardless if you or any other Guards are stacking more than one symbol.

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


I say they fix the issue and revert the change back to 20% (since symbol builds are useless in spvp).

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’m just guessing but I think the original intent may have been an attempt at a middle ground between the previously discussed 20% boost and the final 10% making it 10% per YOUR symbols, cause typically the most symbols a single guardian can have out at once is 2 maybe 3. but the fact that its working across multiple guards is a bug.

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Mikau.6920


It already has been posted a lot of times in the Bug section. This and Engi grenades are game breaking. They should apply a hotfix for those really fast, but…

Sorry for my english.

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Jake.5741


pics or it didn’t happen

faster than siege …

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


i like it! someone make it happen

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Anet has this trait disabled thanks to Maguuma forcing their hand by ktraining down doors in WvW for hours.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


you didn’t force jack by doing it in wvw, its tequatl getting melted down after having its HP doubled that forced the fix.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: toaster messiah.7320

toaster messiah.7320

you didn’t force jack by doing it in wvw, its tequatl getting melted down after having its HP doubled that forced the fix.

I have seen gates going down faster than how it would have been with siege, with 20+ Guardians,; so yeah…

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

you didn’t force jack by doing it in wvw, its tequatl getting melted down after having its HP doubled that forced the fix.

I wonder how many people actually care about Tequatl going down fast providing them with loot faster. It is not like PvE is a competitive environment. WvW on the other hand, I got around150 champ bags yesterday in a couple hours of following the Guardian zerg around and pressing 1 on gates and watching them melt in less than 10 seconds lol.. Pretty sure WvW forced this, not PvE..

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Symbolic Avenger

in Guardian

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Oh, and we also left WvW with our Guardian blob and zerged down Tequatl for laughs in less than a minute. So even if Tequatl dying so fast was the reason, Maguuma still contributed with our Guardian blob.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
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