I have the hotkey for targeting in the mouse (Razer Mamba) and the prority order in the settings is not based in range but in class: Champion > Human player > …
When I fight vs a class with pets and I had no target the first one which the game always selects (if the enemy player isn’t in stealth) is the player itself. When I fight a Druid/Ranger sice they use only one pet swiching from pet to the human is just matter of one click. If I figh against a player with multiple pets (Mesmers, turret Engies, Minionmancers…) the first selection is the player; if the players enter in stealth de-select target clicking the ground with the cursor and then wait until the stealth ends to use the auto-select again.
If you still have hard time targeting with those tips then use and alternative cursor and select the raget manually; the main problem with the game in this department is that when you press right mouse to rotate the view the cursor fades and is hard to catch it again due its small sice and low contrast, so a lot of people uses third party ones -not sure if is allowed by ANet though, ask them first-.
When 1vs1 fighting druids, it seems embarrasingly common that my target switches to the druids pet. Whether my key binds are screwy, whether I am key fumbling in the midst of battle, or whether I am not using a specific setting… not sure. But I need to fix this issue.
Looking for tips on settings/keybinds/… so when 1vs1 druid, I can stay locked on the druid.
That’s not a you issue, it’s the druids pet taunting you. Even if the taunt doesn’t stick, it will still change your target to the pet.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
Thank you for the tips and for educating me about the pet taunt.
Just call target on the ranger so you can switch back when the pet taunts you. You should be keeping track of both the ranger and the rangers pet anyways, with the heavy DPS smokescale and bristleback put out.