Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Lucentfir.7430)
Flashing Blade: This ability is no longer able to be used in midair.
Taking the fun out of abilities one step at a time. I don’t see why they made this change tbh it wasn’t exactly abusable. Funny enough JI still works.
(edited by Lucentfir.7430)
Taking the easy exploit out of abilities one at a time more like. Clearly you shouldn’t be able to just jump off a cliff no one can follow whenever you put yourself in a spot you can’t win.
Taking the easy exploit out of abilities one at a time more like. Clearly you shouldn’t be able to just jump off a cliff no one can follow whenever you put yourself in a spot you can’t win.
Thing is it isn’t easy to do(I’ve even practiced it at my home borderland east of citadel cliff) , even more so when you have latency issues or internet hiccups . It requires a target to do it and if you use it too early or too late you’d just die either way, in actual sense it’s pretty much a all or nothing escape trick. Necro as well has a similar trick only it’s a lot more reliable. But either way it’s pretty much RIP for the FB trick now, unless you use JI.
(edited by Lucentfir.7430)
Awww, i loved using that on skyhammer to get back on when someone tossed me off.
Honestly, I think this was a welcomed “bug” in WvW.
-It’s hard to do and takes skill. Lucentfir is right; I’ve practiced this a LOT with both sword 2, and JI. There is a fairly small window in which this will succeed (when your character model is considered “level” with the target).
-We have no ways to escape/disengage. As is, we couldn’t even run away from an obese sleepy 100 yr old turtle with a car tied to its leg. This bug presented one way that guardians could actually escape possible dangers such as zergs, or being outnumbered, although it is fairly situational.
Removing it ain’t cool ANET at last let us continue to do this with JI!
When are they nerfing Spectral Walk then? It does the same thing, except it can be used without a target. (Link)
When are they nerfing Spectral Walk then? It does the same thing, except it can be used without a target. (Link)
Probably due to it being longer cooldown and a stunbreak. If you couldn’t activate a stunbreak while in the air, you couldn’t use it to break out of launches or knockbacks.
That, and the point of the Return skill is to help a necro escape a bad situation while the point of Flashing Blade is to engage.
Plus, the devs said a while ago it was cool and would be kept. This was back when Death Shroud was changed to overflow damage.
When are they nerfing Spectral Walk then? It does the same thing, except it can be used without a target. (Link)
Probably due to it being longer cooldown and a stunbreak. If you couldn’t activate a stunbreak while in the air, you couldn’t use it to break out of launches or knockbacks.
That, and the point of the Return skill is to help a necro escape a bad situation while the point of Flashing Blade is to engage.
Plus, the devs said a while ago it was cool and would be kept. This was back when Death Shroud was changed to overflow damage.
I will say a few things about what you’ve written. The return skill is meant to return you to your original position to either juke pursuers or leave them behind since it does give swiftness as well, the discovery to ignore fall damage was just a bonus discovery that was decided to be kept, but wasn’t really designed to be used to for that type of escape. With the logic you’re giving me as well Rush, Whirlwind Strike, Bull’s Charge, and pretty much every other skill that closes a gap is meant specifically for engaging, yet they’re used as escapes as well. I thought jumping off cliffs with a chance of surviving (if you had a target) depending on how skilled your timing is, it was a cool trick to utilize for WvW roaming. Spvp there’s nothing really that will instantly kill you with fall damage except skyhammer map, but it’s better to die to fall damage than to live through the fall. The change did nothing but take away the trick, and make it a little more clunky to use if you’re jumping over terrain.
I never claimed it was intended to be used as a parachute either, but that particular function is in line with what the skill was designed to do in the first place.
I also never said that Flashing Blade deserved the nerf. I only stated its design was not to be an escape.
I find it utterly laughable that someone thinks this is intended behavior that was removed from the class and constitutes a reduction in its capabilities.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.