The 420 blaze g0d xXDragonHunterXx
Grats, you used your entire burst combo on a ranger who didn’t use a stunbreak or pop his signet of stone that was clearly up. I could one shot him with vanilla guardian as well.
What’s the point of this?
Still a good laugh
there was a point to this?
All the water in the oceans and yet you’re still salty.
Got rekt with your thief or something by a DH?
GG you used all burst on someone who dont know to use stunbreak, and after 10 sec you were shot down by somebody’s autoattack couse you have nothing to defend:)
fact, 420 blaze g0ds can’t die m8
g00d try
Grats, you used your entire burst combo on a ranger who didn’t use a stunbreak or pop his signet of stone that was clearly up. I could one shot him with vanilla guardian as well.
What’s the point of this?
Welcome to what Mesmers have been dealing with since forever. XD
Tanya Larina – Human Thief
Finchy Whyte – Sylvari Ranger