I’m not sure how others feel about the recent GS nerf, but what bothers me isn’t the lack of a reliable source of retaliation, or the reordering of the skills (albeit annoying as heck). What really bothers me is the 50% damage nerf to our symbol’s uptime. I’ll break down the reasons why.
Sure, nerfs always suck when they hit your class hard, but this nerf is a game changer for some Guardians, including myself. Symbol of Wrath used to provide a serious source of damage output, ignoring retaliation entirely. That damage has now been cut in half over the course of a long fight. OK so a straight up dps nerf…that’s fine, if it is well reasoned. Was this well reasoned? Was Guardian dps in dungeons and DE’s so high that it needed to be nerfed to this extent? I don’t have large-scale metrics but something tells me we weren’t exactly on the top of the totem pole when it comes to damage output.
Alright, so I can make my peace with the damage nerf, at least eventually I will. What I don’t think I can come to terms with is that a build that I have been working on perfecting for quite some time is now essentially no longer viable. I created a support build on the Guardian that relied on symbols providing a constant source of healing to my group. I won’t go into a full discussion of which traits I selected (they should be obvious for those who have delved into this sort of build), but my setup was 0/5/30/30/5.
At first, I was running this build with a Mace/Focus as primary weapons and then a Staff for my secondary set. The “healing” and “tanking” was unbelievable for a game that “did away” with the so-called Holy Trinity. I was doing both consistent healing and tanking for my groups and having fun with it for a while. However, once I started grouping up with more…“competent” players, I found myself unable to keep enemies on me because the damage output of the Mace/Focus was too low to “hold aggro” and enemies would endlessly chase after our squishies while I helplessly ran after them holding down 3 on the mace trying to soak up a hit or two (mostly to no avail, because I wouldn’t ever be targeted).
Then the Greatsword idea dawned on me. I replaced the Mace/Focus with the Greatsword and kept the Staff as my secondary weapon. My damage output was actually high enough to ensure that at least some enemies focused on me, and I was able to “tank” again, albeit without as many defensive abilities or as much healing. So I got my full Exotic Clerics set crafted and I was able to withstand just about any beating with my “Altruistic Healing” and Symbol build providing relatively constant healing to me and my group. Sure, any damage dealing oriented player would out damage me, but the point was to play support, and it worked.