The Right To Travel.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: JustLetMe.4369


Here me out. Why can’t we some type of 25% movement speed increase. Let me be honest on Dragon Hunter level. How are we supposed to catch the “Fast Dragons”, Huh?

BUT, I have an idea, if every guardian were put why they need the 25% movement speed increase at the bottom of there post, after they talked about statement or opinion, then we would eventually get what we want. I mean come on it’s not like that haven’t made the code for it already.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Because we are OP and we put traps beneath our feet, so we poke dragons to attack us And they maybe come, one day.



The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Has anyone got to test Sigil of Agility yet (5 sec swiftness on weapon swap) ?

9 Guardians later…

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

a 25% move speed bonus would be great.

And its not like there aren’t plenty of places one could be put.

I mean it’s not like we don’t have a ton of traits that could stand to be shuffled around & or merged.
(like the various traits that either makes us never want to use a signet or virtue due to passive bonuses, or make us want to use them every CD.
Or the various minor traits which effect symbols & thus make using any weapon besides mace/hammer feel like your missing something)

All of this would of course require Karl to have in depth knowledge & experience playing the class. Something I and many other I know doubt he has given how he has handled things, the fact when he is presented with issues that have existed for 3 years (sword AA missing and mace/hammer overriding other combo fields) he acts like they are fresh news to him & the fact he routinely gets skills mixed up.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


You know what’s more annoying than not having 25% move speed?

Posts that complain about it.


The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Llethander.3972


I’ll just continue to use Travelers runes and not give any kittens.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


i use staff and retreat on my DH :| it is awesome!!!!!!

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Has anyone got to test Sigil of Agility yet (5 sec swiftness on weapon swap) ?

If you mean the one that also gives 1 second of quickness, I think that only procs in combat.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Has anyone got to test Sigil of Agility yet (5 sec swiftness on weapon swap) ?

If you mean the one that also gives 1 second of quickness, I think that only procs in combat.

Exactly that one, Swiftness in combat and Traveler Runes for outside of combat is what I’m thinking of for my roamer(s)

9 Guardians later…

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Peregrine Falcon.5496

Peregrine Falcon.5496

BUT, I have an idea, if every guardian were put why they need the 25% movement speed increase at the bottom of there post, after they talked about statement or opinion, then we would eventually get what we want.


If ArenaNet has proven anything it’s that they will do whatever they feel like doing regardless of what people on the forums post. Especially when it comes to ignoring Guardians.

I’m not trying to tell you what you can or cannot do. I’m just trying to let you know that even if you drown the forum in posts demanding improvements to Guardians it won’t alter ArenaNet’s actions in the slightest.

Paragon City refugee – “We’re heroes, it’s what we do.”

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


BUT, I have an idea, if every guardian were put why they need the 25% movement speed increase at the bottom of there post, after they talked about statement or opinion, then we would eventually get what we want.


If ArenaNet has proven anything it’s that they will do whatever they feel like doing regardless of what people on the forums post. Especially when it comes to ignoring Guardians.

I’m not trying to tell you what you can or cannot do. I’m just trying to let you know that even if you drown the forum in posts demanding improvements to Guardians it won’t alter ArenaNet’s actions in the slightest.

That’s overly dramatic and not a bit true. I can list 10 items we’ve asked that they implemented.

In terms of Speed, they added Swiftness on a trap and gave us Cripple in our trait lineups. They’re intentions were never about giving Guards speed like Necros or Engis or Warrior peels..

In terms of QoL, you’re probably right. I want to move faster across these huge WvW maps but they’re not going to give us more speed in PvP… people complain about DH as it is.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Drekor.5217


BUT, I have an idea, if every guardian were put why they need the 25% movement speed increase at the bottom of there post, after they talked about statement or opinion, then we would eventually get what we want.


If ArenaNet has proven anything it’s that they will do whatever they feel like doing regardless of what people on the forums post. Especially when it comes to ignoring Guardians.

I’m not trying to tell you what you can or cannot do. I’m just trying to let you know that even if you drown the forum in posts demanding improvements to Guardians it won’t alter ArenaNet’s actions in the slightest.

That’s overly dramatic and not a bit true. I can list 10 items we’ve asked that they implemented.

In terms of Speed, they added Swiftness on a trap and gave us Cripple in our trait lineups. They’re intentions were never about giving Guards speed like Necros or Engis or Warrior peels..

In terms of QoL, you’re probably right. I want to move faster across these huge WvW maps but they’re not going to give us more speed in PvP… people complain about DH as it is.

That swiftness on trap is only when it triggers which makes it useless for getting around between combat.

The Shipwrecked Pirates
Tarnished Coast

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


That swiftness on trap is only when it triggers which makes it useless for getting around between combat.

Uh, no.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Indure.5410


The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


your call m8, anet gave you the choice of 25% movespeed or 175 power. there is also if you want everything instantly and now.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

your call m8, anet gave you the choice of 25% movespeed or 175 power. there is also if you want everything instantly and now.

Tell that to a burn guard losing 60% burn duration.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: mrmadhaze.8706


your call m8, anet gave you the choice of 25% movespeed or 175 power. there is also if you want everything instantly and now.

Tell that to a burn guard losing 60% burn duration.

To be honest i find it a nice trade off.
Overall there is just too much guardian hate and actually i don’t want a +25% speed. With it devs would probably nerf something else so no ty.
That’s why, besides all the problems, i find guard quite balanced if compared to other profession cos you need to choose between damage/whatever and speed. Something that should even exist for other classes imo.

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


your call m8, anet gave you the choice of 25% movespeed or 175 power. there is also if you want everything instantly and now.

Tell that to a burn guard losing 60% burn duration.

To be honest i find it a nice trade off.
Overall there is just too much guardian hate and actually i don’t want a +25% speed. With it devs would probably nerf something else so no ty.
That’s why, besides all the problems, i find guard quite balanced if compared to other profession cos you need to choose between damage/whatever and speed. Something that should even exist for other classes imo.

I’m sorry but that’s just a silly (not to mention unfair) trade off. You don’t see Revenants, Eles, Reapers and other hard hitting classes being asked to trade between damage and mobility ?

Dragon Hunter does sound like a lot of fun, but this one issue has caused me to dump my Guard to the bottom of my priority list when it comes to unlocking the elite specs of my various classes.

(edited by Hexalot.8194)

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


No, they might not need to make tradeoffs between damage and mobility, but they each have their weaknesses. Revenants and condition cleanse, or Reapers and anti-cc.


The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I still think a movement speed buff, whether it be 25% or 33%, isn’t a necessity as much as it’s a quality of life issue.

We’re slow as heck but I can’t honestly recall a game or scenario where I thought speed/mobility would have helped me in playing Guardian… at least not on DH.

That said, WvW is a completely different story and a double edge sword. Guards need it for QoL but we’d be very unbalanced – maybe an out of battle speed increase of 25%?

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


No, they might not need to make tradeoffs between damage and mobility, but they each have their weaknesses. Revenants and condition cleanse, or Reapers and anti-cc.

Revenants may not have much condition cleanse compared to other classes, but they get by well enough in general with the amount of blocks, evades and even healing that they have. Also, compared to the base Necro, Reaper now has stability coming out the wazoo, so I’m not sure what you mean by “anti-CC” weakness. They are still slow and thus easily kitable though.

But as someone else pointed out, for Guards run speed is more a QoL issue to many (especially in WvW) than an actual trade-off weakness. Make it an out-of-combat passive speed boost and 90% of the complaints would disappear. But as of now, way too many Guards appear to be stuck with using “DPS reducing” speed/traveler runes just to improve their quality of life.

(edited by Hexalot.8194)

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


Uh lads who uses Traveller?! This was soo 2014… wake up, this is the year of Speed

Anyways Speed runes does not decrease damage in overall. It makes you get there faster, move around faster, stay alive longer which gives you a damage boost…

Sarcasm off:

I stated on this forums a few times… only thing guardian (and to a lesser degree Mesmers) need is an offensive +25% movement speed rune…

We have pure defensive: Speed
We have celestial: Traveller
We need a Sup. Rune of Stubborn now…. (power/regen duration/+25% movement)

Eh this would never happen :S

#I no words have"

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: phor.7952


You built your Dragonhunter,
you leveled him to max.

Retreat! is what you mutter,
when you want to run fast.

In the Maguuma Jungle,
what you’re looking for is fungal…
You don’t need Traveler Runes,
Just touch those delicious mushrooms!


The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

You built your Dragonhunter,
you leveled him to max.

Retreat! is what you mutter,
when you want to run fast.

In the Maguuma Jungle,
what you’re looking for is fungal…
You don’t need Traveler Runes,
Just touch those delicious mushrooms!


I only care about 25% speed boost in WvW. I’v learned to live with the slowness in PvP and PvE being slow does not matter in the least.

Most people just spam staff 1 for open world loot.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


You built your Dragonhunter,
you leveled him to max.

Retreat! is what you mutter,
when you want to run fast.

In the Maguuma Jungle,
what you’re looking for is fungal…
You don’t need Traveler Runes,
Just touch those delicious mushrooms!



norn warrior

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


well if guardian gets a 25% movespeed trait maybe necro should get vigor on crit, invulnerability, blocks, ect.. actually, how about anet just remove what makes something strong or has a clear weakness and give everyone everything. this way no one can complain about not having a 2nd set of armor with a non damage oriented runeword for that ultra competitive open world pve content or wvw.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

The Right To Travel.

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


i hate that we don’t have 25% moment speed bonus but i also don’t want to be tied to traveller runes so I’ve been using a sigil of speed on my longbow.

20s of swiftness on kill. I have perma swiftness in big group fights and i end up with 2 to 3 min of swiftness at the end of a battle.

Only need to nuke a group of pocket raptors with my traps as i run past and boom 2 more min of swiftness.

admittedly this is for PVE HoT stuff….you can use in WvW as well to kill ambient NPCs but i haven’t really tested it there.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "