Tome of Wrath

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Tai Kratos.3247

Tai Kratos.3247

“Feel my wrath!”
“Feel my wrath!”
“Feel my wrath!”
“Feel my wrath!”
“Feel my wrath!”
“You are weak and unworthy!”
“Feel my wrath!”
“Feel my wrath!”

Does my character really need to shout this every single time I use Conflagrate? It’s grating and irritating. Make it stop.

Also, having to place a skill that is basically an auto attack while trying to remain mobile is very difficult to do. I think Conflagrate should attack your target like every other auto attack in the game. I’ve discovered a way to spider my hand across the keyboard to be able to dodge and click my attack in at the same time, but it’s a pain.

Also, the final skill, when I do use it (which is rare because it’s usually better to dodge and spam Conflagrate and pretend everything else doesn’t exist) it usually gets interrupted by the end of the elite skill. If the elite skill’s time does run out while this is charging, it would be nice if it would allow the skill to finish. Because most of the time when I try to use it I take a pounding because I’m immobile from the skill and then it runs out right at the last second, so I wasted 20% of my elite on a skill that did nothing and got me a load of damage. (And no, I’m not using the trait that increases my elite skill time. Not worth it for me.)

EDIT: Electro made good points about the two technical complaints. But my complaint about the constant repetition of lines still stands. :-P

(edited by Tai Kratos.3247)

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Grenade engineers have to ground target everything constantly. Tome of Wrath is only 20 seconds every 180 and you only have to ground target 2 of 5 skills and the AoE is much bigger to boot. Just deal with it.

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Electro.4173


The constant quotes are very annoying, yes. Makes me want to smack my character and tell her to shut up. Make it like Elementalist attunes, where it only says it a faction of the time (though for skills 3-5 it should probably quote every time or else you’d never hear it).

The other points I disagree on, however. Constant ground targetting isn’t that big a deal, and having it auto-target your enemy would let you hit less enemies with it in some situations.

Letting your skill finish even after the elite ends seems nice in concept because it does indeed suck to waste all that time doing nothing if it ends too early, but on the other hand letting it finish after the fact would be abusable. You’d be able to intentionally wait until the very the end of the elite, then start casting in order to “squeeze more” out of it (a few more Conflagrates). Better it stay as-is and just make sure that you use that skill early enough that it can finish.

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Recieve the light friend! Best.Line.Ever

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Tai Kratos.3247

Tai Kratos.3247

Kangri, there is no need to be rude.

@Electro: I suppose you have a point about the other two issues… but the constant quotes were my main issue anyways.

EDIT: But don’t you feel that the inability to move while powering the final skill, in addition to the time it takes to charge it and the relatively small damage it does and the possibility of having it cut off make it kind of useless? I haven’t found a situation where I can use it effectively yet. When I try to use it I mostly just get beat up.

(edited by Tai Kratos.3247)

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


Grenade engineers have to ground target everything constantly. Tome of Wrath is only 20 seconds every 180 and you only have to ground target 2 of 5 skills and the AoE is much bigger to boot. Just deal with it.

Point = completely missed.

Its not the mechanics of the Tome skills being commented on, its the NOISE it makes.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


i remember when i first unlocked this skill (had fast cast as well so i’d just spam #1 key without the extra mouse click)… heh, everytime i busted out my elite for kicks, my wife would be like “NOOO not that move again!!! no one cares bout your wrath!” lolol

but yes, i agree maybe they can scream it the first time, and then each time you do it after a #2, 3, 4 or 5.

on the side, is there enough time (untraited) to pull off two #4’s? from my experience, i start off with #4 most of the time, then when it’s off CD i’ll do it again, but it’ll always run out RIGHT before it’s about to cast

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Tome of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Link.4039


My favourite is using 4 for quickness then spamming 1
“Feel m-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my-”
“Feel my Wrath!”

But seriously, it’s 20 seconds, it’s not THAT annoying. Not to mention it helps alert your allies that you are using tome of wrath.