Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


reduce their power and reduce the cooldown aswell , tomes are very fun to play with but the cooldown is brutal .

its pretty obvious that since launch every guardian runs renewed focus even if you have nerfed the immunity duration
pls investigate a way to make tomes viable either way i dont see renewed focus coming back to 3 seconds

action combat made mmos better lol

(edited by jihm.2315)

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Although I too prefer Renewed Focus, saying every guardian runs it is a exaggeration. I still see guardians run tomes and prefer them. You will probably see ones who love Tome of Courage soon in this thread.

Elite Focus trait is weak though. I don’t think it would be too OP to add an additional effect to it, such as -20% CD to elite skills.

Renewed Focus was never 3 secs. Tooltip bug.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


seeing a guardian running anything in wvw than renewed focus?
i change it sometimes out of boredom but its always a bad move since besides immunity i loose elite cooldown aegis regen on my allies
there is no reason to run anything else in wvw than renewed focus

action combat made mmos better lol

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726


Honestly, I probably would still use Renewed Focus even if the cooldown for Tomes were 90 seconds. Not having my utility skills available on demand doesn’t fit my playstyle at all. Not to mention that I feel like Tomes strap a sign to my back that reads “KILL ME NOW”.

(edited by Kasei.8726)

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


Lyssa rune + Tome of Courage #5 in sPvP is pretty sweet

but lyssa rune getting nerfed. No reason to run tomes at all.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Tome, a good elite skill but a bad sinergy.
Tome don’t grant you anithing that you can use to make a sinergy whit a Guardian trait. At last you can gain heal by tome and AH when you spam boons, no more. A meditation or Shout strategy can no be use well whit a Tome elite because strip away all tour strategy. If you use Meditations you can be probably a dps and you use the Tome that grant good damage skills, but you can’t use Meditations to restore Hp or/and clean conditions. If you’re a support you use the Tome that heal, but you can’t use Shouts to buff ally, give stability or swiftness and you can’t use shouts to clean conditions.

Whit Tomes elite skills all your strategy fall down in 1 seconds.
You gain some good skills, but your strategy is your way to play and survive in that game. You can only use tomes in some easy dungeons or in wvsw and not in all situations.

Renewed Focus is a bad elite skill. You gan back your Virtues, ok, but your immunity last for 2 seconds and you can’t do skills or action in that 2 seconds. And you’re still susheptible to condition damage of conditions already on you before you active the skill.
All the other classes can use a good elite skills, we have some really bad elite skills. Good skills but broken strategy or strategy whit bad elite…

Te warrior can use an elite skill more for support than all the guardian elite at once: The elite Banner. Revive ally at Aoe range of 360 and give might, fury and stability! Whit the cooldown 60 sec longer than Tomes! And last for 60 seconds, working whit banner strategy giving Regen!
You can use Tome to heal, but you can’t use stability and it’s easy to interrupt your skills, expecially the skill of 5 sec of casting that restore full hp to 5 players around you. It’s easy to interrupt.
Warrior banner give you Stability and offensive+defensive (if traited) boons. That’s a good support elite skill, not the tome!!!

(P.s. forgive me for my bad english)

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Incomingray.8075


Tome is amazing with healing power in small scale organized play, I have been running Elite Focus with it for a long time(tome is 30s instead of 20) with lots of success, 2x #3(long lasting regen/prot) and 2x aoe daze goes such a long way, all the abilities are great… I put down a hallowed ground before it in real rough situations and it often singlehandedly turns outnumbered fights around, have to land the #1’s and keep dodge healing.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


For the average guy, the tomes don’t offer much except 10 more special abilities you have to incorporate into your build. That’s where I think they fail. Some of the abilities are amazing but frankly, I can’t remember a situation where I will benefit from all 5.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Tome is amazing with healing power in small scale organized play, I have been running Elite Focus with it for a long time(tome is 30s instead of 20) with lots of success, 2x #3(long lasting regen/prot) and 2x aoe daze goes such a long way, all the abilities are great… I put down a hallowed ground before it in real rough situations and it often singlehandedly turns outnumbered fights around, have to land the #1’s and keep dodge healing.

^This. The tomes synergize greatly with consecrations. So much so that I don’t really think guardians without consecrations should use them. The long durations of the consecrations let’s them have an effect while a tome is active, and the safety that the consecrations offer allow the user to pull off the long cast time spells easily (especially Light of Deliverance/Judgment). The fact that both tomes and consecrations (if traited) are long-ranged also makes them go together quite well.
Healing power also goes quite nicely with Heal Area (ToC #1). A spammable 2000hp~ heal is nothing to scoff at.

The tomes probably aren’t for everybody, but with the appropriate build they’re fantastic. At least, Tome of Courage is. I haven’t experimented enough with Tome of Wrath to be sure. :>

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


tome of wrath is useful when karma train in wvw to give quickness and might to allies to break doors a bit quicker
if you have it traited you can cast quickness twice

action combat made mmos better lol

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Krumbotor.9064


Renewed focus? I think it is useless als long as you not try to enter a sieged tower. For getting into a tower it is awesome. But on my server, commanders count on guardians having equipped tome of courage. Under heavy arrow cart fire, a guardian with tome of courage keeps the people at the rams alive. Tome of courage is incredibly valuable to the zerg. Unfortunately there are very little guardians who equip it.

“But unfortunately this is the real world, not some fantasy land” Winni Asuran Offspring

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726


Renewed focus? I think it is useless als long as you not try to enter a sieged tower.

Then you must think shelter is useless too. Renewed Focus is all about timing. When you’re out of dodges and Shelter is on cooldown, Renewed Focus will save you time and time again.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Tomes need something to make them more desirable than renewed focus, and it’s not a cooldown reduction. Both tomes need something to make it easier to get their skills off.

Currently, it’s too easy to lock down a tome user, because:

  • Tomes do not grant stability
  • You are unable to move while channeling most of the tomes’ important skills (full heal, group quickness, damage wave, etc.)

I would argue against tomes granting stability for their duration, and instead allow all tome skills to be cast while moving, and add active defensive skills to the tomes themselves.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I think an easy, but huge change that would certainly make me give tomes a second look is just allowing us to still use our utility skills while the tome is active. I’d be fine if they slightly nerfed the output if I could still use my utilities.

Same for other transformation skills. why does it have to completely block out all other skills? It makes using the elite very jarring and alien which is what immediately turned me away from them.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Gundail.7594


I would probably use a weaker shorter cool down tome more often, depending on how much weaker it is.

Far as PvE goes, sort of moot. Most of the content is so easy you could run it without an elite in the first place anyways.

SPvP the cooldown makes it a bad match up with the high paced nature and you’re unlikely to maximize its usage due to the small team sizes anyways.

Which leaves WvW as the place it sees the most usage, still it’s a rare sight at times. Renewed focus is far from useless and offers the Guardian some protection when focused where the Tomes only really shine when you’re zerged up. Pretty niche useage in my opinion, but given how effective it can be, the cooldown seems more justified.

Charr Warguardmeznecrotheifrangergineer
[ETA]-HoD or wherever Mega-server-blob who cares anymore?

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


tome of wrath is useful when karma train in wvw to give quickness and might to allies to break doors a bit quicker
if you have it traited you can cast quickness twice

You can cast it twice w/o traiting for it


Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

I always run Tome of Courage in sPvP, I love it. My only problem with this elite is that moving interrupts the skill you’re using and it’s kind of unfair. For example if start to cast my favourite Pacifism and see someone trying to interrupt me and I dodge or just move a bit, this interrupts me anyway. If I’m allowed to cast my elite skills while moving it will be perfect.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Krumbotor.9064


I always run Tome of Courage in sPvP, I love it. My only problem with this elite is that moving interrupts the skill you’re using and it’s kind of unfair. For example if start to cast my favourite Pacifism and see someone trying to interrupt me and I dodge or just move a bit, this interrupts me anyway. If I’m allowed to cast my elite skills while moving it will be perfect.

Yes, casting while moving would be really nice.

“But unfortunately this is the real world, not some fantasy land” Winni Asuran Offspring

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Evalia.7103


I used a tome(of judgment) gloriously once in WvW was when I had to defend a tower against a little zerg of 6-7 people. I was by myself close to a champion and 3 veteran guards… I’ve won that by empowering them and managing to pull off a 5-man knockdown(that thing hurts… badly. Quickness, Fury, 17 might stacks as well) right afterwards.
It can also be used to quicken golems. 10 seconds if you use it(quickness spell) twice. Just as good as mesmer Time Warp.
It is niche, but it has it’s uses. Courage as well can actually be hyper-hyper useful in PvP(I have a troll spirit weapon build utilizing tome of courage, staff, selfless daring and AOE heal to keep them alive and kicking while being tanky as hell in cleric’s) and WvW scenarios, but not that anyone wants to get 0 loot(why oh why…) and simply heal everyone… meh…

(edited by Evalia.7103)