Top 5 Guardian ( Would like to see)
For me, it would be:
1. Spirit Weapon rework
2. Signet buffs
3. Combining of symbol traits into less traits, or all in 1 traitline.
4. Rework of various traits in Radiance/Zeal (particularly Radiant Retaliation)
5. Some small buffs for staff/torch/focus; these seem to have been left out now.
They took a step in the right direction with the last balance patch for sure!
1: +25% passive movement speed trait
2: Spirit weapons reworked to function like Engineer kits or elixer guns
3: Scepter trait moved from Zeal to Virtues
4: All signets reworked. Passive effects should work like Signet of Healing/facets and have a worthwhile active
5: Torch reworked. Torch 5 should pulse around us, allowing us to continue DPSing while clearing condis from allies and ourselves
I make PvP & WvW videos
1. Signet Rework (Personally I don’t like the Signets on Guardians)
2. Spirit Weapon Trait
3. More Hammer Traits & imo should be on the Valor Traits
4. I would prefer to merge Force of Will & Purify of body as one trait
5. More Condition Traits
1. Spirit Weapons buffs / changes
2. Signets Buffs / changes
3. Torch 5 with a little bit less channel time (from ~4.25 to ~3.5)
4. Some type of Cripple on Mace (maybe cripple on #2, it already have an insane cast time)
5. Rework on a lot of traits (mainly retalliation related ones)
1. Tomes
2. Staff mini-rework
3. Spirit Weapons are made decent
and that’s pretty much all that I really want, although I support any underpowered skills getting buffs.
1. Spirit Weapons re-worked
2. Speed! Now this could be slipped in with spirit weapons or DH lines.
3. torch main hand! Cause it could be awesome!
4. Add A Spear! Like alot of the lore suggest the guardian is created after the paragon!
5. I also think some of the weapons and the traits are in the wrong areas and needs reworked.
I like how spirit weapons are on every ones list so far lol.
1. Staff & Hammer re-worked
2. Signet Buffs/Changes
3. Traits re-worked ( Zeal, Radiance and few minor/major/master)
To be honest, I hope they rework or remove signets for all professions. Facets are what signets should have been but the lack of energy mechanics on other professions makes it hard to adapt them in the same way.
Sword got buffed, I was asking for that for so long… That I came back after a 2 month break from GW2 and now I’m happily running around Tyria Bolt/Rodgort in hand. But I would still like to see the following:
1. Hammer coming back to PvP, in order to do that Glacial Heart must be in another specialization line. No more choosing between Absolute resolution and Glacial Heart.
2. Casting sword #3 while moving.
3. Torch #5 reduced cast time and make it… you know…. burn foes… you’re like spiting fire at them and not applying burning.
4. That would be all so I’m dropping this here: POKEMON GO MINIGAME IN GW2 WITH MINIS!
To be honest, I hope they rework or remove signets for all professions. Facets are what signets should have been but the lack of energy mechanics on other professions makes it hard to adapt them in the same way.
Facets with CDs would work… Our signets already have long CDs…
I make PvP & WvW videos
Torch still needs changes.
#4 torch needs a more reliable throw, not horizontally like it is now (you can’t even hit someone on a ledge) but directly on the target. Just copy paste the ranger throw torch animation.
#5 torch casting time is insane. 4 1/4 seconds!!! I don’t think I need to tell anyone what can happen in 4 1/4 seconds in a team fight. The condition cleanse is nice but let’s be honest, did you ever use the cleanse on allies as it was intended? If yes, you probably died in the process or couldn’t save your ally from getting downed. The skill looks cool but is just useless.
My suggestion for cleansing flame: Halve the casting time, reduce the number of pulses down to 4 or 5 and make it apply 2 stacks of burn on each pulse. Reduce conditions removed on allies from 9 to 4 or 5. This way you can still support your allies while also having respectable cleave.
I mean… you’re breathing freaking flames… kitten needs to burn, amirite?
Just my 2 coppers.
Core :
- Spirit weapon rework (ideally no more summon crap)
- Shield rework (By no way does these skills feel like shield skills)
- make consecration more user friendly (these skills are to situationals)
E-spec (futur) :
- 25% passive movment speed
- reliable acces to soft CC
- Better condi spec option (not that I don’t like burn but guardian’s burn is definetly lacking compared to other profession that still have access to many other conditions)
- Radiant Retaliation replaced. Retaliation is terrible boon in the first place and if you’re condition, you’re 100% taking Amplified Wrath since you can get much more damage.
- Spirit weapon rework.
- Signet changes/buffs. Right now only Bane Signet is ever used, and it’s taken 100% of the time for it’s passive, never it’s active.
- Staff 2’s aiming system changed to Deflecting Shot’s.
- Staff 5’s casting time sped up so it can actually be used to stop players moving somewhere.
- Torch 5 change.
- 25% movespeed buff somewhere.
1) Spirit Weapons rework
2) Signets rework
3) More synergy between traits / rework on underpowered traits
4) Shorter cast times on hammer skills
5) Resiatance boon added to Guardian’ s kitten nal. (It feels absurd to me that a profeasion based on defensive supporting and keeping your allies alive not having access to it)
I will forget everything if the whole signet is changed to Herald’s Glint facet.
Done deal for me.
I’d like (in reverse order):
- An update for old design relics. There’s a bit of stuff in both traits and skills that just don’t quite fit in the current game. Skills like Orb of Light, traits like Healer’s Retribution, and anomalies like Retribution erroneously increasing Sword and Spear damage.
- An improvement to Signets. Signets are kind of all over the place, with two dealing with CC, two dealing with rez/heal, and one granting retal. They also don’t need Light Aura from their trait. Wrath of Justice is a really good trait, so it should stay. Something along the lines of Warrior’s Signet Mastery should be the inspiration for replacing Perfect Inscriptions.
- An improvement to Retaliation. Retaliation should be something you actively want, not something that just happens to be included. There are a few ways to do this like changing Radiant Retaliation to scale from both Power and Condi, changing the proc rate, and removing the 33% damage reduction in wvw/pvp for starters.
- An improvement to Spirit Weapons. I don’t need them to change drastically, just to fulfill their design better.
- People to stop complaining about stupid things.
We could have some trait thingy like scrapper heal with swiftness:
Retalation heals you for 200 per tick.
Protection heals you for 150 per tick.
Shield skill #5 when absorbing projectiles heals you for 200 per projectile.
Blocking attacks heals you for 200 per attack.
and so on))
1) Passive speed (defenately needed)
2) Torch 5 (previous posts correct)
3) Signets rework
4) Hammer auto attack3 (mercy us :P)
About spirit weapons don’t have something to say. They are so bad that i’ m not using them at all so if you re not going to fix them, add an option to remove them from there so it will be more easy for us to swap utilities on the fly lol.
We could have some trait thingy like scrapper heal with swiftness:
Retalation heals you for 200 per tick.
Protection heals you for 150 per tick.
Shield skill #5 when absorbing projectiles heals you for 200 per projectile.
Blocking attacks heals you for 200 per attack.and so on
Ooo I like that idea. There’d probably have to be an ICD the blocking heals though.
1) Retaliation rework
2) Aegis rework
3) Spirit weapons rework
4) Allow better trait sinergy (though they modified traits meaning they looked at them and decided not to make major changes)
5) Torch adjustment (Torch analysis and modifications)
(edited by holychampion.7386)
I don’t think that Aegis need a rework, it just needed more ways to apply (now got one more through Mace #3). But I’m unsure if is enough. Oposite to general blocks, you need know when to use to not stack they and that opens a space to skilled player use it better.
But Retaliation definitely needs a rework. This boon is useless.
1) Total rework of spirit weapons. pref not a pet.
2) Retaliation rework
3) Retributive armor merged with Stalwart Defender (unfair competition in the gm slot.)
4) Glacial heart to cause chill when you inflict burning. (more interesting traits that do more “stuff”
5) Master of Consecrations to do something cool, like have a secondary trigger at the end of the CD, or explode, or have a ring of warding. CD reductions are soooooo boring and uninspired.
On the Spirit weapons I would like Anet to change the trait that goes with them (Expeditious Spirit) it needs to have more flavor to it, the burning only works on three of the weapons, and I would like to see each weapon get a mini trait from this, like say sword was fire damage, hammer gave a symbol on its third hit instead of a knock back, Shield bubble could be activated only by the player, and bow auto needs to be faster and knock out more than one condition or convert conditions into boons with each hit.
1. Staff rework
2. Hammer rework
3. Signets and signet trait reworked
4. Spirit weapons and spirit weapon traits reworked
5. Can’t think of a 5th….I don’t think guard needs a 25% run speed passive. But that is just me.
Windows 10
1 Spirit Weapons rework (pref. low-cooldown active spells, definitely not pets)
2 Staff rework
3 Signet rework
4 Do something with retaliation. (Please!)
5 Hammer rework (Also more traits for hammer, preferably in Valor)
(edited by Chingiz.9167)
1) Spirit Weapon rework (this was supposed to be the Guardian’s main feature and as of now, they’re no better than the tomes which got axed because of the lack of viability)
2) Hammer buff (it’s heading the right way, but compared to GS, it’s still lacking, specially in Pvp, also lore wise, this is the Guardian’s main weapon, yet, every other hammer wielder does better with it and makes no sense)
3) Signets rework
4) Retaliation and Aegis seem to be the Guardian’s main boons, more synergy between them would be very welcomed.
5) Passive speed buff
1) smite condition, stun break
2) virtue of justice, guardian’s condition dmg/duration on active for allies
3) binding blades, dot applying actual attacks for virtue of justice passive
4) hallowed ground, stun break
5) master of consecrations, -50% duration / -50% recharge