Traited Wings of Resolve bug

Traited Wings of Resolve bug

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Wings of Resolve bug

When traited (Soaring Devastation) the damage and immobilze AoE effects actually happen at 600 range, rather than the 800 range of the skill.

I suspect this is because the skill was originally 600 range during beta, and when the skill was updated during beta to 800 range the secondary effects were not updated too.

The damage, immobilize and blue burst animation all happen at 600 range.

I suspect the allied AoE heal effect may also apply at 600 range too.

Please fix this skill to apply at 800 range, no wonder it’s so hard to land it…

Traited Wings of Resolve bug

in Guardian

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

This might be a similar issue to the thief’s staff 5 skill, which also cannot seem to reach it’s full range and lands before the area you’ve targeted.

I think some have suggested a bug where the skill counts the actual aoe circle’s radius as part of the maximum range, so the apparent cast distance shown is inaccurate or bugged out somehow (basically it would be the distance stated in the tooltip, minus the radius of the aoe effect, if I’m making sense). Perhaps Wings of Resolve suffers from a similar issue.