Traveler runes?

Traveler runes?

in Guardian

Posted by: Devanuze.8734


I tend to run 2/3 wvw roaming guardian builds, my preferred one being a virtue focused one with traits similar to this

10 II
10 VI
15 II
30 I IX XI

I’ve been running PTV armour, then zerker/knights trinkets to increase damage along with the typical soldier runes.

Is it worth switching to the Traveler runes (bearing in mind i usually do small 3-6man group work or solo roaming). Along with the 15% boon duration, increased burning and increased speed i think it could be fun to play with but has anyone got experience with them? :S

Moose Mickelson. Golfing at its finest

Traveler runes?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tongku.5326



My 2 sets are composed off a DPS set with 6x Travellers runes and a PTV set with 6x Melandru.

I pretty much use the Travelers set for both PvE and light (small group) roaming in wvw, the mobility is just that awesome, and the other bonuses are not too shabby either.

For me its a very good set-up. I dont know if it would be optimal to go with PTV armor and travelers though, because then you will lack the survivability you get from stacking melandru + PTV + lemongrass or saffron, and you will lack the DPS you would get from stacking the Travelers runes + DPS stats.

So in short, why not get both and have 2 sets for the 2 different playstyles ? They are indeed very very good for their intended purpose.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Traveler runes?

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Traveler Runes are amazing. I only caution this. Once you get use to them, you will never want to lose that speed…. Be prepared if you try them out.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

Traveler runes?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Hehe, yea, I also got a travelers on my mes due to mesmer swiftness problems, holy crap it makes such a difference I brought him out of retirement.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Traveler runes?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kilandros.2098


Traveler Runes are amazing. I only caution this. Once you get use to them, you will never want to lose that speed…. Be prepared if you try them out.

Unbelievably true