True Shot needs an actual animation
There are standard models in pvp so I don’t think that really matters as much. Male and female models still exist though, even in ESL and stuff so yeah.
Making it too obvious, people will see what we are firing.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
Making it too obvious, people will see what we are firing.
I want them to see it coming. And even more so I want them to get angry when it hits them .
Great image. So much Quincy love going on with the DH. I have all the parts to make Aether banked (along with a Wintersbite and a Chaos longbow skin)
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
I’m hitting up to 7k in pvp. And as I stated in the original post on 1,2k range there is no way to tell if a female character is using true shot or just stopped moving since that is the only indicator for it. The only animation true shot has on female human is your hand glowing a bit which is barely visible on 1,2k range.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
I’m hitting up to 7k in pvp. And as I stated in the original post on 1,2k range there is no way to tell if a female character is using true shot or just stopped moving since that is the only indicator for it. The only animation true shot has on female human is your hand glowing a bit which is barely visible on 1,2k range.
What rune are you using? Traveler 4 life.
Never seen more crit than 5.5k even on squishy thief.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
I’m hitting up to 7k in pvp. And as I stated in the original post on 1,2k range there is no way to tell if a female character is using true shot or just stopped moving since that is the only indicator for it. The only animation true shot has on female human is your hand glowing a bit which is barely visible on 1,2k range.
What rune are you using? Traveler 4 life.
Never seen more crit than 5.5k even on squishy thief.
I’m using pack runes. Don’t see a reason to run traveler outside of wvw roaming or something. You’re just missing out on so much damage.
Maybe I was just overestimating the players in the 1v1 server though. I dueled a few top players now and most of them were actually able to tell auto and true shot apart most of the times. I don’t really have the oposite perspective because all the dragonhunters I dueled were male for some reason. Maybe the animation is fine. Maybe not. Not sure at this point.
I still think it should be the same for male and female characters though. I mean the male one is basicly killshot and the female one is pretty sneaky.
Well OP is right, can’t see why people would disagree, hard hits should have clear visuals and not look like an autoattack, Ranger longbow #4 was changed and all…
Played biggest Norn male myself, anyways the skill has such a low cooldown it’s easy to retry even if they would dodge the first True Shot
e: was on zerker build roaming and was critting other zerkers for ~5-7k, sometimes over 8k
(edited by Vikkela.7261)
Making it too obvious, people will see what we are firing.
I need this as our animation. Now.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
5k max is not true. I was regularly getting 6-7k on players and even got some 8k hits on some class cannon players. It can do very nice damage for a 4 sec CD so there should be some sort of tell for enemies to look for.
If Anet makes True Shot look like this:
Then I will be satisfied in every way.
(edited by merchantchuck.4875)
If Anet makes True Shot look like this:
Then I will be satisfied in every way
i will accept this as well.
If Anet makes True Shot look like this:
[insert awesome here]
Then I will be satisfied in every way.
i will accept this as well.
((raises hand)) Sign me up!
That plus maybe LB #4 needs a mushroom cloud FX when it lands.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
If Anet makes True Shot look like this:
Then I will be satisfied in every way
Anet I will drop 80 dollars in gems right now (whats left in my paypal LOL), make this happen!
If Anet makes True Shot look like this:
Then I will be satisfied in every way
maaaaaaaaan this animation would be the ONLY thing that could make me play the crap DH
im serious lol
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
What crappy build were you running?
I regularly hit for 10 to 12k in PvP gear with my build.
I would also like to voice support for a super awesome True Shot charging and firing animation.
More fiery blue energy beam!
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
What crappy build were you running?
I regularly hit for 10 to 12k in PvP gear with my build.
Maybe in your dreams, or on your tempest.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
What crappy build were you running?
I regularly hit for 10 to 12k in PvP gear with my build.
Maybe in your dreams, or on your tempest.
I wish my true shots hit that much
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
What crappy build were you running?
I regularly hit for 10 to 12k in PvP gear with my build.
Maybe in your dreams, or on your tempest.
I wish my true shots hit that much
Don’t believe him, true shot in wvw dont crit that much…8k max with 25 bloodthirst.
Don’t believe him, true shot in wvw dont crit that much…8k max with 25 bloodthirst.
This was on a Necro iirc, no bloodlust stacks. Can’t confirm might stacks, but only available sources for them were Might of the Protector and F1
Don’t believe him, true shot in wvw dont crit that much…8k max with 25 bloodthirst.
This was on a Necro iirc, no bloodlust stacks. Can’t confirm might stacks, but only available sources for them were Might of the Protector and F1
Take into account that this was maybe undegeared underleveled char.
Don’t believe him, true shot in wvw dont crit that much…8k max with 25 bloodthirst.
This was on a Necro iirc, no bloodlust stacks. Can’t confirm might stacks, but only available sources for them were Might of the Protector and F1
Take into account that this was maybe undegeared underleveled char.
No, the necro was level 80. It was a 1v1 just outside of mill which I barely survived.
This however was on an upscaled elementalist:
The most I did on my dragon hunter was 7k and that was only on squishy characters. Normally I was hitting around 2-5k at most which kind of sucked (full zerker). I wish it hit as hard as ranger rapid fire. Now that’s a skill i like.
It has a 4s cooldown and it does a lot of damage. It should be dodgeable.
It does average dmg compared to other classes. 5k max if you are lucky. Plus it is dodgable.
What crappy build were you running?
I regularly hit for 10 to 12k in PvP gear with my build.
Maybe in your dreams, or on your tempest.
I wish my true shots hit that much
In my testing on Svanir and light golems, they regularly hit 10 to 12k with PvP stats.
Mind you, this was an absolute max damage squishy Berserker trap build I was running, and this would be in an ideal situation with the following damage multipliers active:
+25% Vulnerability (trap applied it)
+10% Scholar Runes
+20% Unscathed Contender
+10% Symbolic Avenger
+7% Fiery Wrath
+10% Pure of Sight
+10% Zealot’s Aggression
+10% Big Game Hunter
+5% Sigil of Force
These are, to my knowledge, all multiplicative stacking damage enhancements, which tally to a 271.4% Damage Bonus. Berserker PvP stats run at 2375 Power, and 216% Critical Damage.
Trueshot has 1,641 damage listed on the Wiki, but no listed scaling. Without this we cannot perfectly calculate the total potential damage, but lets look at the “minimum” damage it could do with just a fill in 1 scaling coefficient with the above numbers.
Formula for Skill Damage:
Damage = Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient
2,375,000 = 1,000 (average weapon strength on long bow) * 2375 Power * unknown skill coefficient
Formula for Damage Calculation:
Damage = (Skill damage * Positive multipliers) / (Armor * Negative multipliers)
(2,375,000 * 2.714) / (2,180 Armor of Light Golem) = 2957 Damage hit without a Critical, without knowing the scaling bonus on the ability’s coefficient.
On a Critical, that makes it 216% crit damage bonus, which calculates to: 6387 Crit Damage Hit without considering the Ability’s specific scaling.
If anyone has the ability Coefficient value then we could put this question to rest. We know that Trueshot has a very high scaling value, the question is exactly how high.
For comparison, the Warrior’s Kill Shot has a potential scaling of 3.25 ratio.
As such, I would not be surprised if True Shot is around a 2 ratio or higher, which with my above numbers, would safely place it potentially as high as 12,773 on the average between the Longbows damage range.
Is this situation hard to acomplish in PVP?
Is it possible?
I’ve had situations where foes enter my trap field while I was playing strong hold on the Treb, would get pulled in and dazed by the traps while I had already precast the 4, tossed F1 at them the moment they were targetable, then unloaded Trueshot for over 12k crits on lower toughness builds.
Just because YOU regularly did not hit for 10k+ absolutely does not make it “impossible.” My build simply capitalized on as many damage amplifications as were possible on the Dragon Hunter build I used.
(edited by Swiftwynd.1685)
To clarify, the only conditions that have to be met for the absolute highest damage stacking in my build were:
Foe hits traps, I’ve set the symbol up to hit them as they get caught in the traps, I land F1, and hit True Shot before I lose my Aegis. I was surprised how often I could line up all these variables in strong hold matches when attacking from unsuspecting angles and positions, or when people would come to contest the treb.
By the way, NEVER stack to traps absolutely directly on top of each other. Layer them so that the Vulnerability trap triggers ever so slightly before the rest, ensuring the Vulnerability will improve the damage of the subsequent traps, but not enough distance that a foe will have ample time to react with dodges/invulnerabilities.
I wish i had some sort of sign that anet saw this thread, I want my fate/stay night animation ;0