Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: Ravenstorm.1486


okay this build is for lvling/events

im not sure on sigils/runes and gear im thinking power/precision/toughness/vit not all but thats what ill be looking for. So plz tell me what u think and any suggestions.
Wish i could find a good 2h build but none that i found would give enough info on build.

(edited by Ravenstorm.1486)

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: Ravenstorm.1486


anyone have imput is it good, bad, crap what do u guys think.

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


It needs work. You’re definitely not being as good as you could be.

You have three traits that improve Meditations, without having a single Meditation.
Powerful Blades could be changed with another signet trait.
Binding Jeopardy isn’t really worth it if you have only one immobilize (in my opinion).

Making a Two-Handed build isn’t that hard. Just use a Two-hander, and make sure you don’t pick traits that cater only to One-handers.

“Come on, hit me!”

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: redknight.8036


If you want PVE outside dungeons, this isn’t really a difficult build to make it work.
Decide if you want Single Hander / Two Hander.
Then go full Radiance for Single Hander for the 15% crit booster on GM trait.
For Two handers go for Honor – 20% Two Handed Weapon Cooldown and Might on Critical.

If you want a really safe build, run with 3 shouts. One that heals, one that recovers from stuns / knockdowns, one for dps burst. Those can’t go wrong.

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: Ravenstorm.1486


okay can anyone suggest a build then that may mirror this one or might be better?

Versatile Sword/Scepter pve build plz comment on

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I don’t really like suggesting or creating builds for other people (for a variety of reasons), but if you give me more info I’ll give it a go.
What do you expect from your build? What do you mean with versatile? What kind of weapons and utilities do you want?

“Come on, hit me!”