Viper Condition Guardian

Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Dzik.9256


Hello everyone!

I’ve recently finished crafting my Viper set (exotic – please don’t hate me) and I wonder if there’s any good PVE build I can run? Currently I’m using DH GS/LB build, but it starts to bore me and I want to try out something new. Can you fellas help me with it?


I have lvl 80 Warrior in full zerker gear. Maybe I should use Viper on him instead?

Best wishes!

(edited by Dzik.9256)

Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Not even sure how to respond.

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Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Dzik.9256


Your reaction suggests that I should give up on Condi Guard and stick to GS/LB meta.

Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


PvE or WvW?

WvW, viper is simply not enough HP, so I will assume PvE.

Then, as far as I know, before HoT, condi guard was on par with power guard, slightly more efficient against multiple enemies if I remember well.

I don’t think DH brings much to the table for condi though so I assume condi fell behind compared to power now. But I don’t have the data.

Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Dzik.9256


Hell, I forgot to say which mode play. Your assumptions are correct. I do know that LB has little to no condi damage at all. I thought about dropping that spec and changing it to Radiance and switching my weaps to S/T and GS.

Viper Condition Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: mambastik.8735


Hell, I forgot to say which mode play. Your assumptions are correct. I do know that LB has little to no condi damage at all. I thought about dropping that spec and changing it to Radiance and switching my weaps to S/T and GS.

You mean scepter or sword-torch? DH can still be good for burn guard build, just drop the bow for something else that triggers VoJ more often. Viper won’t be too good for anything outside of PvE, you’ll drop like a fly without toughness and vital stats. That little twirling trap is perfect for VoJ triggers.

Condi build still very viable though. Haven’t had any trouble with any DH on my climb to diamond pvp with my core guardian. I remember I’ve done around 750,000 condi damage in a single match.