Wall of reflection OP!
They just need to stop shooting, but who ever does that…
It has a clear visual, so it’s not that hard to notice it and stop shooting at it. I really don’t understand people who keep shooting at me with the Wall up.
Stop hitting yourself! Seems to be the guardian’s motto, just like bullies!
Wall of Reflection = fools check. If you are “smart” enough to shoot through it, you are “smart” enough to die. I wish more skills were like that. Mesmer’s deflection skill comes to mind. I get caught in the rage sometimes, chasing those pesky mesmers and then chuckle at my own stupidity.
they need more skills like this in wvw so we can deflect more projectiles lol
Speaking of this skill, is the tool tip incorrect? It says target location yet it always placed on top of me. Am I missing something or does it assume you have the trait?
The tooltip is ambiguous. The targeted area is not targeted, but always appears right in front of your character.
You can target Wall of Reflection up to a range of 900 by taking the Consecrated Ground trait, which makes your Consecrations use ground targeting.
Wall of Reflection is one of those skills that is awesome right now, but later the skill will be less used as even idiots begin to find out what it does. Nothing you can really do about it, though.
Mortis Umbra (MU)
charr necros ftw
As an aside,
Anyone know an easy way to identify friendly vs enemy walls/mesmer shields in wvw? ,maybe I’m blind but they see, to look the same. I’m never quite sure.
Do you have the thing in options set to show area of effect rings? Friendly AoEs have a white circle around them, enemy AoEs have a red circle.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I’ve never actually noticed the aoe ring around the wall..I’ll have to look again.
it’s more of a rectangle on the wall, where the wall is set up iirc. : )))
this skill IS awesome. and i need to utilize it more. was running dungeon the other day sand SO many pesky rangers. lol, i felt bad i didn’t remember i had this skill in my arsenal until after the fact. durrrr
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
This is one of the skills that makes me wish we had more convenient ways to stop attacking…
This is one of the skills that makes me wish we had more convenient ways to stop attacking…
Is left clicking virtually anywhere but your skill bard too hard? :p
Still loving it in WvWvW when you walk in a valley and you encounter a zerg just set it up and watch them die.
Now, just give us a hammer skill 5 that works (and cannot be jumped off, dodged in, avoided in all manners) and we’re getting somewhere…
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
Another problem with hammer #5 is the time it takes to cast it. Most of the time I chase down a foe, lock them in finally with #4 and then try to lock them in with #5. 90% of the time I don’t get to them on time to cast it. To me that skill is worthless and I do love GS/Hammer combo.
Hammer 5 is an escape skill. If you use it, dodge out and then they dodge out too, run back in. If you use it and miss, stay in there. It’s as good as sanctuary for melee classes.
Just so you know you can make the #5 skill time instant cast with the skill “judges intervention” press #5 then press the teleport skill and bam! instant ring on your target! Note: this won’t work if the target is 1200>range
This is one of the skills that makes me wish we had more convenient ways to stop attacking…
Is left clicking virtually anywhere but your skill bard too hard? :p
Haha, I didn’t know about that. Thanks man.
The greatest utility of WoR is not that the uninitiated shoot themselves in the face (although it is funny to see when somebody finally realizes why they are taking damage, and stop doing anything for like 3 seconds at that Eureka moment), but in WvW, the fact that they stop shooting is important since it’s a great fire suppressant that allows your team to push the other team back.
Also, since it is a light combo field, your own rangers shooting through the wall constantly gets their conditions removed – which is a bigger deal than one would first think.
wall of reflection – countered by the ESC key
Yes it’s great in WvWvW when attacking a tower or keep. So much lol and trolling.
Heavens Rage
Sure-shot Seamus (Cadecus Manor’s boss) ignore it… :\
Maybe people who keep shooting through the wall thing they are like that boss.
Btw… about Seamus… fix this things. :P
Just startet useing this. And it is amazing! I was blownd away about the dmg it did when i placed it infront of a door in WvW. Now i whant to trait it for it to last longer and on a shorter CD.
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
sadly it doesn’t help versus stuff coming from the sky such as those pesky meteors tossed by elementalists.
Also, since it is a light combo field, your own rangers shooting through the wall constantly gets their conditions removed – which is a bigger deal than one would first think.
The arrows will remove conditions of allies they hit, conditions on yourself aren’t removed.
Nirvash, GREAT tip! I will have to try that tonight. I use Judge’s Intervention all the time, so this is a huge bonus!
The hammer #5 and JI combo is soooo much fun!
Watch as they panic and run repeatedly against the wall while you dish out damage. When they do get out or the ward disappears, immediatly use #3 and then close the gap with #2. Everything not extremely tanky should be drop dead then.
Don’t teleport in the middle of the zerg, though.
I love JIing into the zerg, especially into positioned balistas. Then grab everyone with GS#5, pull them off balistas and throw a wall up and RUN! Gives just enough time for my own zerg to close the gap and overtake balistas.
I usually die at the RUN part
I probably stay there too long so it’s my own fault. I know it is possible but not the best idea most of the time.
Last night in WvW i wiped a 10 man solo with Wall of reflection and Staff wall. OMG i was cracking up. I got 3 deaths but couldn’t get all of them of course, but they all ran like babys:))