Warhorn & Stances specialisation idea

Warhorn & Stances specialisation idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Paladin specialisation

Skill 4 Will of the Gods: 12-20s recharge 1/2s cast
Grant yourself and allies Fury, Might x3 and Swiftness (10s) 750 range
Uses reversed Reaper shouts tech, recharge is 12s if no ally in earshot 1 ally 14s, 2 – 16s, 3 – 18s, 4 – 20s

Skill 5 Judgement of the Gods: 20s recharge 1s cast
Call down the God’s judgement upon your foe (3x) 1500 damage. 900 range.
Pulsing damage upon one enemy. 3x Blast Finisher at target location

Heal – Divine Aura – Heal yourself (1969). All incoming attacks heal you (3s). 30s recharge

1. Arbiter’s Stance (5s) Your critical hits inflict Weakness (3s) and Vulnerability (5s) 30s recharge
2. Smiter’s Stance (5s) Your armour reflects all projectiles 40s recharge
3. Faithful Stance (8s) Break Stun – Gain Stability x2 & Aegis (3s) 3s pulsing interval. 45 second recharge
4. Zealot’s Stance (5s) Break Stun – Gain Quickness (5s) and Might x5 (5s) 50s recharge

Elite – Divine Favour (5s) – Become a mobile Water Field (5s) convert conditions on nearby allies to boons (1 per pulse, 5 pulses) 60s recharge

1. You may now equip Warhorns. Maintain the passive effects of Virtues when you activate them
2. Poison applied to you causes no heal reduction
3. Gain 3% condition damage reduction for each unique condition applied to you

1. Zealot’s Haste – Runspeed increased by 25% when wielding melee weapons
2. Blessing of the Gods – Will of the Gods also grants Regeneration (10s) and Protection (5s)
3. Holy Fortitude – Stance recharge rate reduced by 20% Stances grant Swiftness (10s)

1. A Tale of Ice and Fire – When you apply burning to an enemy, Chill them (1s)
2. Unwavering Faith – Activate Faithful Stance when you are inflicted with stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, taunt, float, fear, launch, or sink. 45 sec recharge
3. Blessed Weapons – Critical hits against foes within 300 range grant Might (8s) and Swiftness (2s)

1. Paladin’s Gift – Heal yourself and nearby allies when activating a Stance (1000)
2. Zealous Fury – Stun (1s) nearby foes when activating a Stance (120 range)
3. Faithful Purity – Dodging removes Confusion and Torment (10s ICD)

The aim with this specialisation was to create something that could be used as a mobile solo melee brawler with a few options for mobility. Or as a support playstyle.
This will provide an alternative to the meditations burst spec and offer more of a melee focused sustain spec. The increased defensive options are to balance out the fact that this spec would always want to be in the thick of the fight. Hence the availability of boons, reflection, poison healing reduction immunity and maintaining Virtue passives.

For mobility I wanted to make sure there were options for different playstyles, so a 25% boost if you have melee weapons, no need to take Stances or the Warhorn.
A restricted way to remove the shackle of Traveler Runes.
A boon boost ability if you wanted to work around the Warhorn solo or also grouped supporting allies and increasing the possible AH procs.
A Stance based version for someone that didn’t want only Warhorn.

The 1000 heal is there as an option to create a frontline damage support that could play well as heal spec or damage support spec especially with AH.
Maintaining Virtue Passives is there to allow more allied support without removing core self-sustain.

I wanted to be careful of the combo options available with Monk’s Focus and to not present a build too good. But the potential blending of Meditations and Stances means that you would have to choose between the 2k self heal or 1k group heal, lowering self-sustain.
I feel the Stance options themselves are pretty niche, I wanted to avoid obvious defensive power-creep choices like damage immunity and Resistance.

Taking a Warhorn for more boons means sacrificing the Focus or potentially running 2x 1H spec.

The 3 Blast Finisher on the Warhorn presents an interesting mechanic for either luring an enemy close to combo off your own field or Elite.
Or a ranged support option where you try to drop fields on enemies to blast while supporting your frontline allies / watching for friendly combo fields near enemies you can ranged blast.
I also wanted a way to generate decent Might but again with a melee focus, although potentially powerful self-Might stacking it again maintains the need for critical hits and to be close to enemies, risking heavy damage.

I also think it has options to blend into a limited condi spec through the Chill (I didn’t want to give it extra damage conditions as it would be too much for one specialisation). And it presents a different style of survivability so that Guardians are not pigeonholed into taking Valour and Meditations.
This should open up the possibility of taking the other trait lines more freely. Condi with Radiance Virtues Paladin for example.

As the Guardian has often been built around being in the thick of the fight or supporting allies I think this Paladin specialisation would offer options to help enhance various playstyles of the core Guardian.

(edited by Ezrael.6859)