We have a shield as a class symbol....

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Reihert.1509


We have a shield as a class symbol showing that we protect our party, wich is true.

However, when you are doing your job is a tank/control guardian anyone here is insane enough to wield a shield outside gimmick situations?

I personally tank with a mace/focus. Heals, healing symbol, and a free block as a number 3 on a short CD, that added to a blind/heal + 3 blocks makes it the best set up for “tanking”.

And when I’m not using those for bosses or hard hitting mobs, I’m always with greatsword… wich is… the class symbol for warriors.

Makes me sad. Shields should be our main tanking offhand.
However, it’s long long long CD and real use only against ranged makes me sad.

What I’d do to fix it would be greatly decrease shield’s CD:

  • number 4 has no reason why it shouldnt be designed to allow us to keep protection permanently, make it lasts 10 sec and it’s CD 8 sec.
  • number 5, on the other hand, really either need a aoe healing boost (I not even notice it) or it’s bubble should lasts far longer for its CD.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


It’s an amazing weapon/tool in PvP. By far my favorite offhand in WvW. You do need to use it wisely and not just spam them though as the cd’s are on the longer side even when traited.

Perma aoe protection for everyone would be really OP in Wvw/sPvP.

If you consider how much damage you/your team aren’t taking from ranged in a zerg vs zerg… it’s quite strong… and it’s an aoe knockback on top of that. With 1 button press you can shove back/down mele and stop all the ranged damage for a short while. That’s pretty sweet.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Thull.2736


I’m currently running a sword and board build with my guardian and i don’t see why i ever should use the shield. The design of the shield, besides the fact that you are an aggro-magnet, is really bad. I totally agree with you points on the shield skills. The only reason why i use my shield is the skin!

In my opinion they should change the skills with focus. I mean come on why does a little stick of wood gives us 3 free blocks but our shield only gives us a cone protection which is extremely hard to aim with in a game where you need to move and roll.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: AW Lore.5682

AW Lore.5682

in all mmos, guardians/templars/paladins have been my staple class, here is no different, guardian is my stapple class, however, the iconic figure for me has always been sword and shield and if there is backup, a greatsword (starting from aion days), but here in GW2, its a bit different, my staple weapons are the greatsword, and back up scepter and shield.

i dont have too much of a problem with the shield skill, the 4th skill is quite handy when used well (i used to use it as a damage dealer), and the 5th is godly when facing ranged attacks or ranged situations (i proudly look at you arah path with the multi shooting lights), its just knowing when to use them
however, i would happily switch the 4th skill for the warriors shield skill where they block all damage for a few seconds…

i do find the sword a bit lacking in the damage variety skills, but thats just me i guess since others find it nice i think

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Kami.7369


The Shield is a group protection tool, the Focus is a self protection tool.

Even the Focus’s 4 ability, the only thing that would provide any kind of group protection with a blind, is severely limited on most champs or legendary mobs.

The shield is an excellent tool in every game mode, once you get used to using it.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Kami.7369


in all mmos, guardians/templars/paladins have been my staple class, here is no different, guardian is my stapple class, however, the iconic figure for me has always been sword and shield and if there is backup, a greatsword (starting from aion days), but here in GW2, its a bit different, my staple weapons are the greatsword, and back up scepter and shield.

i dont have too much of a problem with the shield skill, the 4th skill is quite handy when used well (i used to use it as a damage dealer), and the 5th is godly when facing ranged attacks or ranged situations (i proudly look at you arah path with the multi shooting lights), its just knowing when to use them
however, i would happily switch the 4th skill for the warriors shield skill where they block all damage for a few seconds…

i do find the sword a bit lacking in the damage variety skills, but thats just me i guess since others find it nice i think

Sword is the highest single target damage weapon we have.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Bjornulf.7892


I agree I think that our shield and focus should swap skills.
At the very least the 5 skill should swap. A shield without a block is just plain weird and a focus that creates a bubble makes more sense to me.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: ref.8196


Make the 5th shield skill act like the 3rd mace skill. And then have shield of absorption give protection.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’m always with greatsword… wich is… the class symbol for warriors.

Isn’t the warrior icon a helm? Nit-pickin’

Anyway, I agree with the OP. I almost always use focus off-hand. Its abilities are fantastic (3x block, blind, regen & both deal damage). Shields aren’t bad, but just don’t measure up to foci. Focus #5 lets me stay in the fight and absorb some hits. Shield feels more like a retreat skill.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


We have a shield as a class symbol showing that we protect our party, wich is true.

However, when you are doing your job is a tank/control guardian anyone here is insane enough to wield a shield outside gimmick situations?

I personally tank with a mace/focus. Heals, healing symbol, and a free block as a number 3 on a short CD, that added to a blind/heal + 3 blocks makes it the best set up for “tanking”.

And when I’m not using those for bosses or hard hitting mobs, I’m always with greatsword… wich is… the class symbol for warriors.

Makes me sad. Shields should be our main tanking offhand.
However, it’s long long long CD and real use only against ranged makes me sad.

What I’d do to fix it would be greatly decrease shield’s CD:

  • number 4 has no reason why it shouldnt be designed to allow us to keep protection permanently, make it lasts 10 sec and it’s CD 8 sec.
  • number 5, on the other hand, really either need a aoe healing boost (I not even notice it) or it’s bubble should lasts far longer for its CD.

If we are talking PVE here then I could not disagree more. The shield is amazing, with the correct build.

For PVE I use mace/shield + GS.

The shield bubble heals the group for about 1500k which is pretty nice extra bit off healing IMO. The knock back is also extremely handle it has saved my groups from being eaten by scavengers for example many of times.

The protection for group is also sick 33% less damage is awesome, as well as this heal it gives if you are spec for it is awesome as long as you target as many of your allies as possible so max people get the buff. .Also the extra 90 toughness is nice as well.

For me and my bro at least both experienced guardians we both love the shield to bits.

I really don’t want Arena net to change anything with it.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Basically, Fokus is a selfish weapon and Shield is a group support weapon.

Some possible uses of the Shield:

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Shield 5 is only good for a knockback and because shield 4 is directional, it is only good if you can get behind the people you want to defend (which is tricky when you’re dodging around, concentrating on your active defence and trying to evade an enemy).

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


Shield 5 is only good for a knockback and because shield 4 is directional, it is only good if you can get behind the people you want to defend (which is tricky when you’re dodging around, concentrating on your active defence and trying to evade an enemy).

It’s true that is one directional, I wouldn’t object to it being a 360 direction.

But I honestly do not find it that hard to move behind the boss before I press it and target my party. Of cause certain occasions you can’t but the majority of the time I find you can, even then you still get protection which will add another buff to heal you when it goes on if specced that way.

(edited by ThePainTrain.8190)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Nayaru.4716


I actually toy with all the weapons but if i’m to lead a dungeon I generally go with hammer and mace/shield. I rarely use Focus now even if I haven’t tossed it, it’s just not that great a utility for group efforts. If I want constant protection and some control then I’ve got the hammer (love using this to pull too lol), if I want constant heals then I’ve got the mace, the shield is there to help with a bit of protection with the heals and helps trigger my altruistic healing if the protection was constant it would make hammer protection spam relatively pointless, and it really isn’t hard to position yourself to hit as many allies as possible while kiting and dodging around, in fact half the time with this build I don’t even need to kite or dodge except for the harder champs or larger group of mobs (0/15/30/20/5 traits, prec/vit/heal gear btw) and I’ve got that +toughness/reduced recharge trait for the shield, plus i appreciate the extra armor rating it gives. Not forgetting that shield #5 is an aoe heal too, not just a projectile absorbtion (which btw has saved so much damage when used right, plenty of times). This set up really is the bees knees for dungeons and I have no complaints about it. I wouldn’t however consider using this setup in places where only I am looking after myself and I have no one else to look after.

So IMO a shield for ‘guarding’ others and a shield as a class icon totally suits me just fine. :P

Edit: Side note in response to something the OP said, I personally only ever use greatsword for killing trash mobs or because I want to wave a big fat sword around for a while and it looks very cool. The burst damage is nice… the blind leap finisher is nice, the #5 pull is.. nice but it’s just nice. Perhaps if I was a DPS build I’d use it more, but then I kind of wonder if you’re a DPS build why even bother with mace or shield, there are better options for that and the heals from these wouldn’t be that impressive if that’s what you were using them for.

(edited by Nayaru.4716)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Eli.6051


number 5 skill is none-sense while we facing the range foe. We can’t move to shorten the range. You might say it gain some cold down time for your skill, but our foe is in the same situation…..at lease make it just like warrior’s number 5 skill…..or this skill is only useful in very limited situation.However that means shield is less popular than other off-hand weapon.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Nayaru.4716


It’s only got one use against ranged foes. It’s got two uses at close range. Use a ranged weapon for ranged foes… lol

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Think of the shield as just another tool in the shed or garage. Once you do, then you will also come to learn that each tool has a time and place. In some cases one tool is better than another. On the other hand there are times that the same tool has more than one use…

Enough of tool time with Crapgame but here is the deal. Our shield is pretty epic when used at the right time and as a overall go-to tool. However, it isn’t something that I’d carry and leave as a standard swap tool. I personally find it more useful in World vs. World pvp. I can’t say enough how many times I’ve punted people off places (cliffs and bridges) using #5 skill alone. Almost as fun as Hammer #4 / Banish.

Scepter/Shield with Staff is how I roam in WvWvW with a group. When it comes to pushing I’m the go-to guy. Pack up a secondary guardian and coordinate 5’s and you can just move people outside the point it isn’t even funny. I use 5, second guardian uses staff with line of warding. We move and swap so he uses 5, and I use my line. We then move again and I’ll swap to wall of reflection, etc. All in all our shield is pretty amazing when pushing is necessary. Also using stability and just turning the tide via a banzi move of running in and popping it – people are like WTF, over. Later you get a tell saying that was crazy stupid but unexpected

I hate the look of the focus, I enjoy the shield. However, both have their places and I’d like to keep them the way they are.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: azureai.9764


I’m surprised no one has mentioned this, but in addition to the active skills (which are pretty useful in groups), the shield is the only weapon that passively buffs your armor. You’re stronger just for having it equipped. That has to be considered in balancing the weapons, I’m sure.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I used to run mace/focus but after a while i found mace shield is by far better over all for tanking. When tanking multiple mobs, mitigating 3 attacks is rubbish. The blind is also rubbish. When 5 mobs are all attacking you at the same time a higher armour rating will save more damage over time. If your losing hp too quick just pop 5 and you have time to breath. Using 5#2 is a decent aoe heal as well. 4 is generally used for self protection buff. The guardian should always be front line. If your not then shield 4 works fine for buffing frontliners.

Understand the class and you will understand why the skills are the way they are.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

I’m surprised no one has mentioned this, but in addition to the active skills (which are pretty useful in groups), the shield is the only weapon that passively buffs your armor. You’re stronger just for having it equipped. That has to be considered in balancing the weapons, I’m sure.

Indeed; I love the focus too, but wouldn’t it be underpowered/unbalanced vs shield if it was even stronger than it already is? Even without Honorable Shield, it buffes your overall armor by a respectable amount.

Sword/Mace with shield can both work wonders; even outside PvP scenarios. If I focus on a Zeal-ish build, I use Focused Mastery and the Focus, but otherwise, I usually end up using either mace or sword with shield (No. 5 is powerful even on PvE, in case you are swarmed by mobs, providing yet another Light combo field, AND giving a small but substantial heal as well.)

I am even considering eventually getting The Chosen, so that my Legendary would be Flameseeker Prophecies, if I see it doable after a year or so. The Fiery Dragon Sword paired with that should look pretty neat.

3,362 armor with traited Honorable Shield is pretty great, IME.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


The shield is a great tool for handling out of control situations. Scatter the foes with the AOE, then roll backwards and give everyone in front of you protection with the “wave” ability.

I generally use it when running with inexperienced PUGs. Provided nothing else works better at the time anyway.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Oozo.7856


I ran with focus for a bit in PvP and it made me realize how good the shield is. Yes, the cooldowns are long which is frustrating. However, the shield allows you to make game-changing moves to win a fight.

You can knock people off trying to stomp a teammate. You can knock people off trying to revive a foe. You can knock people off of cliffs removing them from the fight. You can interrupt key moves an enemy is trying to get off.

These are the kinds of big moves that can win a fight that you would have otherwise lost.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Nemosis.5794


um – i love shield… give me an extra 90 toughness and i can punt someone off my node in sPVP… or hide in the shield bubble when a ranged class is trying to get my health down. Plus the cone effect that gives you protection is highly useful. Not sure why you say people are crazy to use it… shrug

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Kurtys.4205


The only change i would like to see on the shield is to modify the skill 4 to be a 2-phase skill like the Engi shield skills. Something like that :
Press skill 4, you rise your shield to block any attack for 2-3 sec
Press skill 4 again during the channeling to release the conic AoE protection buff

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: teemo.3729


I feel as if the 4 needs to do something else
it’s on a 20 second cooldown and only gives 4 seconds of protection.

Maybe have it apply aegis to people. Seeing how they protect people, it would make sense to not only have a block for themselves, but other people.

Shield 5 I feel is a decent ability, but such as the shield 4 ability it’s cooldown is pretty damn long. Only change I would want to see is make it a consecration, so it can last longer/have a shorter cooldown if traited

(edited by teemo.3729)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


The shield is the best offhand weapon when you’re in a group.

The focus is for single-target selfish-solo play.

(And for those wondering, the Torch is for DPS)

Ironic that you start by saying Guardians are protectors of allies, only to seg-way into suggesting you only care about yourself when playing.
You clearly aren’t experienced enough to be commenting on the validity of the Shield.

Please embrace the entirety of the game before you go making observations.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Funny enough it was recently nerfed in spvp. Apparently using #4 once a calendar year for a measly 5 second buff was op.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

The focus is for single-target selfish-solo play.

Out of subject, to be honest, the Focus is not selfish at all, not only because it can keep you alive due it’s amazing block skill 5, but because its 4 has a bouncing ray that applies Regen to allies and cures a condition on them, as well as yourself. It’s really great for group play too; it’s just not as defensive as Shield, which I certainly like very much.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Nox.8967


Sorry but Focus is NOT “selfish”. In a group, as a Guardian you will often be tanking. You are the one keeping mobs attention and keeping them off the group. Between 3 blocks and condremove/blind, Focus allows us to stay up longer doing our job. Try it sometime instead of shield, and you’ll realize why most of us think Shield is garbage in comparison.

Shield is in dire need of some small tweaks to make it a worthwhile offhand alternative.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Out of subject, to be honest, the Focus is not selfish at all, not only because it can keep you alive due it’s amazing block skill 5, but because its 4 has a bouncing ray that applies Regen to allies and cures a condition on them, as well as yourself. It’s really great for group play too; it’s just not as defensive as Shield, which I certainly like very much.

LOL. Someone doesn’t have experience in proper teamwork.

The 4skill is slow, unreliable because it can bounce onto an enemy and disappear.
The 5skill only protects you – That makes it a selfish skill.

Compared to the Shield, which has AoE protection and defense against projectiles, it IS the selfish solo play item. I’m confident about this because I use the Focus, it’s my gear of choice.
I’m not good at teamwork because my comp lags, and it’s the weapon you want when you’re concerned about protecting your own life.

Sorry but Focus is NOT “selfish”. In a group, as a Guardian you will often be tanking. You are the one keeping mobs attention and keeping them off the group. Between 3 blocks and condremove/blind, Focus allows us to stay up longer doing our job.

When I say ‘selfish’, I mean that it’s focused more on you then the group.
It’s the ideal item for solo-play, because that 5skill is all about YOU. There’s no wasted power from balancing.

So sorry for the misunderstanding in definitions.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


I used to go mace/focus and greatsword, but I’m finding much more utility these days from sword+focus and hammer. Blinds and control over a single counter and blind any day of the week. Plus, hammer 2 is on a 5 sec CD and does as much damage as the entire GS spin.

I’m running a AH build though, and all my symbols heal and are supersized, so I get a lot out of the hammer’s auto attack sequence and don’t need the mace heal.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Reihert.1509


First. Yes, I’m talking about pve.

To some comments. You are just nerfing yourself and your group by using a shield.

4: Protection lasts 4 secs with a long CD. No, it isnt worth it. A hammer can keep it the same way permanently and you still get a built in symbol and far more dps. And no your shield wont make real difference in soaking dmg.

So using a shield for protection instead of a 2 hammer you are nerfing yourself and your group.

5: Heal is barely noticeable. 1500 with a 45 sec CD and a push back that wont work on most bosses make it either considerable for WvW (where you require a lot of guardians to keep a bubble rotation to protect siege weapons) or a laughable defense in pve.

If you use a focus, not only you get 3 blocks but you can cast heal under it, or you can use your mace/relly on AH to fill up your HP.

Yes, it wont have the same “4 seconds of ranged protection” that your bubble gives to you and your party, but since you are controling the fight (or why would you use a shield?) the liability to have mobs attacks your party mates is rather dim.

Someone back there said that if they give a permanent protection to a shield it would make hammer useless.

The way it seems they designed the shield is to work with a scepter only.


So you could stay behind your team or back there with your squishies, while using 4 to give protection for a irrelevant period of time (4 sec) to whoever is tanking, while range it down with your scepter.

Also you could lock your enemies with a scepter, when they move back in, push them back and lock again soon.

The way I see it, wielding a shield is a sad nerf to your tanking capacity and you should be ashamed to use it outside WvWvW.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Out of subject, to be honest, the Focus is not selfish at all, not only because it can keep you alive due it’s amazing block skill 5, but because its 4 has a bouncing ray that applies Regen to allies and cures a condition on them, as well as yourself. It’s really great for group play too; it’s just not as defensive as Shield, which I certainly like very much.

LOL. Someone doesn’t have experience in proper teamwork.

The 4skill is slow, unreliable because it can bounce onto an enemy and disappear.
The 5skill only protects you – That makes it a selfish skill.

Compared to the Shield, which has AoE protection and defense against projectiles, it IS the selfish solo play item. I’m confident about this because I use the Focus, it’s my gear of choice.
I’m not good at teamwork because my comp lags, and it’s the weapon you want when you’re concerned about protecting your own life.

Sorry but Focus is NOT “selfish”. In a group, as a Guardian you will often be tanking. You are the one keeping mobs attention and keeping them off the group. Between 3 blocks and condremove/blind, Focus allows us to stay up longer doing our job.

When I say ‘selfish’, I mean that it’s focused more on you then the group.
It’s the ideal item for solo-play, because that 5skill is all about YOU. There’s no wasted power from balancing.

So sorry for the misunderstanding in definitions.

Dont call on him.
Most mobs do attack highest toughness in group.
At least they dont leave me.

Staying alive (thus 3 blocks from focus + being able to heal/mace yourself up) is far more important to your group instead of a small ranged defense (gimmick) with a huge CD).

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


ummm so what happens when your fighting 10 mobs at the same time? 3 hits or 4 seconds of protection? i’d probably go with the protection. Overall reduced damage from all attacks. Higher damage absorbed. Plus a knock back on shield 5 if it gets too heavy.

1v1 in PvE the focus is awesome. But we’re guardians, we don’t need to do 1v1 mobs.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Ald.9418


ummm so what happens when your fighting 10 mobs at the same time?

Equip a GS or Hammer and kill them faster.

I’m with the OP in wanting something more from shield. Something like what warriors receive from using it.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I already run with hammer. But sometimes i like to use mace/shield to tank. Basicalky it is giving us a viable option to play 1h tank instead of forcing us to go hammer tank.

For PvE 1v1 focus is superior. For mass mob tanking the shield is superior.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]