What Main Hand + Off Hand do you use?!
Sword+Focus (Versatile)
Mace+Shield (Bunker Support/Healing)
Scepter+Torch (Ranged Offensive)
Mace — Supportive melee weapon that provides AoE regeneration and blocking.
Scepter — Offensive, long ranged, spell casting weapon used to immobilize and smite enemies.
Sword — Balanced melee weapon with offense, defense and mobility.
Focus — Balanced weapon that provides supportive spells for both offense and self-defense, including condition removal.
Shield — Supportive weapon that provides local AoE projectile defense and protection.
Torch — Offensive weapon that burns enemies while cleansing allies of conditions
You can mix and match, but the most commonly used set is (Sword+Focus) which is the most balanced in terms of Offense/Support/Defense. You can switch Sword → Scepter when you need that 1200 range. You really only use Mace in PvP/WvW in a Support/Bunker build where you want to be more defensive. For Offhands Focus/Shield are pretty similar, but I like Focus for the versatility. I haven’t really tried much of Focus so idk if its really that good or not.
Sweet! Thanks for the reply Highchu
I am currently going to try using a Greatsword, and a Sword + Focus combo Anyone else have anything to add?
Offhand: Focus. Always focus. It’s just too good.
Mainhand: Sword is the best damage output, but I prefer the mace. I like its symbol, its defensive synergy with focus, and its look.
Though to be honest, I prefer the 2h weapons. Hammer + GS ftw
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Sword/focus its just too good atm. you can close with sword.. sword has nice dps focus is nice b/c at end of block it explodes and does damage. Plus it provides 3 blocks which is nice against thief’s. ele combo. Blind on focus is amazing. I run torch instead of focus when i want to troll and run burn build but that’s not very often.
[TWIN] Anvil Rock
Alright Seems like everyone agrees that Sword + Focus is to good to pass up on. Thanks!
For main hand + off hand builds I’ve tried many combinations and builds, but I personally enjoy sword+torch / scepter+focus.
I love using Mace+Torch because they look cool together haha
Mace can also be used offensively in a PvP setting. In a meditation build, good timing on focus 5 plus mace 3 will result in large amounts of burst damage.