What do you hope ANet changes on Guardian?
We seem to have a range weapon to compliment some of our melee weapons.
Hammer —> Staff (ok close range dps and support)
Sword —> Sceptre (high single target dps)
I think the Longbow would compliment the Greatsword:
Greatsword —> Longbow (high aoe dps, rainging arrows that heal do damage and leave symbol, aoe dot with pull/knockback/some second effect.
Considering Guardians have been ignored by the devs mostly since launch of the game, mainly because we are in a “good spot”, i think we should be the first class to receive a new weapon to spice things up.
Shield actually being useful.. focus works better as a shield than the shield does.. it’s like they got the skills mixed up at launch.
Viable Hammer DPS.
Remove light field on AA chain and done!
I would really like to see the LongBow added.
What? Shocking…even a crossbow for a guardian would be a stretch…
This discussion has been had before, and it’s a very difficult issue to tackle, because some people think it fits really well thematically and others think it would ruin the character.
I personally like the idea of a Rifle.
(Mechanically, I think Short Bow would be the best idea, but thematically it’s not that great.)
i’d really like a 25% passive movement signet or trait.
guards and mesmers could do with that, yeah i’m lazy and like to run places without having to slot several utility slots and a weapon to do it.
i’d really like a 25% passive movement signet or trait.
guards and mesmers could do with that, yeah i’m lazy and like to run places without having to slot several utility slots and a weapon to do it.
Sword #1, second chain needs a Cripple.
Mace #1, second in chain needs a Chill.
Zeal Grandmaster needs a complete rework.
Condi Guardian that’s viable, not these craptastically un-harmonous traits where I’m a Power base but Grandmasters adding Condi or I’m Crit Base yet retail is now Condi or trying to build anything reliable…. etc etc.
They just through out condi’s in tree’s w/o ANY thought whatsoever: “here, they want condi so let’s just through these out there into a Grandmaster Tree… it’ll never be used cuz it’s pointless due to the fact we really don’t want Guardians to be anything other than Cleanse / Heal Bots”.
A new grandmaster trait that makes shield skills recharge 25% faster, and gives Aegis every 5 seconds while wielding a shield. Also swap sword skill 2 and Mace 2, and have them reworked a bit. If I can swing a GS around real fast, why can’t I spam a mace to their face? Especially if the mace cured a condition on all party members every 4th hit or something.
while the traveller rune does solve the problem, it’s a) level 60 for the buff, not much use while levelling (which is arguably where the speed boost comes in the most useful) and b) you have to give up your rune slots for it.
it’d be nice to have both options, every other class gets the choice, and i don’t see how it’d be gamebreaking to give it to guards and mesmers.
Yeah the issue with traveler runes is how much it limits build diversity. Pigeonholed into using a set because we don’t have native access something every other class has. Even mesmers have a trait that increases movement speed per illusion. Some sort of, even if it’s conditional like warrior’s melee weapons or a signet passive, movement speed would go a long ways to to build diversity.
Maybe a rework of signet of wrath (increased condition damage, lol) would work well. Plus the immob would work great in any build and a fair tradeoff between movement speed and getting a burst in with immob.
Meh… the only things where traveler is useful is open world stuff and wvw roaming anyways, in dungeons and wvw zerging you want other stuff and you usually have perma swiftness anyways and pvp maps are pretty small.
It’s too late now.
- Improved Merciful intervention, very few players actually use this skill.
- Improved Shield #4 and #5, lackluster skills
- Improved Torch #5, shorter casting time?
- Improved Litany of Wrath, this healing skill is useless compared to Shelter
- Cooldown decrease on Healing breeze
^this and:
Redesign spirit weapons.
Improve Sanctuary .
Meh… the only things where traveler is useful is open world stuff and wvw roaming anyways, in dungeons and wvw zerging you want other stuff and you usually have perma swiftness anyways and pvp maps are pretty small.
Sure it helps out of combat for moving around the map in PvP, but it shines in combat.
Meh… the only things where traveler is useful is open world stuff and wvw roaming anyways, in dungeons and wvw zerging you want other stuff and you usually have perma swiftness anyways and pvp maps are pretty small.
Sure it helps out of combat for moving around the map in PvP, but it shines in combat.
It doesn’t, it hurts your damage pretty badly. With strength runes you might get kited more easily but the things you’re good for, burst and cleave on downstate bodies, is just so much weaker with traveler. And it’s not like you would be unkiteable with traveler.
They are good for running arround and you actually can disengage if you decide on it early enough and there’s no s/d thief chasing. Sometimes they are good for sticking to targets and actually hit gs autos but people with perma switftness like engis or a lot of ports like mesmer and thieves will still be able to kite you.
I did a lot of duels against the warrior from my team who is one of the best warriors in the game, on strength I’m winning a majority of the duels, with traveler I’m losing almost all of them. Traveler is terrible for stuff where your damage actually matters.
It’s good in longer fights, I used it in some ESL 2v2 weeklies because it lets you somewhat disengage with the leap and you can reposition and resustain yourself when you’re in a bad position but that’s about it.
(edited by Keksmuffin.1450)
I’d like to see some form os 20-25% passive speed boost for us. We are the only class without one. In big WvW zerg groups if we aren’t getting swiftness from other people we sail behind the pack.
I’d like to see some form os 20-25% passive speed boost for us. We are the only class without one. In big WvW zerg groups if we aren’t getting swiftness from other people we sail behind the pack.
i would prefer that most classes didtn had a passive speed boost except 1 or 2.
I would really like to see the LongBow added.
What? Shocking…even a crossbow for a guardian would be a stretch…
Would it be? I personally find it kind of silly that we can summon a bow but can’t use one.
Figure out which skills/builds are rearly used and improve them. You know, just so we all don’t go around with a greatsword
Would also love to have a a more useful shield, or maybe even a new weapon, like axe or warhorn
I’d like to see some form os 20-25% passive speed boost for us. We are the only class without one. In big WvW zerg groups if we aren’t getting swiftness from other people we sail behind the pack.
i would prefer that most classes didtn had a passive speed boost
except 1 or 2.
Going place to place as a guard is a drag because we are slow. You shouldn’t give all the other classes passive speed boosts and not give one class a boost. Either give it to just a couple that need it or give it to them all. Don’t leave one class out.
Mesmer sulks in the corner, forgotten…
I would like to see Line of Warding and Ring of Warding taken away and some useful skills put in their place. The lines do nothing to stop people from going right through them with dodges, leaps, stability, etc. They are just basically really pretty lines on the ground.
I would also like to see some more ways to actually defend against long range attacks. I know we can take utility skills, but I would prefer if I had some skills on my weapons to actually be able to deal with people who are killing me from long range. Being whittled down by someone at 1200 or 1500 range when your maximum is 900 is quite frustrating at times.
Barring such changes, maybe they could actually offer some sort of profession change in the Black Lion Gem Store?
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
Guards have next to no soft CC, the best way for us to get soft CC is by putting sigils in weapons. A lack of soft CC is just one of the many problems with Guardian that have existed since beta…
Guard weapons:
Guardian scepter 1 hardly ever hitting a moving target, scepter 2 mechanics are beyond atrocious
sword auto attack chain 3rd strike misses a lot, sword 2 damage is garbage and sword 3…just needs a complete overhaul
Staff 2 going into the ground and bugging out never putting the ability on cooldown (THIS HAS BEEN THERE SINCE BETA FFS)
Hammer auto attack 3 taking two years to cast, hammer 2 not tracking on the X-Axis, Hammer 5 requiring you to stop running and cast (if you notice the Hammer 4 on warrior not only is castable on the move but since you don’t have to stop it unintentionally decreased the cast time by eliminating animation)
Focus/shield 5 and the warding spells on staff/hammer having INSANE cooldown timers
Shield 5 not actually blocking projectiles if the ability was cast before shield 5’s activation
Torch 5 not clearing condis on the caster =P
Utility skills: Consecrations are nearly useless in wvw, spirit weapons are a joke, anything that gives us mobility has insane cooldowns. Purging flames is absolutely USELESS now (person has to be humping your leg to get the condi clear instead of being able to run through it to purge them)
Traits: They need to be cleaned up…a lot Zeal is God awful and the GM traits don’t make sense. Amplified wrath completely destroys Kindred Zeal and lol @ wrathful spirits. Symbol/Spirit weapon traits need to be combined much like they did with specific warrior traits to make them more appealing. The Cooldown on shouts combined with the fix they did on pure of voice makes it a 4 point trait, not 6. Zealous blade/Glacial heart? rofl
Virtues: They are unimaginative and boring. They need more than just a faceplant on the keyboard to be effective, change the mechanics.
I would post more but I seem to have put my fist through my monitor, cheers
Meh… the only things where traveler is useful is open world stuff and wvw roaming anyways, in dungeons and wvw zerging you want other stuff and you usually have perma swiftness anyways and pvp maps are pretty small.
Sure it helps out of combat for moving around the map in PvP, but it shines in combat.
It doesn’t, it hurts your damage pretty badly. With strength runes you might get kited more easily but the things you’re good for, burst and cleave on downstate bodies, is just so much weaker with traveler. And it’s not like you would be unkiteable with traveler.
They are good for running arround and you actually can disengage if you decide on it early enough and there’s no s/d thief chasing. Sometimes they are good for sticking to targets and actually hit gs autos but people with perma switftness like engis or a lot of ports like mesmer and thieves will still be able to kite you.
I did a lot of duels against the warrior from my team who is one of the best warriors in the game, on strength I’m winning a majority of the duels, with traveler I’m losing almost all of them. Traveler is terrible for stuff where your damage actually matters.
It’s good in longer fights, I used it in some ESL 2v2 weeklies because it lets you somewhat disengage with the leap and you can reposition and resustain yourself when you’re in a bad position but that’s about it.
Sorry I didn’t elaborate more on it first. The 25% movement speed is what’s helpful, not the runes at all. Which is why tying our only source for movement speed in runes is a kick in the face to guardians, as it impacts our dps even if we can hit more. And considering all other 7 classes have some sort of access to an increase in movement speed in their traits/signets, it’s kinda we have to use runes.
I use runes of pack myself to get a ~50% uptime in swiftness for some mobility and good dps. A compromise on both sides.
(edited by Shanks.2907)
Problem is, even you had 25% move speed on your traits, where would you actually put it? you already need 6 to have access to sustain and 3 more to fix health or so to fix health and get healing dodges..
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Copy and pasted :p
Torch 4 is really inconsistent. This skill gets magically obstructed by nothing . And other times it doesn’t even reach the target at 900 range.
Litany of Wrath is mediocre with 20% lifesteal even when traited.
Shield kinda feels subpar on guardian compared to other guardian offhands and shield wielding professions. Stronger heal and lower CD on 5. Maybe buff the damage on 4 or rework 4.
Spirit weapons/traits are kind of useless. Like most ai skills or ai profession mechanics.
All signets feel mediocre except for SoJ and SoR. I feel like the cc-signets should have AoE actives. And the revive signet a faster cast time and shorter CD since it only revives ONE player with medium range.
First two minor traits in the toughness line are really bad.
New stuff:
Hammer 3 should root for 3s. So at least we get 1s immob if enemies run melandrus+lemongrass.
Also the passive for virtue of justice should be 2.5s so at least guardians get 1s of burning against melandru+lemongrass if they traited into +condi duration.
Mace 2 thuper long cast time.
Merciful intervention as a skillshot instead of ji and sword 2 skillshot sounds better.
Maybe condense the symbol damage/duration.
Sword 3 projectile velocity could be faster. They should at least use a dodge/skill to avoid my attack instead running around me.
After casting tome, ToW should have 5s stability with same retal duration to at least cast 5. ToC should have 5s stability with same protection duration to at least cast 5.
(edited by Bubby.6475)
Swiftness needs to be moved from the symbol to the line of warding. It’s very annoying casting symbol of swiftness to go faster while roaming maps, only to have some random enemy creature walk into it, get damaged and slow you down to combat speed. Line of warding would make more sense because then it can be used as a true escape skill (granting swiftness while blocking enemy movement). It would also be easier to use while moving, because heaven knows standing still to go faster just doesn’t make sense at all.
The Symbol can be changed to give 2 seconds of fury per tick or something (symbol of fury?).
Cleansing flame should remove boons from enemies rather than conditions from allies. As a condition remover, it’s very hard to aim on allies and the guardian already has much more reliable group condition removal methods. I also think the cast time should be reduced.
Zealots flame should remove one condition from the guardian when cast. This change and the one above would give the torch much better and easier to use utility to help it compete with focus.
Cooldowns really just need to be reduced. Maybe also allow for shields to apply aegis somehow, so as to promote aegis builds more? It would also play more on the theme of shields granting measures to block attacks.
Sword wave is currently a projectile, which is dumb for a melee skill. I’m tired of getting punished for using a melee skill against enemies with projectile reflect or blocking properties (crystal golems in Jade Sea fractal come to mind). This needs to be fixed.
Flashing blade should be a leap finisher.
Zealots defense really needs a damage buff and it needs to block projectiles, not absorb them, so it synergises more with guardian blocking traits.
Slot skills:
Meditations and signets need a bit of love overall. As they are, they don’t really compete with the far superior shouts and consecrations as far as utility is concerned.
Spirit weapons need a lot of love. The only good one now is shield of the avenger, which is actually great. The others needs a similar level of utility to compete. Spirit weapons also need much more survivability, especially the two melee weapons, which tend to flock right into damage zones.
That’s all I can think of now. Some traits obviously need some work as well but I won’t go into that.
Problem is, even you had 25% move speed on your traits, where would you actually put it? you already need 6 to have access to sustain and 3 more to fix health or so to fix health and get healing dodges..
some other classes must be towned down to guardian speed >:D, if they want speed get in a group.
i would like to see Guardian domes really protection effect a little bit stronger, its one of the best defenses but works in rare situations.
13: Shielded Mind – Indomitable Courage (combine them, they basically do the same thing anyway. Then create something new to fill the gap)
This would be way too strong. Think logically mate.
AOE stunbreak + stability? Why run anything else in zergs other than guardians?
Problem is, even you had 25% move speed on your traits, where would you actually put it? you already need 6 to have access to sustain and 3 more to fix health or so to fix health and get healing dodges..
Well, imho it would have the best synergy as an adept trait in radiance. Could tie well into dps builds that use powerful blades and right handed strength, but don’t have a must take choice in adept. Sure, blinding exposure and searing flames will always be worth taking, but a dps build would benefit from the movement speed.
And even a conditional (only with melee weapons, or one handed weapons, etc.) movement speed bonus would work like other adept traits for other classes.
Honestly…knowing how anet can break what they touch and coming from mesmer community I pray god they change nothing…not a single line of code…trust me nothing good can happen to guards as they have a cool and efficient role in all games modes today.
13: Shielded Mind – Indomitable Courage (combine them, they basically do the same thing anyway. Then create something new to fill the gap)
This would be way too strong. Think logically mate.
AOE stunbreak + stability? Why run anything else in zergs other than guardians?
Stability already removes stun, knockdown &fear effects when applied.
Besides the fact it has a 90 second CD & 5 target limit with only 2 second duration more then balances it out.
Really guardians don’t need a movement speed boost, though I would not argue against signet of wrath being changed to provide one as a passive.
What guardians really need is more access to either cripple or chill.
What if they reworked Glacial Heart to fill this role.
Make it a Valor adept major, reduce the Cd to 10-12 seconds, reduce the duration to 2-3 seconds then have it work with any weapon.
This would effectively allow guardian to stay in range once they get there.
Also a nice little idea for how Sanctuary could be changed.
As is now Sanctuary sucks for multiple reasons
1: It’s so small that enemies can stand outside of it and melee you while your inside.
2: Ground targeted effects still bypass the bubble.
1 combined with 2 mean that enemies can kill you just as easily while your inside it as they could outside it, whats more they can use fear, knockback effects & launches to make you move out of it.
What if it were changed in the following ways
1: Make it apply 2 seconds of protection to allies per pulse
2: Make it apply 1 second of stability per pulse
3: Triple the its size
That ^ would make it worth considering for use.
Dont think they’ll do this, but triple its size is too much. Double its size would be good though. Then they need to change something else as well. But yeah, wrote a post about the need of changing sanctuary as well. Hope they do something about it.
I remember back when Sanctuary was an Elite skill that could literally cover an entire point and gaurentee a reversal of a situation.
Just make players inside of the bubble immune, so that it’s literally sanctuary; the heal might have to be removed at that point, but it’d still be great then. I mean, why not? Warrior have a 4 second immune on a 60 second CD, why not give us a small AE control bubble that gives 4 seconds of immune on a 120 second CD; and even then the players have to stay within the bubble.
i would be totally fine with that change. would give guardians a choice between elites and a definitive role and purpose in spvp.
you could use it to either help hold points or force a stubborn opponents off of points. (* cough * engineer * cough *)
the only thing i would change is that instead of blocking people from entering it would throw enemies in the bubble out. so teleporting inside wouldn’t do anything.
Improving Zealot’s Imbrace on hammer. People dodge it 90% of the time. Banish is a good ability but hard to aim and misses most of the time. That’s pretty much the biggest problem with them hammer. Attacks are easy to dodge and it’s very immobile. I like the abilities and it has potential though.
Anyone else feel like the fact that Guardian (along with Necro) are covered last mean we will once again, get no interesting changes at all? They are going to buff build that no one use without actually changing what’s wrong with them?
Shield is actually a good offhand for what its intended use is. It doesn’t need changed. Offhand torch is pretty terrible, but that’s just because guardian condi damage is limited – as it should be. I don’t know what could be done with offhand torch. Ideally I’d like to see the “offensive” weapons of guardians to have the most reliable ways to peel for other players – bar none; not a single class should be able to peel for a person better than a guardian. A reliable way to say to the opposing player, “Hey I’m here, and you’re gonna have to deal with me first.” Hammer is pretty close, but needs more reliable ways to apply its skills. Scepter is pretty dumb and bad. The one saving grace it has is its reliable immobilize to setup some damage – damage setup is where this weapon should be good at. Speed buffs are probably not going to happen to guardian though.
Shield is decent but could use some quality fixes.
For instance #4 is alright if your playing scepter but because its a wave its bad for melee. Make it an AOE centered on the guardian and it would be great.
- is also kind of meh because it doesn’t stop ground targeted AOE and it roots you in place.
Make it something you drop and don’t have to worry about maintaining and it becomes very good.As for condition damage. They have shown that they want condition damage to be better. The addition of amplified wrath show this. The problem is that burning by itself can’t compete with other classes that can apply 3-5 conditions at once.
If they were to allow guardian to apply a second damaging condition like confusion in low quantities consistently then condition play could be truly viable for guardian.Agree speed buffs likely should not happen, however some way to apply cripple would be very nice as it would allow guardians to stay on target better.
Actually, the shield is good for melee. Here is my theory that supports it, that the wave to shield 4 was designed for tanking encounters. In traditional mmorpgs, the tank pulled the boss and faced it away from the party. So when you look at it that way, the cone for shield #4 makes sense. Because if you are facing the boss and your party is at the bosses rear the cone would hit them.
But the other perspective to this is that the agro management in this game is passive and unreliable and there is no guarantee that the boss will face and focus on you while the party dps.
Windows 10
Giving Guardians too much offense (like lots of cc conditions) or movement skills (like ground target JI) would make them play more like warriors or thieves.
Remember: Guardians are a defensive class that support their team by directing the flow of combat through the use of boons and hard cc (Lines/rings)
Examples See a power Necro coming in to do a life transfer? Counter it by giving your team protection or retaliation.
Thief focusing your buddy? Put a Ring of Warding down and trap him. Dead Thief.
Engi/Necro bombing your group? clear those condis with a purging flames !
Your Staff Ellie is about to eat an eviscerate? Pop Virtue of courage to block it for her.
From my experience Guardians are supposed to work as sort of a force multiplier, able to survive burst damage AND sustained damage in order to better support you team. Thats why I think guardians are in a good spot right now
I think my favourite wish thing ever would be if the Hammer created a fire field via the auto chain. I really want to use this weapon in PvE but it sucks to feel like you destroy for groups as soon as you risk overwriting (or rather time it just before) fire fields… and it does have a light field on #5 already for when you need it.
I guess it’s more a problem with the fire fields but I don’t see them changing. And maybe there is a better way to feel less disruptive; I just want to use the hammer more, since it’s actually good otherwise in my eyes.
Remove CD from Glacial Heart trait.
Add Cripple to Leap of Faith.
Increase the attack speed of Mace and Scepter.
Change Zealot’s Defense so you can use it while moving.
Halve the CDs on Shield.
Make the Healing skills scale appropriately to healing power.
Halve the CD on Sanctuary.
Halve the CD on Contemplation of Purity
Make the Merciful Intervention targetable
Remember: Guardians are a defensive class that support their team by directing the flow of combat through the use of boons and hard cc (Lines/rings)
This is great in theory and I believe this is the intent behind the Guardian, but it just isn’t true in reality. A lot of Guardian abilities are made a less useful just by the way the game design.
See a power Necro coming in to do a life transfer? Counter it by giving your team protection or retaliation.
Protection and Retaliation don’t counter anything, they mitigate. During Beta and right after launch, Retal was able to counter quick attacks. This made Guardians very strong without effort. Currently, the best Retaliation can offer is some incidental damage. No-one is going to hold off using an attack because of Retal anymore.
Thief focusing your buddy? Put a Ring of Warding down and trap him. Dead Thief.
In practice what happens is: Thief either dodges the (very telegraphed) RoW or stays in the RoW and fights there.
Engi/Necro bombing your group? clear those condis with a purging flames!
Purging Flames often puts allies at a disadvantage since they can’t move much to get the most out of the effect. This hurts us the most, since they can’t switch to a good ranged weapon to make up for it. Guardians generally don’t run a lot of Consecrations in PvP for that reason. (Also, Necros can apply condis faster than any Guardian can remove them.)
Your Staff Ellie is about to eat an eviscerate? Pop Virtue of courage to block it for her.
This only happens in the best-case scenario. In reality, Aegis is often popped by random damage, such as AoE. I’ve used Aegis effectively as well, but we shouldn’t pretend it’s a good solution to a problem in PvP.
From my experience Guardians are supposed to work as sort of a force multiplier, able to survive burst damage AND sustained damage in order to better support you team. Thats why I think guardians are in a good spot right now
Here’s the thing, Guardians can’t survive both burst damage and sustained damage and in order to just survive anything we need to work hard. This is good game design, but doesn’t allow us to do much else.
Conditions mess us up hard, so we’re forced to build around being able to remove them all the time. You can fix this by taking more Vitality, but this makes you lose so much Toughness that burst damage becomes a problem again. This strongly limits our viable builds, since we come with that in-build restriction. (And before you say that every class has those build-in restrictions, in my experience none are as limited as the Guardians. I don’t have experience with every class, so feel free to call me out on this.)
And our team support is indeed great. It’s why I chose this class and remains a big reason why I prefer to play it. But the truth is, support is basically meaningless for most aspects of the game.
In organized PvE Guardians are expected, like any other class, to bring damage, not support to a fight. And bosses hit hard enough that any support is useless. Survivability is a personal responsibility.
In world PvE, you’re on your own, so no need for support. Most events can be solo-ed and when they can’t, survival depends on dodging and position, making it so that defensive support has no impact. The best support you can offer there is probably ressing people.
Organized PvP differs little. Team fights occur frequently and we can help a team survive longer. However, Guardians in PvP mostly come in two roles: Meditation and Bunker. Medi Guardians offer little in terms of support and most of their support come from incidental boons on their weapons. Bunker Guardians are expected to survive on their own, so any support in a team fight is, again, incidental to their main goal: Staying alive. Theoretically we could do a lot of team support, but the meta doesn’t demand it and it makes us ineffectual when fighting one on one, which remains important.
That leaves us with WvW. The most common form of play in WvW is the zerg, where the most important thing is just being there. You can support, but nobody is going to notice and the impact isn’t going to be all that big. If it is what you like doing: great, but you’re not making a greater contribution to the fight by doing so.
Roaming in WvWvW with a small group is basically the only place where a Support Guardian can shine.
TL;DR: Support isn’t important enough to balance a class around. If Guardians are balanced around it, it means they’re ineffectual at most content in the game.
I don’t think Guardians are in a bad place. They’re in a good spot right now, but not, I believe, because our skills are good, but rather because we have a couple of abilities that fit well in the meta.
I’d love to see them make shield actually feel like, well, a shield.
I would love Riffle with 1200/1500 Range als Damage-Weapon and Staff with 1200/1500 Range for Guardians.
Best Regards from Germany
I would love Rifle with 1200/1500 Range als Damage-Weapon and Staff with 1200/1500 Range for Guardians.
Best Regards from Germany
I’ve been thinking about the Rifle as a Guardian weapon (because I really like the image of it in my mind) and I think the real problem is that our profession is centered (in theory) of staying close to our enemies. A Rifle wouldn’t fit that design.
Although what they could do is something similar to the Engineer, where the Rifle is a sort of shotgun. Make the first attack 1200 range and the other attacks either very defensive or with a lower range. Give it a Symbol and maybe another X of Warding and it’ll never be very strong offensively, which I think is important.
I’ve also thought about a Pistol for Guardians, but the aesthetic doesn’t work in my mind. It would be easier to balance.
I would just like to see some small QoL changes.
Change field on hammer auto to frost.
Add Chill to hammer autoattack.
Binding Blade unblockable.
Shelter Reflects all damage and conditions.
Increase base HP to that of a warrior.
Staff autoattack removes conditions on up to 5 allies.
Fort Aspenwood
I would just like to see some small QoL changes.
Change field on hammer auto to frost.
Add Chill to hammer autoattack.
Binding Blade unblockable.
Shelter Reflects all damage and conditions.
Increase base HP to that of a warrior.
Staff autoattack removes conditions on up to 5 allies.